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Posts posted by AdamRich

  1. You live and work in Thailand. There is no record of your marriage in Thailand. Your wife from 100 years back lives overseas with no plan to go to Thailand. Why even worry about it unless you plan on taking your new wife to Europe. Why get married in the first place? You didn't learn the first time?

  2. Two schools of thought on this one:

    Be superman and save a damsel in distress who is probably used to having her behind beat and/or will get it even worse after you are out of the picture again. In this scenario you risk getting your ass shot off if the guy has a gun or getting your behind beat as well if the guy is a better fighter than you or if, like someone else said, the girl turns on you and starts helping her boyfriend.

    Next school of thought is to go about like nothing is happening because it is not your business.

    Who can say what is right? Maybe one will be right today, but in the same situation tomorrow it may not be so right. I would choose to mind my own damn business because it was not my battle to fight and I don't want to get drug into something that I was not a part of in the first place. I like living happily ever after.

  3. Of course there are exceptions to the above as there always will be but by and large, I just became disillusioned by the whole one way path of money. It was never like this back home so why here? Why am I seen as a provider? What do they in fact contribute?

    Well let's see; this is what you had to say about it last year http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/680634-why-go-to-so-much-trouble-marryingdating-someone-of-a-different-culture-nationality-mentality-etc/page-2#entry7021139

    Why do I date / marry Thai girls despite the cultural gaps? I am 42, look a lot older than 42, short, bald and fairly unattractive. I also have a lot of money. Thailand is perfect for me because back home, money means nothing and will not get you the same level of girlfriend you can achieve in Thailand. I would love to date the truly gorgeous, hi-so models I see around Paragon but they look for guys with way more money than me, as well as guys who are attractive (which I am not).

    Everyone wants to meet someone attractive, sexy and fun. Well, in the west at 42 being short, bald and old looking, forget about it. I had a woman in a pet store ask me for coffee last year...about 90 kgs, 50 years old and disgusting.

    If I'm getting you right, you were delighted that your money got you into hottie underwear you could only dream of accessing back home.

    How, then, can you now turn around and slate those girls for trying to take a bite out of the carrot you deliberately dangled in front of their noses? blink.png

    Sure, be happy that you've got a normal girl but don't turn around and bitch up the girls who gave you everything you craved but couldn't taste before you landed at Swampy.

    Last year? Hell that post was made only 3 months ago! What a sudden change of heart and/or mind.

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  4. I dont understand how you can buy the bike and get the green book when on a tourist visa.But i hawe lived in phuket before fore 15year and ewerything is possible when you hawe the money.But you can sell the bike,But you need to hawe the time at imigration.Sell the bike to a farang on touristvisa!!!Hawe many ho work at dive shoop ho need bikes

    I bought my bike from the auction and got my green book while on tourist visa. As a matter of fact I'm always on tourist visa. Every year at this time I have to bring my lease to immigration to get my residence certificate (which is only good for the life of the visa - 30 days in my case) then go down to motor vehicles to renew my driver's license, at which time I also get my new registration for my bike. If one can be purchased on a tourist visa, I don't see why one could not be sold on a tourist visa. One can buy and sell a condo when on a tourist visa, correct? It should not be any different.

  5. Why? Because TSA is not a law enforcement agency and the "searchers" are neither trained nor certified to enforce the law. All too often people confuse TSA with ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement).

    When you enter the country you first pass through Immigration then Customs. If you do not have a connecting flight then you do not pass through TSA (security). You go right out of the door to go home.

    TSA does not have the power to search files on your electronics and could not give a care what you had there. Their duty is to not allow you to take things that should not be brought aboard a commercial airplane. If they find a gun or drugs on you they can not arrest you. They have to get local or national law enforcement to do that. I think it confused people even more when they decided to give TSA metal badges, but was done so to deter people.

  6. I think the nail has been hit. A lot of time the sin sot is just to make sure that the wife is looked after if the husband does a runner. Too many thai guys take off after the kids arrive and farang men well they can always just get on a plane.

    Talk to her about why she wants it.

    Set up an account for her that she can see the money.

    My gf mother wanted a lot of money and I found out that the gold and everything was going to go to the gf after we married so that she had property and safety.

    And if the wife turns out to be the one who is the runner?

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  7. There is an age-old adage that says a fool and his money shall soon part. Is it your goal to be the fool?

    1. No way I'm getting married.

    2. If I did lose my mind and decide to get married then it definitely would not be to someone that I would have to purchase from their parents.

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