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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

    The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

    If you think these states you refer to are the 'educated states' especially California, you don't get out much. I lived in California and Texas. The high school graduates in Texas run circles around the folks in California as do most of the high school graduates from the supposedly 'stupid-states.' One of the very reasons Bush won is many Americans in the coastal states have the same stupid opinion of middle in the heartland and ultimately, the folks in fly-over country finally got tired of the generalization.

    You'd be lucky to really meet a lot of these people, even luckier if many were your friend.

    That said, you and others with similar views in the states will probably keep up the same silly rethoric and guarantee the next Republican the Whitehouse as well.

  2. I suggest Burger King, McDonalds, KFC, Swensons, Pizza Hut, Pizza Inn, Steak One, Sizzler, Outback Steakhouse, Dairy Queen and Au Bon Pain for starters. Bland food of ever there was any.

    Short of that, next time, call them back over and give it the old 'Mai Ou.' When they come back with the inevitable 'why?' say 'Pet Maak. Mai Chaap.' Other than that or the venue changes suggested, good luck.

  3. * Normal non-zone closing time is midnight or 1 am.  You will appreciate this when someone decided to open a Karaoke shop right next to your house in a residential area!



    You hit the naill on the head Chanchao. I used to live close to a few of those places. Since I'd no desire to spend time in prison or have my arse kicked by 20 drunks, it was keep my mouth shut until new digs were in place. I would rather it have not been that way though.

  4. I'm not usually a big pushover, but this thread has been more positive than I had hoped. Sounds like a lot of men who have come here have opened more than their wallets, they've opened their hearts as well.

    Part of what prompted me to start this thread was seeing myh friends take up the same reins in America and doing it so well. Salvaging a positive from a negative in this manner is possible something that deserves the highest credit and is well worth applauding.

    My hat is off to several of you gentlemen.

  5. Best I can figure is they have the following parameters;

    - always be ready with desalinization tablets

    - always be ready with iodine tablets

    - always have the snake bite kit handy

    - always have a new pair of dirty socks handy

    - always have a set of clubbing clothes at the ready

    - always have your Dr. Martens at hand

    - always have your camara kit prepared for a Pulitzer Prize photo (kit includes Minolta zoom lens)

    - always have dried food supply on hand, least the local food supply prove unworthy

    There are probably a lot more, but without a handy backpack, how could you be ready for any of the above?

  6. I saw three backpackers today standing studying a huge map outside the Emporium, I can't for the life of me think of anything they could be trying to find in that area that would appeal to three huge backpack lugging sandaled tank topped backpackers.

    They want to make sure they get the complete Thailand experience! :o


  7. Wasn't there something on the board a while back (did search, no luck) about using the Treaty of Amnity and setting up a sole proprietorship also? pardon the highjack, but is the idea of sole proprietorship limited to the Treaty of Amnity and thus Ameicans?

    Sunbelt, can you help with setting up sole proprietorships? How much, etc...

  8. Seems like a lot of the people on this and other boards regarding Thailand have fallen in love with and are either married or co-habitating with a Thai girl who already has a child.

    Do the majority of these kids have a Thai or farang father?

    The children almost all have Thai fathers and the girls are almost all former whores.

    Exactly how do you define a whore?

    Given the moniker its possible he has quite a few on his list

  9. Burrito what do you think of a man that just has fun with a thai woman and then just leaves for whatever reason like my real dad. well the one that made me i should say, Are they Chumps??

    Chumps? Hard to say. Your Dad for example, did your Mom give you the full info? Did he know he was going to be a father? Did he intend to get back to her and fate stepped in?

    I think anyone who makes a child, knowlingly, and with absolutely no intention of being the father, providing any form of support or guidance, and basically could give a rat's arse about the consequences is worse than a chump. I doubt I could use the vocabulary I would prefer for such a person on this board.

    On the other hand, if it is a mutual decision, if a woman just wants a child, but no father, then I think they are both <deleted> as the person whom it will affect the most has the least say, yet will live the longest with the effects; that is, the child. But that's me and also, it is a generalization. There are no doubt many women who cold prove great mothers without a father, plus, this being Thailand, many of them have extended family resources that at least make for a more familial environment. But is it optimal? In my view, no, and how could anyone want less than optimal for our most precious resource?

  10. Not trying to be positive, nor negative. Trying to be observational and objective. Sadly, it frequently can be negative, it can also be positive. Truly hope it is the latter far more often than not.

    Being a father and seeing how people treat their children, I often think of little ones and what the world holds for them. It is at once full of promise and terror. I am a sadly big softie when it comes to kids. About everything else, I wear bulletproof armour.

  11. Let's put the Thai girls aside. Will you be questioning the women or posting this if they were farang women? :o

    Have no idea where you get I am questioning women. I live in Thailand, this board is about Thailand, and I think, given the people and situations we see all the time, a fairly relevant topc.

    I have no intention, in fact from it, of slagging Thai women here, regardless of their reasons for being a single mother. I am though, honestly curious about this, for my own reasons, as I see it all the time here, and I'm sure you do as well. Given that these men who do it, do it well, I think they are heros, not chumps.

  12. Seems like a lot of the people on this and other boards regarding Thailand have fallen in love with and are either married or co-habitating with a Thai girl who already has a child.

    Do the majority of these kids have a Thai or farang father?

    Does the father try to assert and control or contact or has he motored on down the road to yet another irresponsible conquest?

    Do you see yourself truly being the father of this child, adopting it, giving it your name, trying to achieve for it what you would, or maybe already have, for your own flash and blood?

    Part of me admires you. Part of me wonders what you are getting yourself in for. All of me hopes that if you do it, that you do it well, since we all know what the ramifications for the child can be with a 'who's Daddy this month?' lifestyle that some of them must experience.

    Experiences, observations, opinions? Do you sometimes wish you had a support group for your unique experience?

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