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Posts posted by Yom

  1. 7 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

    I like to buy locally if I can.

    Me too. - Im sure in CR there are some 

    agricultural supply shops or  ร้านวัสดุการเกษตร?

    (possibly also Global or Thaiwatsadu)

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks, VocalNeal. This is pleasant.

    Good governor in Phayao?


    The last years it was 'better' than today in Phrae province.


    May be  I wrote this already:

    One positive trend that showed up in the satellite data this year was a reduction in fire activity in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The two states have seen fire counts drop every year since 2016, likely because of increased enforcement of bans on paddy burning. In fact ...  





  3. November 30   -   20:00


    At night north of Phrae increasing PM2.5-numbers,

    now  AQI 140. - No wonder considering these fires,

    especially in the Yom valley and in Chiang Rai / Mae Sai.

    Chiang Mai & Lampang seem to be ok.

    image.png.9bc1fcd9823387f7a3797cfa22db1bb1.png Phrae

    image.png.5e70fc22e7463b382964b8f0f414562e.png CR


    image.png.6dafa01f3f7f04c6da6d4f90168b9c9a.png CM

    image.png.582eef48e37bd1dfdca0ec5493389f74.png Lampang


    The North:



    I'm not sure dear Khun Prayut Chan-o-cha

    is reading Thaivisa. - He better should.

    "So, 'what the hell are they burning in 2563

    in Phrae and in Chiang Rai and in Mae Sai?'

    *  Fired!  All Governors!  *







  4. In our area, north of Phrae, the wood of an old house (teak) would usually be sold

    at around 80KBaht. The buyer will do all the work dismantling the house and transporting the material.

    Don't forget, wood is very expensive.   (even there doesn't seem to be a lobby)


    If it's old and teak or red wood (mai daeng or mai braduu) then very, very ...

    Teak might be better to sell/furniture, the others are very hard to work with.

    But super durable too. - I think/hope, that this is correct.


    Have you tried to sell via thaivisa.com - Classifieds?

    Or bahtsold.com?

    May be you should be a bit patient.


    Good luck!


  5. Almost everything has already been said above (e.g. rickudon, kingofthemountain at this page).

    Though it may sound pessimistic, but now and in the future we do small scale farming,

    better gardening - only as a hobby.

    We lost a lot of time, enjoyment of work and money too to deal with the 'facts'.

    Only one warning for 'mango friends': the Rhytidodera bowringii.

    Its ugly stem boring larvae had destroyed many of our  10 to 15 year old mango trees.

    (almost) No chance against it.

    Returning to the OP, for me it is totally understandable that farmers prefer rice cultivation.

    But when the price drops dramatically ...



    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, webfact said:
    Suphot, 58, had brought his unhusked rice, Thammanit, 34, announced the low price, Suphot got a shotgun and fired at his head.

    I want the OP reduced to the most important.

    What a tragedy. One man dead, the other in prison.

    And two families mourning. May be helpless? No future.



    I could aqlso add e.g. 'The Plague and the Promise in Thai Rice', this was 2017 ...

    or http://www.indexmundi.com/de/rohstoffpreise/?ware=reis&wahrung=thb



    ... but I am more inclined to pity the dead. And also with the man who caused it.



  7. Masks   -   PM2.5  -  Covid


    ... it is reasonable to consider China KN95, AS/NZ P2, Korea 1st Class,

    and Japan DS2 FFRs as “similar” to US NIOSH N95 and European FFP2

    respirators, for filtering non-oil-based particles such as those resulting from

    wildfires, PM 2.5 air pollution, volcanic eruptions, or bioaerosols (e.g. viruses).

    (see also attached PDF)




  8. November 24   -   11:00 


    Green north of Phrae, a happy day

    image.png.1d350cd538aff5b94cbe3ac921e3d1f1.png image.png.1a43aca345031ac551388c6f22be8d44.png


    Chiang Mai                                                      Chiang Rai

     image.png.843b8e2721b0852558242eb0058e2b14.png image.png.eb7af8aabf452c09b98558299e264d31.png



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