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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 40 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Senator James Lankford said on Monday it was not appropriate to "hold children legally accountable for the actions of their parents."

    Stop "tearing families apart!"  When parents are held accountable for their actions and get deported, the kids they brought into the country illegally, go with them. 


    Enforcement will be tough during transition back to sanity.  But..... from X date forward, folks contemplating a trip into the US illegally, will know there is no more loophole.  That will be the new normal, and how it ought to be. 


    Politicians created this mess in the first place.  It's not sacrosanct or irreversible. 

  2. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Just seen the video clip on facebook.

    What an ignorant dipstick, needs a damn good slap, im an American , i do what i want !!!!

    Unbelievable arrogance.

    Well a lot of posters on here are quick to condemn British people, you know ... A nother quality tourist, or Brits behaving badly.

    Well it looks like the Americans are taking over , Chiang mai gold shop robber, now this dipstick.

    No worries, mate, you guys still have a comfortable lead on accrued arrogance, might take another 100 or so years for Muricans to catch up.  :laugh:

  3. 7 minutes ago, inThailand said:

    Yup, and all the interest bearing accounts are way less than before. 6 month fund account this week paying 1.40%.

    Like others, I held onto the Krungsi MTD accounts, even at dwindling returns (1.3%), just to avoid dealing with annual tax filing.  


    I really don't want to chase fixed accounts and deal with tax returns, so I might just say screw it, take the FOREX hit on the chin, and move the money back into US portfolio. 

  4. 16 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    What , you still not understand the creation of life on earth  or the meaning of it ?

    Einstein , Newton nor Archimedes sent spacecrafts to the planets in our solar system.

    "Humanity is what we are by our quest to understand life and science beyond what we can see with our eyes " .... joking right ?


    The spinoffs are from figuring out how to get a spacecraft to the planets , the knowledge from going there is pretty much useless. Who cares if there is an underground ocean on one of the moons . Maybe in the far , far future when "mankind" can go there , it could be important.

    All the spinoff's would have been discovered anyway , maybe some years later .

    I did want to ask... do you believe the Earth is round or flat? 555 !


    "Maybe in the far , far future when "mankind" can go there , it could be important."


    That's a logical fallacy.  If "mankind" doesn't explore and learn along the way, those "could be important" things won't be there when we get there.  Accumulating data and knowledge is a progressive process.  "Mankind" may not understand the import of everything they are learning now, but may be the key to understanding at some point in the "far far future". 


    The Earth is round-ish.

  5. 4 minutes ago, topt said:

    Screw tops supposedly better at keeping the wine "fresher" - or less chance of an off bottle.

    Many, many wines even at higher price points come with screw tops and have done for quite a few years now.


    More likely the way the wine has been kept.........

    Thanks.  I'm not a connoisseur and wasn't aware of the shift to screw tops.  When I was a kid, screw tops were always associated with the cheap stuff..... good stuff had a cork.  LOL.   

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  6. 1 hour ago, irishken said:

    The gig is perhaps up for you and other long term expats who have giving up but Thailand has so much to offer that it's history is not going to be decided or its best times past in the 80's 90's and 00's. 


    Every new new visitor doesn't know what it was like back then so it's all new to them to make their own memories just like you did. Just check YouTube for the 1 million vlogs about Thailand (all with the soundtrack to the movie the beach)and you'll see plenty of happy experiences 

    That's right.  Every generation thinks theirs was the golden age.    Everyday though, some wet behind the ears newbie arrives and feels like Christopher Columbus, and that bar fines and beers are "cheap as hell".  It's all relative.  LOL.


    Know a guy 'round where I live, mid-60s now, and I enjoy listening to his tales of SE Asia/Thailand- the ladies, bars, and the colorful, if not questionable, characters of the day.... 60s and 70s into the 80s.  :wink:

  7. Rants are fun in paradise lost.


    I stumbled onto an expat site for Nicaragua early this morning.


    Airbrushed, azure Pacific waters backed by idyllic, palm lined beaches and lush coastal mountains.  I thought, boy, doesn't that look lovely.  My next thought was of raw sewage and gray water pouring into it from the make shift tourist resorts, hostels, restaurants and rusty, tin roofed bars ringing that slice of 3rd world paradise.


    Perusing the comments, resident expats and former Navy SeALs, complained about poor roads and infrastructure, polluted ocean especially during the rain season; too much rain during rain season ~ not enough during dry season; bad internet, high cost of and/or lack of imported items, Begpackers and tattted up millennial dipshits with purple & green hair performing Yoga to "be one with the natives", Visa/border runs; crappy drivers, cheap charlies, armed robberies, dodgy locals dual price gouging the gringos, crooked cops, and an increasingly creative, xenophobic government and Immigration making things harder than they used to be.  There were Trump haters and cheerleaders, and a discussion about whether polite, law-abiding Canadians should inform on their fellow gringos employed without work permits.... eh? 


    I noticed second hand surf boards for sale instead of high-end golf club sets - "never used" or "only used once". 


    Of course there were some moaners moaning about moaning moaners, and the requisite "If you don't like it, go home!" brigade. :laugh:





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