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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. Brought over a friend a bottle of plain dill pickles last time. He swore he couldn't find them at Villa or anywhere. I was too lazy to try and refute his claim.

    For myself; cheeses, Mexican food from Gilbert's in Santa Monica, steaks from Texas, Claritin, socks (can't hang with what you get here), Nocona boots, those granola type snacks from Quaker Oats and other companies.

    I'm sure I'll find even more eccentric things to bring back the longer I live here.

  2. Ouch, my aching head. Dinner and drinks last night, all in the name of commerce of course and this morning, ######. They don't make a bottle of aspirin that will work fast enough for what I got.

    Meetings in thirty mintues and I have to actually sit there like I enjoy it.

    Anyone else hung over this fine day and have to produce more than a belch while you lay on the couch? :o

  3. Personally, I'd buy rather than rent (this is on the assumption you're sure that you want a bike here of course!)

    Rental bikes might not be properly maintained or insured. Only so much you can tell from a visual inspection of bike & documents (can you read Thai?). There are the occasional stories of scams (bikes being lifted in the night so you can have to cough up the excess etc).

    'Up to you'  :o

    Spot on there regards their upkeep. Few times I've rented bikes here, everything from the steering to gear shift has been suspect. Maybe a rental for a day or two like I do when at the beach, but were I too really want a bike, I'd purchase instead.

    Places to consider in Bangkok

    Red Baron's and Siam Superbike are a few. I think they're both way overpriced, but they probably sell you a more reliable bike as well. I'm sure others here know far more.

  4. I'm with DJ Pat on this. You really ned to spend some time with here here in Thailand. Internet and phone love are jsut fine, but take a few notes from your own previous marriage. Wouldn't a bit of face time to really understand who your marrying, her culture, her family and their possibly annoying habit of asking ouo for cash at the least opportune times be a good thing to know about.

    She may be as chaste as the wind, and if so, good for you and her. But if she is chaste, truly chaste, then from waht I have gathered, a dowry is certainly in line.

    Biggest mistake most farang seem to make here or with Thai women in general is jumping off the deep end with no real time 'in-country' learning more about the place and people. Its romantic, yes, but naieve as well.

  5. Its a great lifestyle if you can get by on an average of $10-15 dollar an hour. Best I can tell, most of these guys spend a lot of time hopping from job to job.

    If you're willing to put in the legwork and networking, it might work out. That said, I know a fellow that works 7 days a week as much as he can for the grand total sum of 100,000 baht.

    So depends on how this fits into your economics.

  6. But for the average, non-video/graphics/music editing user, a PC is just fine. Certainly, if your entire ambition or usage is text documents adn the internet, a MAC is way overkill. Perhaps the new Mini-Mac changes that, but for anything above it, I'd say that holds fairly true.

    I'm a bit incredulous at this rational unless you're esposing Linux on PC. :o Why should a normal Joe have to suffer through the nightmare of constantly managing their system to ward off the latest spyware/malware/viral threats? Answer: They shouldn't! As far as I am aware Phishing is unheard of on Linux and OS X. Not so with XP on PC.

    People running XP on PC are forced by the platform to spend too much time on system maintenance and upkeep- and if they aren't they are very likely operating partial slave machines that propagate viruses via backdoors- and less time using their machines to their satisfaction.

    I would say to "the average, non-video/graphics/music editing user"-- figure out just what you want to spend and either buy that price-point in a Mac or switch to SuSe 9.2, Ubuntu, or some other newer flavor of Linux on PC. And end the headaches!

    That was why I said perhaps the Mini-Mac. Look, I'm a Mac disciple, but I get the downside as well. I'd hazard a guess that were it not for the different difficulties of surfing the internet or loading the latest piece of crap from Microsoft, most computers are way overdone for the average use they experience.

    Games and I guess the internet get heavy usage. Beyond that, so most peopel really utilize their computers even 10% of what they are capable of? If not, then a Mac just becomes a very beautfiul car. If you can afford the price tag, tis a great thing, but if not, ordinary still gets the job done.

  7. <You were comparing an orderly to a surgen??? How?Why>

    I just see someone dealing in misery and sorrow as different than someone investigating real crimes, but that's me.

    HOHOHOHO.... it just keeps getting weaker and lamer with each post...... HAHAHAHAHA.... thanks for a great morning chuckle


    Glad to be of service. BTW, you ever had anyone rip you off for thousands and thousands of $$$$ from your toil and ideas? I've seen it happen to my friend. Its not fun watching someone else profit from his work.

  8. <You were comparing an orderly to a surgen??? How?Why>

    I just see someone dealing in misery and sorrow as different than someone investigating real crimes, but that's me.

    <Maybe Bllly C was a bad example, but there are many people out there that have been with a loved one for many years...only to find out that the other has committed adultary...they all can't be thick.>

    Actually, they can be. you know as well as I do that when it comes to affairs of the heart, common sense seldom plays a role until the aftermath and disaster hit. Unfortunately or not

    <Ok, then to change it slighty, answer this question.

    " If you think that a PD will not use any means he can (Like bribing somebody for phone records etc) in both cases to get a conviction, then I think you are mistaken.">

    And if he does that stuff and gets caught at it, then he/she should pay the price. Also, what might not be a legal tactic for them back where we come from might be legal here, so not sure if they are breaking the law as we define it anyway in gathering information.

  9. <Well then explain to me the difference?>

    I've already said it, but I'll say it again, breaking into somebody's wallet without them knowing it and taking their cash is not the same as your wife knowingly stepping out on you. Its a two party transaction, whilst the former is a one-party action. In the first place, if the missus cheats, who are you going to charge with the crime? If someone breaks into your house and makes off with the Sony Wega and you catch them at it, its a pretty clear cut case of who takes the fall.

    <Did Hillary Clinton sit across a table when she was dating Bill and think……this boy is going to shag around on me?>

    I'll bet she did,.. Yes. I'd sure as heck bet she had a danged good idea of who he was. Maybe she thought she could change him or maybe he promised he would change, or maybe he was just a sweet-talker, but in any event, I'd bet there was a notion. I'm not saying everyone has a notion, but a proper amount of time spent in building a relationship before tying the knot will give a good majority a very qualified idea of what they are getting into. Them choosing to ignore their judgement is a different issue.

    <I had a friend that was a British QC, a lovely girl or so everybody thought…shagged around on her husband like there was no tomorrow. Everybody was shocked…friends family the works.> I refer to the above and there are always exceptions to te rule, but remember, exceptions usually prove the rule as well.

    <As I said in a previous post, nobody really knows anybody else 100%.> True, and as I stated above, a proper amount of time learning more about that person will give you a great bit of useful, though perhaps unused insight.

    <In my eye, breaking the Law is breaking the Law.Adultary or theft. According to the Thai law, both are wrong. To say that a PD’s work is any different to me is baffling. If you think that a PD will not use any means he can (Like bribing somebody for phone records etc) in both cases to get a conviction, then I think you are mistaken>

    Breaking the law is breaking the law? Sorry, but a very simplified and unsophisticated point of view. Murder vs. Robbery? Rape vs. Adultery? I could go on for days.

  10. Not trying to jump to Pvt.Dick's defense, but I guess I am, so 'What bundle of bees crawled up your a$$ anyway Harry?'

    Are you saying that someone who helps protect IP rights is the same as someone who takes pictures of cheating spouses? Are you saying he needs a moral point to provide a severely needed service? IP theft is a huge issue, period, so in my eyes, he's doing moral and needed work, even if I do visit Sukhumvit on the odd occasion. The latter being my own moral failings.

    You're comparing apples and oranges my man.

    Comparing apples with apples here.

    The bigger picture is all about morals, what moral standards does DICK live by?

    What morals do you live by? Apologies, I don't know if you live here, work here or visit Dr B, but have you never bought pirate software? Copy branded clothing? If you have you are a hypocrite. If you are one of the few that has not, then I apologise once again to you.

    Back to DICK, when plying his trade has he never broken the law? Has he ever traced peoples telephone statements? Has he never enquired about someone using a false reason to do so? I truly think so sir!

    However you want to dress it up or justify it, he and one American Law Firm here in BKK are not such moral people.

    So how can he have the nerve to come on here and criticise Stickman?


    You can call me a hypocrite if you like and rightly so I reckon. I stated in my bit above that my trips tp Sukhumvit (ie; DVD's. etc...) were my own moral failings. So no apologies needed there.

    What I don't get is the moral issue related to Pvt.Dick's job. Why is he a hypocrite for performing a contracted and legal service? I understnad what you are saying people being culpable for their actions and such, but it can be taken to the extreme as well. In this case, I think you are by a bit.

    Again, I will say that the type work he is doing is so far removed from what Stickman is offering to be similar to a orderly in a hospital being compared to a surgeon. The only similarity is the location of their job. People pandering to the lowest and basest fears are often also bottom-feeders. Some are worse than others. Maybe Pvt.Dick has insight into this or Stick that you and I are lacking.

    Now, if someone wants Stick's or similar services and finds them of value, then good for them. However, an artist/businessman back in the world has a lot fewer resources and almost zero personal opportunity to make decisions regarding the possiblity of future theft of their work. A lonlely hearts menu man can look across the table and get a pretty good idea what he or she is on for.

    You can't steal someone's wife, she has to offer. You can however, steal someone's money against their will and that is the type activity Pvt.Dick seems to be working to prevent.

  11. Not trying to jump to Pvt.Dick's defense, but I guess I am, so 'What bundle of bees crawled up your a$$ anyway Harry?'

    Are you saying that someone who helps protect IP rights is the same as someone who takes pictures of cheating spouses? Are you saying he needs a moral point to provide a severely needed service? IP theft is a huge issue, period, so in my eyes, he's doing moral and needed work, even if I do visit Sukhumvit on the odd occasion. The latter being my own moral failings.

    You're comparing apples and oranges my man.

  12. The Mac issue coems down to this for most I think $$$$

    Me, I'm a mac user, always have been and always will be, but when it comes to raw dollars, its just a lot more. That said, there's always been the line fo thought too that if you want a PC to perform like a MAC, by the time you get the upgrades and hardware, you're in for nearly the same.

    But for the average, non-video/graphics/music editing user, a PC is just fine. Certainly, if your entire ambition or usage is text documents adn the internet, a MAC is way overkill. Perhaps the new Mini-Mac changes that, but for anything above it, I'd say that holds fairly true.

    But, as has been said, ###### near virus proof, crash proof, idiot proof and more importantly. lack of computer expertise is not an obstacle to using it. Me, I've got the G4 Tower and an iBook. I'll probably get suckerd into the new iMac soon enough too. But I'll be happy with the $$$ spent.

  13. Still one of the easiest, most convienent airports in the world is my observation.

    Mere mnutes to get through immigration almost everytime. Unlike the U.S., you can go to the Thai nationals line if you want, since the poor clerk will be too embarrased to tell you what you did wrong anyway.

    Transportation is mere feet from the door. Thanks for the bit.

    New immigration forms are a bit silly, but at least have large enough spaces to wrtie in properly.

    Customs - What Customs? :o

    Gauntlet, yeah, a bit of a pain, but easy enough if you know what you're up to and like CDNVIC says, an elevator trip upstairs cures all. If the taxis in the queque refuse to use a meter, a wuick talk wth a cop will cure that too.

  14. I'm telling you, it's the Thai government's ludicrously protective import duties.

    Yes...many things are manufactured here, exported, and then re-imported.  That is because the manufacturers receive BOI privileges, but must export 100% of their production.

    It's the Thai government that's greedy.

    P.I. Dick isn't called P.I. Dick for no reason at all. Listen to him. He has the answer.

  15. I thought the thread about transplanting Thai women back to the West was pretty good, but perhaps lacking in a bit of clarity. From my own experiences with the Missus and knowing what I know about each place, I venture the following. I'm sure more than a few can add to these.

    * Som Tam in Thailand = 20-25 baht - Som Tam in Los Angeles = 350 baht

    * The puzzled look when a Thai lady walks into a Western Salon with a head full of wet hair and asks them to dry it. After the puzzled look and bewilderment passes, the 800 baht fee

    * My wife's quizzical look at a Dallas Thai restaurant before she whispers to me. 'I thought I asked for spicy.'

    * Computer keyboards in America don't have Thai script

    * The ever so regular question, 'What do they speak in Thailand anyway, Taiwanese?'

    * Som Tam in America, 'Mai Arroy!'

    * Cold in Thailand = 50 degrees

    * Fear of cannibalism by over-sized Americans when the all-you-can-eat Catfish bar runs our of Catfish

    * Having to shop in the kid's department to find clothes that fit (at least in Texas)

    * Som Tam in Thailand = 20-25 baht - Som Tam in Dallas = 450 baht (Mai Arroy)

    * 'Where's the maid at this house anyway?' when we visit my parents.

    to which I remarked

    'Honey, this is called a washing machine.'

    Return tickets are always the best way to ease conflict :o

  16. Just curious what you lot find to be the best method for finding qualified locals. Newspapers (Thai or English), Internet or referrals?

    We've been trying to get a new receptionists/office manager type and have yet to have a whole lot of luck. Then again, I've left the options to my Thai staff to this point as well, which may explain the lack of progress.

    Any thoughts, experiences?

  17. You're in DUbai. Hardly the grim and mean place your frown in the first posting stated. Earn all you can there and make sure you've invested well for the future, then bail. If you're keeping your spending low, four mroe years ought to see you with a lot if investment income that you will never regret once you get here.

    On the other hand, if you insist on coming here, can you stop at their Duty Free for me on the way out of town? :o

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