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Posts posted by gk10002000

  1. 8 hours ago, drbeach said:

    Yes I remember that. Plus Los Angeles easily has 10 times more vehicles and 100 times more road space than Bangkok.

    yeap.  I remember flying in and as we got within about 1/2 of landing and starting the descent you could smell and taste the metallic as the outside air now made it into the plane.  They formed the Air Quality Management Districts and they were pretty tough, laws on cars, laws on outdoor barbecues, laws on commuter ridership percentages, etc.

  2. yeah, pensions are really what the Thais understood.  Now with no embassy letter process, they punted and said, fine, just show monthly transfers.  A pain in the butt and the transfers in no way show any sort of future sustainable pension, or source of funds, but so be it.  Now of course, some IOs want to know what the source of funds really is.  They will not understand stock dividends, bond interest, etc.  They will not understand an income estimator that Etrade provides nor believe some sort of letter from Etrade which asserts to the general validity of the income estimator.  Sure one could sell all their stock and bonds tomorrow.  There is no way to argue around that, even though it would be a crazy irrational thing to do.  So this income thing is going to be a rough road for many people.

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  3. Covid19 is not ravaging the economy.  Stupid ignorant people are over reacting.  People are stopping the planes, stopping the ships, closing entry and exit points.  Let the virus run its course and be done with it.  Nobody is stopping the virus. Hundreds of millions of people have been exposed and have it.  Most have no or little reaction to it.  Slowing things down, slowing the world trade down just drags things out.  More people will die from car accidents and cancer due to smoking cigarettes than due to this virus.   A small culling of the weak and old is good for the herd.  It's nature's way.

  4. 16 hours ago, olfu said:

    After I've read all 10 pages of comments my common sense told me to rent in Thailand as I did for last 20 years.

    I would not buy a condo here in the USA or anywhere.  Nazi condo associations, problem neighbors, utility issues, common area issues, etc.  Saw all those issues in the USA, definitely will not deal with them by buying in Thailand.

  5. 2 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    You were told wrong.


    To convert from a VE or TV entry to a Non O at Immigration, only 1 x 65K transfer is required.

    For the subsequent first time extension only 2 x 65K transfers are required.


    12 x 65K transfers should only be required for following yearly extensions.

    of course this would make sense since the foreigner would not have been in country for very long.  Granted some people have been in a long time and are just now switching visas so they may have already had many months of transfers

  6. So worthless complaints were filed.  Unless things are filed in a proper civil court system, i.e. law suits bought, this shows how weak the Thai systems are.  Nobody sued him in court?  Nobody can sue him in court?  One must first go to the military, or the subservient police?  That does nothing.  Maybe some investigation was done, but nobody would know about it.  Sad state of affairs, but this is a beautiful example of the risks for a foreigner of putting any substantial monies into Thailand

  7. kind of the reverse situation of this sicko in the article, but when I was a teaching assistant when I put myself through Grad school in Massachusetts in 1988.  Taught Pre calculus and calc1 to business and other non science majors.  Two of the girls really did offer some services for grades, and one of the hockey player kids offered some drugs.  They could not have been further off the mark as I was in the USAF reserves at the time and I politely said no, and offered as much extra help as they might need.  I had 20 hours of time each week in my little office on campus plus I was often there doing my own homework and I would help them.  Not one came by.  only one kid in the three classes I taught came in a few times.  These were not science or engineering majors and they did not give a hoot or care to learn about this stuff at all.  

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