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Posts posted by gk10002000

  1. I live in America and me and most of my friends that have brains are not terrified.  Let the darn thing run its course and be done with it.  Closing schools, universities, theaters does more harm than good.  There is even talk of closing down the aerospace company I am contracting at as it has thousands of employees.  Closing the middle schools puts a heck of a strain on parents many of which work during the day.  Young kids are not susceptable to this thing, mostly old people are, many that would suffer from any flu anyway. 

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Salerno said:

    The virus lives on it :coffee1:


    As already pointed out , no.


    Yes and yes, fill it in, submit - data goes into system, show confirmation screen to IO.


    Bottom line, print T8, fill in before landing, hand to IO ... ignore app unless/until they 100% enforce it. So far doesn't look like the IOs know what to do with the T8 as a guy was handed his back yesterday 555

    where do you print something out while traveling or in flight?  seems logistically challenging

    • Like 2
  3. No it is not time to buy unless you like to accept risk.  While prices may be attractive, think of the long term.  If economy falters, condo owners sell or abandon.  Maintenance and common area upkeep go the way of the dodo.  Local city infrastructure, water, and what not also get neglected.  Never mind all the retirement changes, visa changes, laws that may come into play out of the blue, etc.

    • Like 1
  4. I have a pretty conservative portfolio here in the USA that yesterday was about 1 Million USD.  Today on paper at closing, it is down $78,000!  Sheesh!  I remember when I first barely had $60,000 total when I got out of the Air Force.   I invest for income and dividends and interest, so this surprised me.  T (ATT stock) really went down so I added another 150 shares just picking my way back in as I love its dividen.   No panic here as I do not need to sell or cash out and actually take the loss.  But to those similar to back in 2008 that were retired or retiring and had to pull money out or panic sold, they lost a lot.

    • Like 2
  5. Any car starter motor might work.  They run on 12Volts, but draw a fair amount of current so you may have to drag in and use a car battery for convenience just to get things going quickly. They provide a lot of torque and depending on the gearing can give you all the RPM you need.  Maybe a motorbike starter would be more of the size and RPM and torque you need? 

  6. 6 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    If you had a smartphone you’d be able to do all of the above much easier & with more choice...

    Girls:TF, Badoo, Tinder. WeChat etc...

    Food:Grab, FoodPanda etc...



    plus a myriad of other things (online Banking/shopping, pay bills, book tickets etc... 


    honestly don’t know how I would cope without one, e.g. I’m island hoping for 3 weeks, left the laptop at hone just need my mobile & chromecast stick Incase I want to watch a bit of Netflix/Amazon Prime on the hotel TV).



    You used to cope without one didn't you?  The privacy, data mining, is what turns me off from using one.  never had one.  May get one some day when my 3g voice and text only flip top gives out or the networks stop supporting 3g as they did for my old 2g phone. 

  7. 16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Dangerous U-Turn, No side barriers, no side lights. 

    More than likely a pick-up out driving his vision. 


    I can’t recall these U-Turns existing anywhere in the UK, do these ‘middle off the road’ U-Turns exist in any other developed nations?


    A major factor in Thailands high road fatality statistics it the appalling road design. When combined with inattentive drivers this is the result. 



    In the USA, in general U turns are illegal.  In California, U turns are allowed at most intersections, unless signs are posted saying not allowed.



  8. 3 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Still people out there without smartphones. A store to buy on arrival?

    I do not have a smart phone and do not have any plans to get one anytime soon. 


    There was an article on a big Thai Newpaper saying "Inbound arrivals face mandatory measures"


    compulsory measures for all inbound arrivals, including notifying personal information and contact information such as mobile phone numbers and email addresses as part of steps to control the Covid-19 outbreak.

    The measure will commence on Thursday and all personal information for inbound tourists will be kept in the system for 14 days after their arrival.

    The information can be provided through immigration form TM8 or an application developed by the National Science and Technology Development Agency that can be downloaded from Thursday.

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