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Everything posted by NotEinstein

  1. The vast majority prefer new, sold on the pristine look, and with no ghosts! but, just like second-hand cars here, looks can be deceiving. Virtually all of those you pulled out of ddproperty are postage stamp plots, hence the price. If you want any space, maybe to grow things or extend later, plot size dictates price and residential land is not cheap anymore.
  2. Unless you are looking to buy in a gated community, forget online. Just choose an area and ask at the village shop about land for sale - everybody and their dog is a 'dealer' after the massive 3% payout.....
  3. My daughter has recently started working in the Chiang Mai grab support center. Apart from it being a sweatshop with air-con (targets for call handling, must handle 2 calls at a time, and complete a separate report after each call, shift changes at the drop of a hat, and no pay for the month of training) the stories are hilarious - riders getting overcome with hunger while waiting, so eating the order, then asking what to do, etc. Yesterday a rider had 2 orders, the first for ice-cream and while waiting for the second, the rider asked for the order to be cancelled as it was taking too long and the ice-cream would melt, then going into a mental fit when it was cancelled as requested, not returning the food to the restaurant, stating he would eat it. The riders are 'incentivized' through Black Mirror style scoring - must send a photo of them in the correct gear before starting etc. They use their own GPS map system as I assume Google charge too much, but it is full of flaws generating lots of issues requiring individual Google access to resolve. The restaurants lose 30% to grab, so I can see cheaper to run, delivery only food preparation 'shops' popping up now. So much is taken for granted with an incredibly complex system so that Grab can turn a profit, similar to the German economy having rested upon cheap Russian gas.
  4. It's still active http://hydro-1.net/Data/HD-04/houly/water_today.php I extract the latest from there hourly onto my desktop. I assume it is still a guy typing readings into a spreadsheet. More http://hydro-1.rid.go.th/Data/HD-04/houly/water_today.php?water=แม่น้ำปิง&station_id1=P.75&station_id2=P.103
  5. I used to suffer with joint inflammation for years, needing to take ibuprofen twice a week on average, until I started having extra virgin olive oil on my morning toast instead of butter three years ago. I've just upgraded to having extra virgin coconut oil on one toast now.
  6. https://shopee.co.th/น้ำมันมะกอกเอ็กซ์ตร้า-เวอจิ้น-1L-i.116919348.7061618518
  7. Yes, well spotted. It is allowing the input water to flow to both sides of the filter, so no filtration, maybe just adding a little sand for 'roughage'. I should imagine that it is supplied by the village water rather than a deep well.....
  8. That is a sand and gravel filter for deep well pumped water. It looks as though it has the usual label on it telling to back-flush every 10-14 days for 15-20 minutes. We have 2 of these, one of which the gravel and sand was changed last year after 15 years - a bit over due!
  9. The mother-in-law got one of these 4 years ago - no issues, still on original battery.
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