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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. Hi,

    I did a search of the site to see if anything addressed this and couldn't seem to find anything. Anyone here know the relevant information of how many work permits you can process if you go BOI with your company. Just curious as we need to bring in about a hundred people or so if legallly possible.

    I'm just doing a bit of research as I prepare a brief for th ecompany directors, then its lawyer and bureacrat time. :o

    Dr. Burrito

  2. My guess is that after they say no this time, and that's abotu a 99.5% certainty, you will have to toss the passport and go in at some future point with a clean passport. They will mark the refusal fact in this one, so they will always know she was refused if she submits this one again. Sad part is, they might know anyway, as she will have also listed her Thai ID number. That might become part of some permanent record, but that's hard to say.

    Outstanding that she was honest on her application, but they aren't going take that honesty as a factor I fear.

  3. If she's been in America a long time, been a solid citizen, paid taxes, etc..., you should never have a problem getting a tourist visa in the future, even if she loses her Green Card. She's already been through the ringer that is the system for Green Cards before. Can't imagine the BKK Embassy folks turning her down in the future on a tourist visa.

  4. I've been in our Embassy many times, a couple of the with my wife. Not once has she ben treated with anything but respect. Might well be because she dresses respectfully, conducts herself respectfully and basically doesn't invite issues with the staff.

    American Citizen's Services unit - exemplary

    I suppose someone could always catch somebody there on a bad day and come away with a poor impression, but several times in a row???? Would be a surprise to me.

  5. My wife, bless her soul, decided recently to change her last name to mine. Of course, that necessitated a pilgrimage home to the Amphur, et al.

    Now she wants to get a new passport with her new last name. Why anyone would want to actually choose Burrito as a last name, I've no idea.

    Anyway, she ahs a 10-year visa in her existing passport.

    - Will the Thai authorities make her surrender her old passport?

    - Will the U.S. Embassy painlessly transfer the visa to he new one or will there be some screwy reapply process.

    Not trying to slag on the folks over there, I jsut realize there are rules they have to live by.

    Anyone with any experience or knowledge in this by chance?

  6. Friend called me from the hospital today and apparently, Mr. Bob Kevorkian has passed away from a heart attack.

    Bob was a huge, in every sense of the word, figure in Bangkok and Thailand. Recently, he helped take his company, K-Tech public and was as busy as ever.

    He supported many charities and was a great figure in Bangkok.

    He will be sorely missed. :o

  7. Well, they've cracked down on 'inappropriate' television content, or say they will. One of the dating shows has ben catching ###### as being on at the wrong time of day as it makes a bad impression for youngster, or I think that was the argument. Blood letting and such, full-speed ahead. :o

  8. <You can't promote illegal behaviour, word it differently please. KK> then get a TEFL from Text 'n Talk. After that, open up ajarn.com jobs page, put on a nice shirt and tie then wisk yourself off to Englihs teacher heaven.

    You'll probably have a job within a day, maybe less. :o

  9. Come on over. You'll be fine unless you are prone to dying of jealousy from watching others do water sports like para-gliding. Unless you are in a cast, the water will be fine for wading and such and maybe the doc will ok you for light exercise in the water as well.

    I lived through two months here in a wheelchair once, so a sling is nothing. My time being invalid was full of pleasent surprises from the locals too. When you are in need is when their better persona rises

  10. Animal lovers, yikes. How many kids were abused or jerked over in this town last night and you're ready to go too war over a cat. Start a thread about a woman getting abused and there's the usual, íts awful, too bad, keep yuor nose out, etc...'and about two ounces of real anger. A cat gets popped and half of Sukhumvit has an opinion.

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