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Everything posted by NotEinstein

  1. Chiang Mai Imm. do required a bank statement (3 months OK for you) and copy, a bank letter and copy, as well as 2 copies of every used page in your bank book.
  2. Ah! - I'll try again: IMG_1904.mp4
  3. Found the tessabahn snake wrangler pics.....
  4. No, he just froze as I did, and then turned and fled when I waved my hand. I don't walk around with a phone, but anyway I doubt I would have time to get anywhere near taking a photo if I did. These encounters only last for a few seconds..... Over the years I've had other snakes 'surprise' me a couple of times by passing over my foot whilst mowing the grass and we had to get the tessabahn snake wrangler out to remove a non-lethal green snake from under the residence stairs a few years back. This fellar had just eaten a mouse: IMG_1904.mp4
  5. I've been within 2 meters of him twice before - once on top of the washing machine, and he scarpered quickly down the back, then as I turned a corner he was coming from the lumyai orchard behind. We both stopped within 2 meters of each other (the mexican standoff), I then waved and he turned and fled back through the fence. I'm obviously not going to walk around with a helmet on for months on the off-chance I might bump into him again........
  6. I didn't get to take a pic. of it's back, but it had a similar pattern, and colour as the pic. above
  7. This is my 4th 'encounter' with this visitor over the last 6 months or so. Probably explains why the jinjog population has crashed.
  8. Chiang Mai
  9. 69041932-b607-4185-a5b4-3f849d801a6b.mp4
  10. In August, when I made the payment, I was told it should be processed by Christmas. I sent a registered letter detailing my payment and which years I wished it to be allocated to.
  11. https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/product_list/2/1496
  12. Politics is only about winners? I thought the whole point was to have debate so as to arrive at 'the best' way forward.....
  13. Yes, I've been able to use an iPhone 6 up until now - Line and Whatsapp won't work from November, although the UK HMRC app stopped working a couple of years ago due to unable to upgrade IoS. However I've just bought a ZTE A55 for 2,900 baht (actually got 25% shopee coins, so really 2,200) that does everything I need and more for a tenth of the price of an iPhone.
  14. Lol - I bought a new phone for less than that. I have actually changed a couple of glued screens - that's what the hairdryer is for!
  15. I replaced the battery, along with the screen, in my iPhone6 5 years ago with items I bought on Lazada and it is still fine. Unfortunately, due to the inability to upgrade IoS, I will no longer be able to use Whatsapp and Line from November, so no more Apples for me.
  16. These work well: https://shopee.co.th/COD-สวิทซ์ลูกลอยไฟฟ้า-ลูกลอย-ลูกลอยไฟฟ้า-Float-switch-ใช้ได้ทั้ง-220V-12V-24V-48V-i.824307005.22745999362
  17. I use MyTello for calling my ITphobic parents and UK govt. musak-fests, if the freephone numbers don't work on Skype.
  18. Why are westerners so obsessed with democracy/capitalism/science? If every region of the world had the same ideas, beliefs and understanding of life etc. would it be a better, or boring world?
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 54 seconds  
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  21. Just in case anyone else is in the NI top-up black hole, once you have your Future Pensions forecast, you can pay any missing years without needing the dreaded 18 digit code if non-UK-resident. The information is on the website, but not obvious. I managed to pay mine today. https://www.gov.uk/pay-voluntary-class-3-national-insurance/make-an-online-or-telephone-bank-transfer
  22. A friend has a house just available for rent - 2 bedrooms one with air-con, near the river, about 20 minutes south of the city - 4,000 pm
  23. A pregnant cat chose our garden to give birth in. I was brought up with dogs but my wife has been anti-pets. The mother had obviously be dumped as she in good with people. Now the 3 remaining kittens are 7 weeks old and it looks as though she is pregnant again...... Anybody want some cats?
  24. https://shopee.co.th/Diatomaceous-Earth-(Filter-Aid-Type-A)-1-Kg.-ดินเบา-สีขาวพิเศษ-(ผงกรอง)-ขนาด-1-กิโลกรัม-110256-i.804789002.23354833815 https://shopee.co.th/ซิลิโคนกันกลิ่น-กันแมลง-ในท่อ-ใช้งานได้ยาวนาน-i.391868721.9619356762
  25. That would be nice, but surely she could have just told me that.......
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