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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. I was in what may qualify as the world's smallest 7-11, the one on Suk 11, the other day and this arse of a backbacker, presumably blind or mentally-stunted, had his big as a house pack on and I practcially had to beg the tone deaf moron to move. It took up so much room it blocked the entire aisle. May he be caught without it in a festering jungle after dark when he actually needs it, because I know he sure as Heil Hitler wasn't using it as anything but ballast at the 7-11.

  2. Interesting idea for a poll, Dr. Burrito, but can't find the option I want to vote for.

    If anything, the "Same sh!t..." option would be closest, but don't want to pick this as it sounds too cynical. Something like "Going with the flow..." would be closer.

    Think I have an equal share of Thai and farang friends, but that doesn't mean I "shun" one group when I hang around with the other either...

    Yes, I knew making it there would be that issue. Certainly a very individual thing, but I do find the way people handle their lives away from everything they knew to be interesting.

    I'm fairly sure that a lot of the people, if ex-Military or children of, have a whole different sense of it than someone like me, who always lived in America before moving here.

    Then I guess the time issue is the other biggest factor.

    BTW the way, don't consider same sh!t, different day to be neccesarily negative. I think some people just get on about life and might well put themselves into that category.

    For me, I genuinely like living here, but I can't say I couldn't live somewhere else either. The only rule I have is I won't live somewhere I don't like for any reason. Other than that, I find the whole world an interesting option.

  3. Walking down Sukhumvit 71 one day,on of the busiest streets in Bangkok, and come across a motosai taxi stand, and nearby an old, and I mean really old, lady trying to cross the street. Now, I think little of most motosai taxi dudes from long experience. But that particular day, this one guy corrected my thinking, at least a bit, because he too sees Grandma in her plight and leaps from his chair and with a smile as if the very act gave him joy, he takes her by the arm, and carefully leads her across the street stopping the traffic in both directions.

    It wasn't so much that he helped her, which in itself was great, but the look of joy he got from doing it and the careful way he helped her.

    It was a great seeing the proper respect being paid to an elderly citizen in need.

  4. Curious what 'phase' of being an expatriot you find yourself in and how it associates to how long you have been living here? Also, how it is affected by other times you lived outside your native home?

    I have a friend that almost runs and hides at the sight of another farang as if he is afraid something is going to rub off on him. Seriously, I am the only farang friend this ex-Brit has. He now speaks Thai very nicely and considers himself superior to most other farang. He flies only Thai Airlines if possible, gets cold shivers when he has to travel even a few meters outside the country and wonders why all other farangs are such <deleted>. I've known him since he arrived and have seen him go through the whole arc of emotions and phases. It has been a fascinating behavioral pattern to observe, if somomes a bit tedious.

    Another guy I know, who's been here a really long time has almost nothing good to say about most Thais, shuns Thai food and hangs strictly with fellow farang. That said, he speaks wonderful Thai and has great respect for the country itself.

    I like to think I've always been on a rather even keel where ever I was, but then, that's just my own observation of me. I love Thailand, but hold it up to no speical measure, because then, I would be constantly setting myself up for disappointment when things don't equate. At the same time, I do think there are many unique qualities about the people and the culture that appeal to me and I always enjoy them.

    But as far as friends, I hang with whomever I enjoy hanging with, be they Thai, English, Maritan or otherwise. I don't get where people think a Thai is a better friend and I don't get where people think Thais are useless gits that the wouldn't give the time of day either.

    For me, this is the first place I have ever lived overseas, and I am sure that has a huge amount to do with how I feel. I've been here almost three years and unless something changes will probably stay here. I am sure a lot of you folks have far more extended experience with this and the behaviors you have observed as well. We could probably learn a lot by what you have to say.

    No doubt, I left a lot out of options, but I thought there were some well-rounded choices. Apologies for all those I omitted. :o

  5. Yesterday, Burrito’s mother-in-law pulled a lulu of a gaff that ended up being a Cool Thailand Moment.

    Got to the office, went to work with the team on preparing a bit of proposed for a potential job and decided halfway through it that having my iBook would probably be a good idea in case I needed its media functions for display purposes.

    Since Ms. Burrito was out at an interview for a new job, I was faced with using mousy, scared mother-in-law. Called her and told her to get a taxi and bring my laptop over. She said something Burrito Jr. sleeping and I said just bring him along.

    So she gets taxi to show up, my associate speaks to the driver to give him exact directions since I don't claim to have that level of Thai skill and I assume they are on the way. Twenty minutes later I am standing out front so we won't be passed by and knowing she will recognize me. Longer it takes, more puzzled I get, so I break off a phone call to the house, hoping like h@ll she won't answer, but she does.

    Yep, you guessed it. She handed my shiny, prized iBook to a taxi and sent it off into the ether, just assuming it would show up. Now, its used, I know, but still, hocked, it will buy a lot of yaba. So what happens? Less than one minute later, taxi pulls in and smiling young man hands me the computer just like he was always intending to do.

    Not a miracle moment, I know, but at least it kept me out of prison from murdering the mother-in-law. :o

  6. Had one of those last minute meetings again today that seem to be part of life here. It doesn't really bother me, its just humorous is all, if sometimes a bit occasionally counterproductive.

    A potential client calls me out of the blue. 'Can you get over here today and have a look at our problem and see if we can work together?' After ascertaining the problem, I say sure, we'll flag a cab and do our thing. Get the time, the place and tell my lead support staff what it is they are after and that I want her to go along. We arrange to meet outside the location at said time and off to put out another fire I go.

    Kind hearted kid she is, she decides to drag along another associate without telling me. So outside the location, there they wait. I'm like, oh, interesting, I didn't know we were going to this thing enmasse. Since anything at this point would prove embarrassing for the girl, I shine it on, and in we go.

    Sure enough, we get upstairs and the Thai's there have done the same thing. Ten bobbing heads that seem to have no greater purpose than watch. What seems like twenty business cards later, myself and possible client square off, my support gal does her bit, and very well at that, and then off we go. The other girl was just there, as were most of the people from the other side, staring, watching with occasional nod and 'Ah, yes, we see.'

    I had my umpteenth conversation back at the office, 'Please tell me next time, okay,' followed by the, 'Sorry, Khun Burrito, I forgot, I fogot,' and all was well in Disneyland once more.

    I just find the way that meetings are handled to be immensely humorous from time to time. I can't say its every destroyed anything, mostly just been an extra distraction from time to time.

    Yourselves? Funny Thai company/meeting stories, or horror stories for that matter?

  7. You want to start a slagfest instead, then fire away... I have plenty of ammo.

    Think you started that the moment your fingers hit the keyboard......that was the original intention behind your post wasnt it? :o

    No, I was talking about pieces of crap wearig skin and acting human. Now, unless you think that refers to you, or I was somehow talking about you or a friend, a slagfest it is not... It is also not referring to the good people that are there either, rather the ones that detract from them. :D

  8. Who gives a f*!K what anyone thinks? If you are that concerned about your image mate you better leave Thailand as soon as possible.

    Seconded...............anyways its normally the moralists like Dr Burrito that turn out to be the biggest scumbags/pedo/crapbags........ :o

    Sorry, pal, none of the above... and not a moralist. If you've lost the ability to have an opinon outside the TV norm, that's your issue... I happen to have an opinion you don't agree with, fair enough.

    You want to start a slagfest instead, then fire away... I have plenty of ammo.

  9. Well put!!! Another way maybe is to ask yourself, 'Do I want that standing next to me in a line?' after having to step back from the 50 ft. of reek or turn your head for fear the Thais will suss you out as being of the same ilk as him.

    Who gives a f*!K what anyone thinks? If you are that concerned about your image mate you better leave Thailand as soon as possible.

    I quite like Thailand, mate. Its the jackasses using it as their personal pigpen that tie me on.

    As far as image, you tell me.

    You're standing next to some piece of work from f*ckallville, he's got ciggie hanging, dashing ass on him and whomever, tank top barely covering his watermlon sized girth, a beer in his free hand, three days of 'what's a bath' crawling around looking for a victim and his tounge smacked down the grill of something that forgot where it crawled out of long ago... You want to share the same air and space as this piece of crap or perhaps, even be tarred with his brush, because I assure you, just as more than a few on here slag away on every Isaan female from one's actions, Thai's work the other way too.

  10. scumbags are alcohol/amphetamine fuelled pondlife with no manners, no class , no respect and no brains.

    they are very distinct from the run of the mill people who go to pattaya to spend money and have fun

    Well put!!! Another way maybe is to ask yourself, 'Do I want that standing next to me in a line?' after having to step back from the 50 ft. of reek or turn your head for fear the Thais will suss you out as being of the same ilk as him.

  11. Well, is there anywhere you can get a decent sandwich in town. I miss my heros.

    Steaks here, not too bad, for Aussie beef and all. Uptown-New York Steak House, Neils. Normal - Steak 1 on Suk 4 is damned decent for the price.

    Pizza, still looking for a good New York slab of pie. Thought Ronny's would be it, but something is just missing. That said, I'll try it again, because who knows, maybe it was an off day.

  12. (So with a little more research, you could have had a much more succesful company weekend outing. It's kind of like having a company dinner in Soi Nana and then complaining about what you find there and how embarassed you were in front of your Thai collegues)

    I'd agree with you if I had been in charge of the little foray, but I wasn't. I may be senior here, but I am not the boss and how he spends his cash is his call, not mine. Really, he mainly used it for the inexpensive hotels and evening out, then the next day to some island where it was a nicer environment. I was stuck onshore with my sick wife.

    But I get there far more for more directly work related activities than company outings, so I see this place enough as it is. I used to try the old 'When in Rome..' attitude about the place, but over time its grated on me too much for that.

    I don't actually hate the place, I just think is long overdue for a big cleanout of useless trash is all.

    Besides, I am quite sure there are a whole lot of very decent people, Thai and Farang, living there. Its them have to deal with this garbage on a daily basis.

  13. It happens to be a place I have to go to, frequently, so my arse burning comes from the overexposure. That and the fact it used to be a great place, at least in the way I consider somewhere to be a great place.

    My work takes me to all sorts of places I'd rather not be but there's no point complaining, I accept that it goes with the job and I like my job.

    If it burnt me up that much I'd change my line of work; not spend hours whinging about it.


    Hours!! Hardly. Change my line of work. Never. Wish that it didn't take me to Pattaya so often, yes.

    As for how you handle your life, good for you. Me, I'll stick to my style. Venting lowers my blood pressure. :D

  14. I guess it depends on the expat lifestyle you need. Me, I love Italian dinners and golf. Both of them, done well, cost quite a bit.

    We own a house, I snuck my car in, and have two children that will soon be attending school. I want the best for them, period, so that is going to cost a lot of money too. Hardly seems like being a colonial master.

    If you can get by on 53,000 more or thereabouts, then I salute you. I just can't accomplish that myself.

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