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Posts posted by anon676545345

  1. 6 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    Ah............the NEW project fear. Right. ????


    I laughed at that as well typical hysterical remainer hyperbole it's actually pretty amazing how deluded these fools are. Already celebrating the results of a referendum that neither the Prime minister nor the Leader of the opposition want and one it's highly unlikely they'd win anyway. Non of the dire predictions of the remain campaign have come to pass, for all their blustering the economy has grown. Seriously we've had 2 years since the referendum with remain controlling the media narrative and all we've had is doom mongering. Why have they not been extolling the virtues of staying in the EU? There aren't any that's why. 

    • Like 2
  2. 22 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    All those old pensioners causing havoc in tea rooms up and down the country? Bring it on ... I'd happily join the opposing forces ... that would outnumber any right wing rabble that tried to cause trouble. Tommy Islam and his merry band of retards ... all 2,000 of them.


    So 17,410,742 are right wing rabble, that's one hell of a rabble, if they were Tommy Robinson would be Prime Minister. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I “deem it a manipulated opinion poll”

    because it was. Lies, misinformation, false promises, Russian interference — all that cannot be undone by saying that Cameron promised you something he could never keep. 


    Wait, so you admit the opinion poll was manipulated, yet you still  expect parliament to somehow “enact” it’s result and that’s what you call democracy then?


    Again, I am telling you that you must face reality: The U.K. is a parliamentary representative democracy, not a totalitarian banana republic governed by manipulated opinion polls. Parliament has the constitutional right AND duty to cancel this fraud called Brexit.


    Haha it was the Russians was it, jeez take that tin foil hat off and get out of the basement you loon. Of course I expect the results of the referendum to be implemented, if I didn't why the hell would I have voted? 46,500.000 other people voted in that referendum which means they also expected the result to stand one way or the other or why would they have bothered to vote. To ignore the will of the people is totalitarian and that's a simple indisputable fact.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Has the GBP crashed? Was this due to the Brexit vote?


    GBP is down since Brexit so what I get a few less that when I go on holiday doesn't make a blind bit of difference to my day to day life in the UK. Plus it's caused an uptick in the UK's manufacturing PMI which incidentally is also higher than it was prior to the referendum, no need to thank us Brexiteers we're just glad to have helped boost the UK economy.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    Let's assume that UK based company value is 100. Let's assume it's listed in stock market, based in UK. Let's also assume that the stock market uses pound to compare stock values to real money.


    All clear by now?


    If the pound value drops 10% compared to the rest of the currencies, what happens to the real value of that 100 pound value of that company?


    Even if the stock prices has been the same for the 100 pound valued company, is no longer 100 valued what pounds used to be anymore. Its value is only 90 pounds, when compared to the larger economic picture, even if it's value is showing 100 pounds in the local stock exchange. 




    Before the referendum £1 was equal to £1 after the referendum £1 was equal to £1 your analogy only works if a foreign investor bout UK stocks sold them then converted his investment back into his own currency. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Brexiteers showing their true colors. I’ve never had a doubt it’s just a bunch of far-right extremists trying to create havoc and anarchy to destroy our free democracies. Good it’s a minority that police will deal with. Time to clean up. 


    If the result of the referendum isn't enacted then it shows we don't live in a democracy we live in a corporatocracy and continued participation in a system where you have no voice would be futile. The only option would be to take to the streets.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Spidey said:

    So the GBP/THB hasn't dropped from 50 to 40 since the vote? The stock market hasn't dropped since the vote? Several large companies haven't made preparations to move operations abroad once we leave the EU. Yep all lies!


    No the Stockmarket hasn't dropped since the vote, it rose to all time highs till a recent correction caused by the US China trade war and the unwinding of QE causing a global slow down, nothing to do with Brexit but incidentally even after the retrace it's still higher than it was before the vote. Also which 'large' companies have made preparations to move abroad?

  8. 14 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    I've seen video film of police chasing and beating miners with truncheons.


    Some people found alternative work to coal mining who lived in mining areas but most could not, it was where they had lived their lives and where their roots were. In a mining community all work was centred around mining and any industry associated with it. There was very little else.


    Depriving a working man of his livelihood in a job or a trade he has been in all his life is going to cause anger, bitterness and hatred. It's human nature. The same as building workers who have been put on the scrap heap by Eastern European scab workers. But a lot of our own people of the liberal persuasion can't get their heads round that. Nor can those devoid of any loyalty to their fellow countrymen.


    Is it acceptable to refer to miners as 'tunnel rats"? I've met a few ex English, Scottish and Welsh miners in my time and I have never heard them refer to themselves in that way. I doubt any coal miner would appreciate being called a tunnel rat. I dunno if I'm on the wrong track here but it sounds as if you don't have much time for miners. The ones I've met have been seemed decent, down to earth blokes.


    Remain scum love saying people should retrain, up skill to compete in the market all sounds good unless your the poor sucker having to do it. Building trades are SKILLED professions it takes years to get qualified and proficient however when you've got Eastern Europeans coming over living in shared houses to keep their living costs down it drives down the wages. It's not too bad at the minute as wages have gone up since the referendum, but during the financial crisis it was definitely noticeable.

    • Like 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    agree, these 2 act like 2 spoiled rotten kids when we try to remove their toys away


    No similarity whatsoever Trump is trying to get funding for a wall he promised to build during the election, he's keeping his promise to the American people. Whereas May is a disingenuously breaking multiple promises by trying to keep us shackled to the EU in all but name and in doing so going against the wishes of the majority of the British electorate. If we had a true leader like Trump rather than a remain traitor like May Brexit would be done and dusted by now.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Moo 2 said:

    Right from the start, before the Referendum, if Boris the Clown and the like would have told the truth

    about problems on leaving the EU, there would not be any mentions of Brexit today. Still 51 to 49 per cent

    shows that it's not the end of Brexit yet. Considering an other Referendum win for staying, the EU should

    accept the UK only if they switch to the Euro.  


    Also the result was 51.9% leave to 48.1% remain, it's kinda hard not to take what you idiots say with a pinch of salt when you can't even get such easily available information correct. Telling blatant lies like this undermines your credibility and makes you look like a blithering fool.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Moo 2 said:

    Right from the start, before the Referendum, if Boris the Clown and the like would have told the truth

    about problems on leaving the EU, there would not be any mentions of Brexit today. Still 51 to 49 per cent

    shows that it's not the end of Brexit yet. Considering an other Referendum win for staying, the EU should

    accept the UK only if they switch to the Euro.  


    You obviously weren't paying attention how could you possibly have missed the dire warnings of the remain campaign prior to the referendum? Apparently if we voted leave we'd be plunged into an immediate recession, be hit with a punishment budget and WW3 would break out. The scaremongering didn't work the British people, sick of a system that only benefits the neoliberal elite voted for something different, voted to have a say in our future and an economy that doesn't revolve around the corrupt London based banking system.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

    That naughty old Independant has turned the car crisis

    into an anti-brexit argument.

    The reality is that for years, no-one is buying new cars,

    and there are millions of new cars just rotting in acres

    and acres of land in the UK. Worth a quick Google.

    I'm afraid I'm partly guilty of upsetting the car industry,

    I paid 60GBp for mine 15 years ago.

    The UK economy is the grand deception.





    I find it baffling that people still believe what is being reported is news, I don't even use google anymore it prioritises links to left leaning propaganda agencies like the BBC, CNN etc, duckduckgo is far better for gathering impartial information.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Agreed. Have you seen this?



    That's the thing with these zealots they're ideologically driven, and the neoliberal ideology can't handle criticism. If you look at its beginnings with books such as Hayek's 1944 'The Road to Serfdom' it follows a now all to familiar script, stating that anything it doesn't agree with such as financial regulations and collective bargaining leads to totalitarian control. To idiots like Soubry anything she disagrees with is 'offensive' and should be silenced, she's a total hypocrite.

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  14. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    Project Reality.


    Jaguar Land Rover, Ford and Honda delivered a triple dose of bad news for the UK car industry on Thursday.

    JLR will cut 4,500 jobs, predominantly in the UK, while Ford is to cut thousandsof jobs across Europe. Honda announced it will pause production at its Swindon plant in April in anticipation of border disruption after Brexit on 29 March.



    The intervention came as the Japanese prime minister, speaking alongside Ms May warned: “The world is watching the UK as it exits the European Union.”

    Shinzo Abe said a no-deal Brexit must be avoided if Japan is to “invest more into your country and to enjoy further economic growth with the UK”.



    Ironically, the EU-Japan partnership agreement has at last been finalised, a bargain between two of the world’s largest economic blocs. The UK cannot hope to secure as advantageous a deal in the future, despite the warm affection the Japanese may have for the British.

    There has never been a barrier to the UK exporting more to Japan as a result of our membership of the EU. Today, under the new EU-Japan deal, cemented just as the British are botching their exit from the EU, tariffs and barriers have never been lower.



    Yea we should all take advice from Shinzo Abe look how well Abenomics worked for Japan, a massive QE program designed to raise inflation and increase growth. Which was a spectacular failure, Japan has the largest gross debt to GDP ratio in the world and just posted the biggest decrease in productivity for 4 years. It's a slow moving train wreck, one which Abe nor anyone else seems to have the answers to. They should get on great with the Eurozone another slow moving train wreck, when the wheels inevitably come off one or the other we can have the global recession remainers have been praying for, sure they'll attempt to blame Brexit but het you can't teach stupid.

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  15. 3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Very true.  After Cameron resigned the orchestrators of Brexit were perfectly placed to take over and deliver what they promised.  I remember the shock on the faces of Johnson's supporters when he announced that he wouldn't be running for PM even though it was a simple shoe in.  Instead he backed May for the position.  Funny that considering that it was May or Leadsom (an ardent Brexiteer) that were in the running.


    Anyway May took it and immediately appointed the Brexiteers who hadn't run away to conduct the negotiations, even bringing Johnson into the cabinet as FS.  In fact she deliberately surrounded herself with leave supporters like Fox, Leadsom, Davis, Gove and Johnson.  She also adopted the Brexit campaigners red lines and the ridiculous "Brexit means Brexit".  After Davis inevitably  failed she then appointed another passionate Brexiteer Dominic Raab.  Obviously he failed as well while trying to deliver a Brexit that was never deliverable.  For a remainer she certainly made life difficult for herself.


    Davis and Raab quit as May was undermining their ability to negotiate Brexit by taking the lead herself and overriding them. Johnson was never a leaver the stupid fat buffoon was writing a newspaper article in favour of remain immediately prior to deciding to 'head' the leave campaign. He didn't expect leave to win, he thought he'd gain the spotlight going up against his old Etonian chum Cameron then bow out gracefully when leave lost having gathered support from Eurosceptics. Now the utter muppet is stuck half heartedly arguing for a cause he never believed in to attain an outcome he doesn't want.


    That's the problem the remain campaign encompassed both the government and the opposition, pretty much the whole political elite and their financial sponsors, that's why there was never a government 'leave' plan. The European Research Group headed by Mogg is the only pro leave entity within government and May has ignored any input from them. 

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