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Posts posted by anon676545345

  1. 2 hours ago, bomber said:

    not you state state sterling only fell because of uncertainty,just tell the truth your inching your way very slowly to a full admission anyway,and now carney doesnt work for the Govt,well i think we all know different to that,inflation goes above 2% he has to tell them why,he is 99% employed by the Govt of the UK and is about as much use as them,please tell me one EU policy that has effected me personally for better or worse iam aged 50 if that helps,i await your reply


    Sorry I'm struggling to make sense of that your post, calm down and proof read before you post. The Governor of The Bank of England is not employed by the British Government, this is really easy to check I suggest you do so before further comment. Also the BOE's target inflation rate is 2% this is widely regarded as a healthy rate. Current inflation is 2.3% and is forecast to fall back towards the 2% target due to lower oil prices, this is all really easy information to find, do a bit off research and come back with some valid points based on fact not your own hubris.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    "the predictions for the pound were spot on"


    You weren't reading or commenting on threads at the time around the referendum, so clearly don't realise that brexiteers were agreeing that a leave result would result in sterling falling.  It was the ONE, obvious prediction on which everyone agreed!


    It didn't take a genius to work out that the money markets hated the idea of brexit and sterling would fall in the result of a leave vote.....


    The odd thing is (at least to me) that sterling rose shortly before the referendum result.  Why?


    The fall in sterling was exacerbated by Carney unnecessarily reducing interest rates by 0.25% and increasing stimulus the day after the referendum, to apparently avoid the non existent recession that all remainers apparently knew wouldn't happen yet as we hadn't actually left yet, all of them except the Governor of the Bank of England. 


    The BOE could raise interest rates which would lower inflation and strengthen Stirling, but they won't because it's a private bank and that doesn't fit with it's private interests. 

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    But this thread is about the devolved nations. My country voted 62/38 to remain in the EU. Since then, polling has shown that support in Scotland for remaining in the EU has risen to 74%. I am more than happy for the English to have whatever flavour of Brexit they wish for, but the vast majority of my countrymen want nothing to do with it. More power to Sturgeon's elbow - she is the only politician in the UK showing conviction, consistency and leadership.


    The problem is England doesn't have our own devolved parliment therefore it's being forced through the house of commons that supposedly represents the entire of the UK yet really only represents London. Also the English haven't been given a referendum on whether to stay part of the UK or not, personally I'd vote to leave the UK as well as the EU.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, JenksB said:

    I might be fat but at least I dont blow foetid smoke in the general direction of everyone in the vicinity, the reasons for people being overweight are many and various some have hormone imbalance some are on corto-steriods and others are genetically pre disposed to weight gain, also in Thailand we do pay for our health care (if you hadn't noticed) so why impose a tax, you are probably talking about taxation in the UK, but I do find it a little hypocritical of you to say "I'm incredibly tolerant" and then spout such arrogant claptrap,

    PS the reason I have a weight problem is due to age and infirmity due to injury I can no longer exercise or even walk as much as I used to and it has caused weight gain, not that that is a real excuse but then for people who are lucky enough to be genetically skinny, such as my wife it is easy to be critical, which my isnt


    I was referring to the original post the author admits to being a fat guy but has the hypocrisy to state smokers should be taxed even more to pay for their health care. 


    Its a a total fallacy that smokers cost the health services more, non smokers still get stick and still die. 

  5. I’d give up smoking but 100% of all non smokers have died or will die within the next 100 year, and frankly I’m not willing to take that chance. 


    I also find it annoying that fat people have an opinion about smokers, obesity is just as harmful to your health as smoking. Fat people should be taxed for every lb they are over weight in order to pay for their health care. I mean I’m incredibly tolerant by all means eat your way into an early grave but do it away from me and mine.

  6. Look right, I have been to Thailand on numerous occasions and loved it every time. I am taking a year out of work to experience living there for a year... Longer if the opportunity arises if I like it!

    I have done research and have never claimed to be an expert at anything, nor have I read everything about a single subject.

    I am new to these forums to learn more and ask questions, all you read on the net isn't gospel and learning from those 'ITK' and with experience appeals to me.

    However, the amount of negative and unhelpful people on here is embarrassing... Like the above comment and many others.

    I just wang to learn a thing or two, that's why I joined the forum. Don't bother commenting if it's just to have a go.

    I will live in Thailand, I won't be perfect, I will learn by my mistakes, but I aim to be prepared and enjoy it the best I can.

    To those that have gave me valuable information and help.... Much appreciated.

    It's a shame I'm sure a lot more useful information would be shared but the negative attitude of some posters quickly takes threads off topic.

    • Like 1
  7. Silomplaya so when your not hanging around women's shoe, handbag and makeup stores wondering why the staff are rejecting your advances you spend your time sat outside Mike's shopping mall in pattaya, a commendable effort on strange and pointless ways to spend a day.

    • Like 1
  8. Partial list of countries that have successfully, if not always peacefully, separated from a union with other countries:








    Ukraine (although apparently not irreversibly)



    Outer Mongolia






    Czech Republic

    Poland (more than once)

    German Democratic Republic (since reversed)

    Every country in South America

    Taiwan (de facto, if not de jure)

    All countries of sub-Saharan Africa

    All of the Caribbean countries

    The Philippines (twice)

    South Korea







    Of the face of it, the Scots ought to be able to figure out a way to print passports and the rest of it.

    I hope once you might add to your list: IRELAND. It's a shame to keep that country occupied! UK should leave the EU unless they give back Northern Ireland to the IRISH, named REPUBLIK OF IRELAND !!!

    The topic is about the effect on GBP if Scotland leaves the UK, no one cares about the rainy, bankrupt dump you hail from.

    oh, I can see it's hurt you that you lose a lovely area for holidays (Scotland). If you treated the Scots right they would not vote for YES. Look at your comment, your words are disgusting. And of course your Pound will depreciate, which will have an impact on property prices, banking, GDP aso.

    It won't have much effect on GBP Scotland won't default on it's share of the national debt, there's a lot of political wrangling about Scotland being cut off from using sterling if they vote yes but it probably won't happen even if it did they'd most likely peg their currency to the pound at least until they decide to use the Euro. The Scots will do just fine on there own after the initial teething problems, they've made a disproportionately large contribution to Britain's cultural and economic history over the last few centuries, which weather you like it or not has shaped the world we live in today.

    As for it affecting my holiday's to Scotland as much as I'll miss the opportunity to fly 12 hours from Thailand to soak up a bit of rain I'll manage. As for my "disgusting" (sic) comment about the republic of Ireland being a rainy, bankrupt dump, well it does rain a lot and you are bankrupt.

  9. Partial list of countries that have successfully, if not always peacefully, separated from a union with other countries:








    Ukraine (although apparently not irreversibly)



    Outer Mongolia






    Czech Republic

    Poland (more than once)

    German Democratic Republic (since reversed)

    Every country in South America

    Taiwan (de facto, if not de jure)

    All countries of sub-Saharan Africa

    All of the Caribbean countries

    The Philippines (twice)

    South Korea







    Of the face of it, the Scots ought to be able to figure out a way to print passports and the rest of it.

    I hope once you might add to your list: IRELAND. It's a shame to keep that country occupied! UK should leave the EU unless they give back Northern Ireland to the IRISH, named REPUBLIK OF IRELAND !!!

    The topic is about the effect on GBP if Scotland leaves the UK, no one cares about the rainy, bankrupt dump you hail from.

    • Like 1
  10. Do your home work, man! There is NO SOUTHERN IRELAND !!!....But Ireland as a REPUBLIC. And we are indeed happy to have the EURO. Please YOU stay away from my country please. Simple minds are prohibited...!

    Simple minds prohibited in Ireland?

    I thought it was a condition of entry wink.png

    well, sometimes. You are right. We used them as fish mongers....if they came from uk in particular....clap2.gif

    Haha I imagine the que of people from England looking for work in your booming economy is immense, it will be unfortunate if the UK leaves the EU that both of them will have to come home.

  11. Yea yea heard it a million times just an isolated incident could have been any religeon lets brush it under the carpet before we offenend the vaaaaaaaaast majority of the good, honest, salt of the earth patriotic British Muslims. The route of the problem is people like you apologists, there is a problem and it needs to be addressed in a pragmatic way, there should be no spetial considerations given to people because of which religeon they choose to beleive in.

    What evidence do you have that the perpetrator of this horrendous crime is Muslim?

    Even if he is, what evidence do you have that he killed this poor woman because he is a radicalised extremist jihadist out to kill an infidel?

    Even if he were, why did he attack a cat first?

    I do agree with your final comments.

    "there is a problem and it needs to be addressed in a pragmatic way,"

    See examples given above of how this is being done within the Muslim community, and further suggestions to carry on and improve on the work already being done.

    "there should be no spetial (sic) considerations given to people because of which religion (sic) they choose to believe (sic) in."

    To which I would add that there should be no prejudice directed toward them either.

    I stated "There should be no special considerations given to people because of which religion they choose to believe in" you found 3 erroneous points in one sentence? Really? you make me (sic).

    UKIP are gaining ground in the UK in France front national are gaining ground, do you think that's good? I f@cking don't I'm not right wing, for all it's faults the EU is a positive influence, there are positive points to immigration however "multiculturalism" or at least multiculturalism under the far left is not working.

    The consequences of all this PC carpet sweeping rubbish that denies the moderate UK/European citizens a voice is the obvious rise in support of parties like UKIP and every limp wristed apologetic action only adds to that support.

    We already have one of the most diverse societies in the world much more diverse than any muslim country has to offer but continuing to put the emphasis on the rights of one very noisy delinquent cult is NOT helping anyone.

  12. Does Britain have a Jihad problem http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-29068391 an 82 year old woman beheaded in her own garden, there obviously is a problem.

    From the linked to report:

    Det Ch Insp John Sandlin said: "I can understand why this may cause people concern, however we are confident that we are not looking for anyone else at this stage.

    "Whilst it is too early to speculate on what the motive behind this attack was I am confident, based on the information currently available to me, that it is not terrorist related."

    The motive of this man has yet to be discovered; but it does appear to have been random; particularly as he first attacked a cat!

    Woman beheaded: Man who stabbed 82-year-old in Edmonton garden was seen attacking cat

    As news of the killing emerged there were immediate fears it could have been a copycat or revenge attack for the beheadings of American journalists by Isis, but Scotland Yard said there was no suggestion that the attack was terror-related.

    Yea yea heard it a million times just an isolated incident could have been any religeon lets brush it under the carpet before we offenend the vaaaaaaaaast majority of the good, honest, salt of the earth patriotic British Muslims. The route of the problem is people like you apologists, there is a problem and it needs to be addressed in a pragmatic way, there should be no spetial considerations given to people because of which religeon they choose to beleive in.

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