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  • Birthday 03/03/1966

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  1. The Samanera candidate has already left the monastery and the deputy abbot messaged him to inquire with CM immigration about in-country application of Non-R with visa exempt, but I don't know if he has done so and in all likeliness we won't know until he returns to CM from border/visa run. Either way, I told the abbot that he can do border run to Vientiane if the immigration says in-country application of Non-R is possible with visa exempt, but otherwis go do visa run at Vientiane embassy and apply for single-entry tourist visa as you advised. What if you don't have a Bai Sutthi yet? I suppose most people applying Non-I Type R outside of Thailand don't have Bai Sutthi for most naturally aren't ordained yet until they land on Thai soil unless they already undertook Bhikkhu ordination at a Thai monastery in their own respective country. Can you be granted Non-R if you don't have a Bai Sutthi yet? Off topic but speaking of TM30, I see many monks change place of their residence from one monastery to another, especially during Vassa. Many would spend Vassa at a branch monastery or even at temples outside of their own lineage. Some go on to practice thudong and become a wandering monk (often in forest), including foreign monks. Some even dwell in the forest. I don't think you're exempted from reporting TM30 just because you are a phra farang, but I know most don't strictly follow all the TM30 guidelines. Do you have any advice/comment on that?
  2. Yes, same 60 days stamp. They say the processing time is anywhere from 10 to 15 days but it usually gets done in 2 to 3 days working days fora single-entry e-tourist visa (so I heard). Short enough processing time. They're also not very comfortable with the idea of in-country application of Non-Immigrant R with visa exempt arrival for no one at the monastery has ever done it before (but all successfully applied for Non-R after arriving with tourist visa). BTW, since when did in-country visa application with visa exempt arrival become possible (for Japanese passport holder)?
  3. Anumodhana Sathu 🙏 I've actually never even met this person (inquiries comes to me via the deputy abbot of the monastery) but applying for multiple-entry tourist visa means he has to go back to Japan. So he will do either visa run or border run to Vientiane in about a week's time and come back to Thailand visa exempt or with a single-entry tourist visa, both of which gives him max 90 days stay in Thailand with one extension. I suppose that's plenty enough time to apply for Non-I R and to ordain as Samanera. An expert in another forum advised me he should NOT do border run without an "experienced border run service company". So we opt to do visa run rather than border run and simply apply for single-entry tourist visa (cheap and simple enough). I never knew one can apply for Non-R at the embassy/consulate abroad for Samanera, Mae Chee and Anagarika. One western monk I know claims they don't issue you Non-R without Bhikkhu ID (ใบสุทธิ). Is that true? Do they issue ใบสุทธิ to Samanera and MaeChi too, let alone Anagarika? You said they only give 90 days visa when you apply Non-R from overseas. I suppose you apply for one year extension AFTER you get your ใบสุทธิ issued in Thailand?
  4. Thanks so much for answering, KhemaKhema. So you can change to ANY type of visa so long you're eligible for application even if you landed in Thailand visa exempt, including Non-I Type R? I never knew you can apply for Non R at the embassy/consulate overseas. Do you know of any monastic who actually have done so? This inquiry isn't for myself (I'm just a lay supporter of that monastery and have Thai citizenship) but every foreign monastic who ever ordained at the said forest monastery seem to have applied Non R AFTER they landed in Thailand as tourist (with tourist visa), presumably because we believed you have to ordain to become a monk/samanera first before you can even start to apply for Non R. It's probably easier to apply in-country in Thailand rather than at the embassy/consulate anyway if you are from a country that allows visa exemption entry, I suppose? I though letter of recommendation is issued by National Office of Buddhism (สำนักพุทธ) and I thought they are needed for annual visa extension? Do you actually need it when you apply for a fresh new visa too (both from สำนักพุทธ and Department of Religious Affairs?)?
  5. Can anyone tell me if in-country application of Non-Immigrant R (Religion) in Thailand is possible for a Japanese passport holder who lands in Thailand visa exempt? I was told in another online forum that a Japanese passport holder can apply Thai visa in-country even if they land in Thailand visa exempt, but just about every foreign monastics (monks) who took Bhikkhu ordination to become a monk in Thailand arrives on tourist visa and change to Non-Imm R inside Thailand, Japanese or otherwise.
  6. Can someone recommend a non-dealer auto maintenance/repair shop in Bangkok for my almost 20 yrs old Toyota Fortuner please? My 19 years old Fortuner's optitron meter no longer illuminates (it does but often takes time, sometimes not until 15 min after ignition). I brought it to the nearest Toyota dealer but all they can do is replace the whole instruments panel which costs almost 15,000 Baht. I've done some Googling and it appears there are easy fixes that involves changing IC/condensor behind instrument panel and it doesn't even cost 1,000 Baht. But it's a skill beyond my ability. I can spend 15,000 but I guess I don't want to spend that much for a car that's probably not even worth 200,000 Baht. I can find a lot of body shops but not maintenance/repair shops around where I live in Sathorn district of Bangkok. Any idea where to bring my car for an easy but affordable fix?
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