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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. From various reports here and from a couple of acquaintance that have recently received US tourist visas, it appears there is an consular officer at the US Embassy that is unfamiliar with the concept of a US citizen living (and working) overseas and desiring for his non-US citizen to accompany him on a visit the US. I would not take it personally, nor would I blame the US government for what appears one person’s ignorance of your lifestyle.

    One friend while applying for his wife’s visa (her previous 10 year visa had expired in March-06), who has been married for over 10 years, lived in some 5 different countries (including 2 EU) with his wife and is currently assigned to his company’s Bangkok office (for the 3rd time), was asked during interview why they did not apply for immigration visa. My friend was somewhat baffled by the question, but explained that since they did not live in US and had no intention of doing so in future it would not be appropriate. The officer had no coherent reply and went ahead and issued another 10 year visa.

    Without looking at what you refer to as your “myriad of paperwork and documentation” I cannot make a judgment on how you presented your case. I can say that I know several people in your position that have received the visa in the past 6 months with no problems (each one was asked the inappropriate immigration visa question), other then the aggravation of preparing the application and waiting a couple of hours at consulate for the interview. Everyone one of them used at least the following to document husband’s ties to Thailand and wife’s subsequent ties to husband:

    1. Copy of Husband’s work permit and passport with visa extensions

    2. Copy of Marriage certificate.

    3. Copy of Joint Thai bank account.

    4. Letter from Company verifying long term employment in Thailand on married/family status and annual home leave policy (all were employed by large US Multi Nationals)

    5. Copy of house lease agreement

    6. Wife’s passport showing travel and long term stays in other counties (apparently not available in your case, though a Philippine national with a long term Thai dependent visa maybe close)

    I recommend you review the above list and try to look at your documentation from the consular officer’s perspective and revise as you see fit. I would then reapply in the near future. When you go to the consulate for the interview the most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and do get sh**y with the officer. Keep in mind, he deals with a large number of what he considers idiots and a**holes all day long, do not give him any reason to think you fall into that category.


    I had all the documentation present with me, and he did not want to see any of it--his mind was made up. I had no opportunity to get sh***y or otherwise, because I was instructed to leave the window before the "interview" even began


    I can't tell from your post, so regarding this paperwork, was it submitted at the time of application, rather than taken in for the interview? If not, perhaps try again, and this time, send in all the paperwork with the application and apply for a tourist visa. Might make a difference. If you did submit it with application, please pardon my misreading of your post.

    Dr. B

  2. I'm not really sure of how they connect the dots on things, but I would think a new passport issued from his country of origin would have a new, untracable number for Thai officials, thus allowing him to re-enter and cock up the whole epxperience again, thus allowing the 'unsavory' sorts to finish what they missed out on the first time.

    If that's the case, maybe you're better off not telling him for his own good.

    Of course, if there is a way to connect the dots, then I guess the pretty lady at Don Muang politely ushers him to a quiet room where they thoroughly explain he will be getting onto his return flight a bit sooner than expected. :o


  3. I was wondering if anyone is knowledgable on this subject. I hear differing stories, that even though there will be a celebration in, I guess June, that the main celebration will be staged during his birthday.

    Anyone have the 411 on this? I wouldn't want to miss the main celebration period as it has to be a great time to take pictures and really record something special about Thailand for my children in the future. I'm pretty sure I can get a press pass at least once for one or the other, but I don't want to abuse the favor, so getting the pass for the more grand celebreation would be a special treat.

    Thanks for any information.


  4. Curious what kind of rates can be expected for renting office space here in Bangkok. We are being quoted somewhere in the area of 520 - 600 baht per sq. mte on Ratchadapisek near the subway. Sounds outrageous to me, but, then I'm not a realtor.

    We're going to ultimately need space for 70 people, good air-conditioning and access to public transporation like subway or skytrain. If those are the going rates, so be it, but I reckon some of you folks are in the real estate business and if you've something better to offer, we're all ears.



    ps; I wan't the one getting these rates, rather the people from my home office trying to do business with their Thai chums... Always a suspect activity.

  5. My understanding from most of what I have read here is that you can indeed get a work permit on a Non-Imm 'O' visa.

    Good stuff!

    Now, an associated question.

    Can you get your non-imm 'o' extended to a one year visa, or whatever it is they do, so that your work permit will be for a full year as well, rather than three months at a time per the exit stamp? or have you always been able to do so and my previous, very lame employers just didn't know what they were doing.

    Since new employment is imminent, I would like to do it as efficiently as possible.



  6. Well, for one thing, I hear the Thai labor department is a pretty straight up place, be your Thai or not.

    Also, nothing friendly about taking money from my pocet that would go to help my family, so I'm not in a particularly friendly mood about it.

    Regarding leaving the country immediately, that is as simple as a plane ride, but thanks for the reminder.


  7. In a huge blow to my ego, well, my pocketbook too, for all that matter, I have been released without cause by my company. Happened suddenly, though at some point I would probably have quit anyway.

    In either event, the Thai twatess that holds the ear of the owener got the better of me in the situation.

    I've been there for more than a 18 months, and if I understand Thai labor law correctly, or I should say, if my lawyer playing friends do, I am owed maybe as much as four months wages, since they did it without notice.

    They attempted to get me to take Feb's salary only and sign a piece of paper. I poltely declined for the moment.

    I guess I need to bascially let the labor department sort it ouit for all of us. Curious what the procedure is, where I go, call etc...

    Thanks for any information.


  8. Hey folks:

    So, I'm always hearing about the VIP buses that are so nice. I'm guessing these must be private as I have been on the governments idea of Super VIP buses enough to reject that idea in general.

    I need to transport some clients to Phuket by grounds transportation and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations or numbers on some of the companies that are supposed to have the truly comfortable, extra special buses.



  9. hi, i have a similar problem, i am a eu national, and my passport expires in august this year.

    i live in phuket and go to ranong every 30 days.

    now i can go one more time and enter thailand with a pasport valid for 6 month.

    but after that?

    i mean they cannot send me away if i am in burma and want to thailand.. or how is that?

    i am planning to go back home in august to get a new passport, but for now i would like to stay in thailand.

    you could just take a copy of your passport to your embassy and tell them that you lost yours and need to get a new one.

    Find your nearest Thai Consulate, go there with copies of ticket w/ r/t confirmed, copies of reservations for hotel, etc.... and apply for a toursit visa.

    You will get your question answered quickly.

    It will also help avoid the embarrasement of finding your trip ends at the airport when they won't let you board the plane with that passport because of expiry. It happened to me last year trying to travel to Indonesia from BKK.

    If you've a visa issued by local consulate, they will allow you to board the plane, because they know you'll be able to get in for certain.

  10. I'm doing a job off the books from where I work and, since I certainly cannot invoice this job through them, I need to look at running the money through a friend's company if its not going to create a HUGE PAIN IN THE REAR for him, kind fellow that he is.

    Is this a hugely complicated process that's going to create more grief than it is worth?

    I know this company I'm doing the job for will expect to be invoiced, etc..., due to the size of the contract, so I want to do this as above board as I can. Unfortunately, given the limited amount of time I have in starting this, I don't think starting a company to handle it is viable.

    Just curious about experiences, tax issues and that sort of thing.



  11. Perhaps... we're already looking at Thai Airways for some master shots..., but the other stuff, blood, explosions, especially explosions... they leave marks :D

    Also, the whole thing with real planes... narrow aisles all that stuff. We buikld sets so we can move walls, place camera in odd places, all that fun movie illusion stuff. Can't start to imagine how hard it would be to get three people, lights and a cameraman inside a real airplane toilet :o

  12. Just curious if anyone knows of a business here in Thailand specializing salvaging aircraft interiors, or perhaps a business that refurbishes aircrafts and has all the old bits and pieces.

    I need to buy a lot of old seats, overhead bins, oxygen systems, all the things that make something look aircrafty...

    We are trying to induce a flick to come over here to shoot, but need to build them the interior of an aircraft, or at least partially so... I'd rather not face importing it all.



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