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Everything posted by gk10012001

  1. well, not all used car business owners are smart. Some see a deal, a great price and go for it. Or, some are aware of things, but figure: 1: once they sell the cars, they will not get in any trouble. "we thought the cars were legal. Not our fault". Or they know it will be hard for them to have to give back the money they received, especially since nothing will happen until the new car buyers lose the car, if the leasing company somehow gets them back, and then those poor owners would have to sue the used car guys to get their money back. Quite a complex process all this can be in Thailand
  2. yeah. not many other options. If reasonably healthy and have not chronic recurring conditions, go for the largest imaginable deductible to reduce your premiums. My goal always was just to insure against the bankroll busting major illnesses. Knock on wood, now at 65 literally have never been to a hospital when I was paying for medical. In the Air Foce they yanked my wisdom teeth and that's been about it. Broke an arm as a kid.
  3. well yes. and as I was saying, that is why your average shop or business can't retain people. A few lunches here and there don't seem that notable after a while
  4. I got the JnJ COVID vaccine last October. I got the little white card they give out here in the USA. Frankly, it would be trivial to make up a fake one. There is not online database to check it against here in the states or anything like that. They don't number control the cards etc. Now my question is, if arriving in Thailand next month on the nominal Visa Exempt, is this 100 % guaranteed to be satisfactory for entry? My concern is some immigration official deciding for whatever reason is in his mind, that too long has passed since vaccinated, no booster, or the card is not sufficient proof, or anything else. If anybody has recently entered Thailand with their little white "CDC" COVID vaccination card, please relay your experience. Thanks
  5. yes. all the things I so much prefer and am willing and able to pay fot
  6. no chemicals. Just a pure cut out. Some post surgery pain meds that's about all. This was back in 2006
  7. if you go to the EVA website now, at the very top they clearly have a message saying that as of July no PCR test required for transit.
  8. Thanks man. A big help! I love the convenience of the thing. No extra insurance needed ( I think?). No monthly transfer nonsense. Shame on USA embassy for not doing embassy income letters. I am on USA medicare now, so I don't plan on needing anything in Thailand except in an emergency, and I may look into something for that. I know if I buy the Visa I will get my butt to Thailand. I have been putting it off too long. No more money going into a slot machine. More fun to spend it in Thailand.
  9. I personally have little interest and don't like "closed" tournaments. I like the idea of Monday morning qualifiers which the PGA tour still has for many tournaments. I don't want to just see the same players over and over. Golf is fun because it is un predictable. Bring on a John Daly who was like the 5th alternate for that PGA tournament when he was called up and drove up with no notice and then won the darn thing. I don't care for hype. I just want to see some golf. The player or personalities don't interest me much. Now having actually played some golf with Tiger Woods while I was stationed in california and played at the Los Alamitos Navy station golf course, and also being old enough to have remembered seeing him on TV as a kid on that Merv Griffin show or whatever it was, I did enjoy watching Tiger dominate. He was top notch. But all the players today, are a dime a dozen. All bigger, all hi tech clubs, digital laser distance devices, etc.
  10. All I can say is, what was in the contracts the players signed or agreed to? DP tour is on television here in the USA all the time. Tours are in general private enterprises and can set their own rules. However, most USA major league sports thought that also, but then lost pretty much every anti-trust law suit, free agency became allowed, etc. From any Tour's point of view, they have large expenses organizing tournaments, guaranteeing golf courses years in advance, marketing, setting aside prize money, etc. So I can understand them wanting to know and keep some control of players in their tour. I don't worry too much about people that still make more than most people will ever make, so I don't give pro golf much thought. I don't see how it affects me in any material way. PS. Some golf caddies in Pattaya are really cute!
  11. I may be making trip 16 this Fall. 40 years of engineering work, most of which was fun and stimulating and certainly profitable in the later years may have run its course. EVA Air plane flights 50 % more than pre covid (Premium Economy). been 3 years since my last visit. So miss the place. been going since 2004
  12. I am a bit surprised they are asking businesses about the surgery. Doesn't the implant chip and number stuff get registered somewhere? Don't they know where the implant was sent or implanted? Silly me. Expecting an up to date data base. I would not be surprised if the implant done at a discount place and no great records of who, what, where or when are kept, or maybe were never required to be kept by anyplace
  13. I am sure they are not stopping every traveler at every border and giving them a urine test. But regardless, this is a caution, not necessarily a warning to travelers that smoke pot. There may be issues you had not expected even if not a drug dealer, not carrying anything etc.
  14. my dad got bladder cancer. He had been peeing blood and finally went to the doctor. quick diagnosis on Friday. Doctor said it is one of the most aggressive cancers. had surgery through his Penis on Monday. All good. No conditions or symptoms the rest of his life 14 years on
  15. It has surprised me as I get older now at 65. I am an American just started Medicare, which itself is not dirt cheap, but OK once I stop making money as they base premiums on income. Having spent a lot of time in Thailand and planning to semi retire there very very soon, I have kept an eye on Thai health insurance. It can come in very hand when abroad for 6 months and unable to get back to the States for treatment. Medicare supposedly reimburses emergency services if over seas, but not much knowledge about that from anybody that every got that to work. I wanted to have some Thai insurance while abroad, but am still pondering it. I would never rely or have to rely on Thai health insurance so not a big issue at this point, but I have read enough to believe that having thai insurance can come in very handy. Feelings for full retiree and expats that have to rely on Thai insurance. Mandatory or not, living in another country without insurance is a dangerous game. the old days of self insuring are very risky, and if serious conditions arise, will break you. My best suggestion is take the highest deductible possible as an attempt to lower the premiums. The idea is to avoid cataclysmic massive expenses and catastrophic costs.
  16. My advice is find a seller quickly and get rid of the business. If you haven't bought it yet, then don't buy it. So many headaches. If you like to handle problems then go ahead and jump in.
  17. you know, in all my trips and walking around, I can't say I ever have seen a basket ball court, not even just a half court with one hoop. Seems like something could be put up somewhere. Sounds like a nice project for a Falang to try and organize and get some local support. Must be some little piece of land somewhere that could be used.
  18. I went to Pattaya International Hospital down on Soi 2 once. Just a rash. They did a quick Gram Negative test of bacteria if my memory serves, nurses were cute as one could imagine. Lady doctor was a doll. Talked about life in the USA. I felt bad for her because she was aware of things and how limited on her advancement in Thailand. Test was basic skin scraping sample collecting. Basically negative result and nothing to worry about. Got some topical lotion and some pills. All easy and cheap. No issues. A pleasant experience over all.
  19. You use words Ordinary but then say business visa. As far as not posting lies, I did NOT post any lie. I posted exactly what I read. I never claimed it was 100 per cent true. It was a comment for discussion.
  20. yeah. probably some innocent deaths or accidents. But 0ne was found inside a barrel, so.. choose your mafia killing movie guess
  21. yes. That could work. Especially if they really do let you upgrade later. If anybody has upgraded after their initial visa purchase, please let me know how that worked out. Thanks all.
  22. yes. We don't use pensioner much. Certainly not in a direct reference. Sometimes a widow is referred to as a pensioner when she gets the husband's work pension after he passes. Pensions are becoming rarer and rarer in the private world here. Most major Defense companies no longer even offer pensions. Only older legacy employees hired on board decades ago still qualify. US Government workers and of course Military can get pensions and they are called that, but still rarely called pensioners
  23. I did not say with others, I said with one other. 8 out of 9 times the other has been a girl. They seem to rent or have own mortgage payments they can't quite meet or have spotty incomes. One girl I shared with was an animal bird trainer. One was a sales rep that worked on commission. Oh and I am talking about sharing nice sized houses in rancho bernardo california area. Had pool and jacuzzi rights at the central complex. An interesting setup. One other person is good for protection also. My car and her car coming and going or one in the drive way keeps the breakins away. I never found it awkward. One lady in Hunt Valley MD had a fine house with a yard and a pool. Great in the summer. She was fun to share a bottle of wine with, go shopping and dod some things. She had been to Asia a few times and was good company. Turns out she was a switch hitter but that's ok. Her girlfriends were cute. Another share was in Old Orange California. For 800 USD a month including a house cleaner, and the place had a pool and jacuzzi in the complex, that was one of the best. Great location close to work, beautifully furnished. she was a nice gal. All these shares were while I was a contract engineer away from home. moving into a shared place was so convenient. All furnished. easy in easy out. month to month lease. Nobody ever wanted me to leave. I do nothing illegal, pay my rent.
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