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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 13 minutes ago, RigPig said:

    SORRY couldn't make it any easier haha  Simple dump Windoze altogether and try something else, it's not the only thing out there!  My choice (as above) is Ubuntu, with Gnome desktop.  Look it up on the net.  I am even looking at buying a phone with it instead of Android...

    I've got a dodgy Win10 install on a laptop just to see what it's like but don't use it day to day, wife uses it to run the TV only.  Read about this open source OS stuff in the past and again today after your post.  Curious.... might give it a go the next time a hardware or OS change is needed on the desktops.  Win7 still plugging along but unfortunately, its days are numbered. :saai:

  2. 3 hours ago, cooked said:

    On the average, there are 76 road fatalities / day. (28 000 a year) so (ONLY)  56 a day over Song Kran is pretty good. Or is some kind of manipulation going on , showing that the police and road safety guys are doing their job? No, I take that back, not possible

    Reminds me of the media "feeding frenzy" about shark bites and subsequent sightings several years ago along the US South/Southeastern Gulf coast - which is chock-a-block full of sharks all the time.  


    Starts with a slow news day, kid gets bitten by a shark at the beach in Podunkville, Ef El A.  Some Local Yokel Goober rushes to the scene and reports on it breathlessly cause it's the only thing remotely interesting that's happened in two weeks.  Got some blood and suffering, so it gets picked up by a regional outlet. 


    Another one happens elsewhere and Goober #2, seeing the success of Goober #1, strikes while the iron is hot, this could be HIS big break!  It makes it to Regional news and Goober #3 (the producer) thinks 2 is good enough to fabricate a trend, and alerts the Lame Stream Media.  


    Another shark interaction occurs somewhere else the same day along 100s of miles of coastline, so CNN picks it up and next thing you know, it's National news, breathless reporting about how Sharks seem to have colluded and declared a coordinated war on humans.  Helicopters hover over a swarm of Hammerheads just off the coast (which they are prone to do every year), but most never see. OMG!!!  CNN slaps up a BREAKING NEWS! into screen with big red letters "Deadly Summer of the Shark!", with some of the letters dripping blood, set to JAWS music score.  


    And then we dropped some bombs on a country, or the stock market dropped 9 points, and   suddenly, like turning off a light switch, no more shark attacks.  Poof.  Gone.  All done.  :laugh:

  3. "You are happy!  We are all happy!"

    "Ummmm, not really, sir."

    "Yes, you are!"

    "No, not really, sir"

    <face flushes red>

    "No!  You ARE happy.  It says so right HERE!"


    "Oh!  Yes, sir, my mistake.  I just forgot, sir, thank you for reminding me, sir."

     "There there now, doesn't it feel better to be happy?"

    "Yes, sir, much better.  Thank you, sir."


  4. 20 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

    Can anyone explain what posts 6 & 7 above are on about.  Who is 'Boris', what is a 'UM', what has a 'nomad' got to do with this thread?



    If there are fake bills going about then it is a serious subject as none of us wish to be arrested by the BIB for passing dud notes.



    I had fun figuring it out.  It's a combo of typos and no punctuation. 


    #6: "Fake UM that maybe as the rest of the pace is just the same from last observations"


    Translation: Fake!  Ummm, that may be as the rest of the place is just the same, from (my) last observations. 


    #7: Refers to UK's Boris Johnson in El Gordo's Avatar.

  5. 8 minutes ago, madusa said:

    I thought things like that only happened in China. But in USA?  Such violence, are they eating too much meat? All the hormones in the meat?

    Now, the Doctor can go on a first class holidays with all the compensation. Since he is a Doctor, something like  US$20 million compensation? Oh, I forgot he is Asian, the lost of face that alone would entitle for more .... LOL

    You may not be too far off the mark.  If we are to believe the rhetoric, the US is more divided now than ever.  But the US has always been a polarized place by its very nature and makeup.  It's a natural human instinct.  The idea of national unity under a flag, this "melting pot" is wishful thinking coupled with idyllic propaganda worthy of comparison to communist regimes.


    We pride ourselves on individuality, personal rights, freedom and ownership of property but there has been a palpable shift in the past 20 or so years; a chipping away at it, in the name of Homeland Security and fight against terrorism.  It now smells a bit like the Eastern Asian/Communist concepts of diminished rights of the individual for the good of the group.  Some of the big moves were made quickly and quietly in the heat of the moment, while others have been a slow creep over time until you wake up a few decades later and wonder how the hell you got here.


    In most of the "crazy person removed from plane" videos on youtube, as the person is unceremoniously dragged away by police, kicking and screaming for help, passengers can be heard laughing nervously and then begin applauding in unison.   Not this time.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I have hope this moment of awakening will not be wasted, and the media stays on side and keeps asking loud and clear, "How in the hell did we get to this point?"

  6. 4 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    Hmm, I do react against those who make a public claim that they represent "patriotism" and "nationalism". As an American with roots going back before the Revolution. No one is authorized by me to claim they hold these exclusive to those of us who disagree with the Trump direction. Push this and expect pushback.

    Religious folks seem to think they hold the secret keys to an acceptable life here on Earth, and some of them go out of their way to impress that upon others and the general public. 


    But they get to bang on in public venues and street corners.  I disagree with them as strongly as anyone could but I wouldn't "push back", at least not in the way these organized counter-protest groups do.  Countries like Iran and a few other garden spots on the planet, have gangs that do this type of thing. 

  7. Less about Trump than competing ideas about how things ought to be.  Trump was the lighting rod during a fevered political campaign, which is over.  


    The liberal activists don't do so well with opposing views and free speech, so they have these organized "counter-protest" groups to disrupt an event and POV they don't agree with.  It's not like they were there for their own rally, they went there specifically to disrupt this one.  Squelch free speech, maybe do some damage and start a fight.


    Got something to say?  No problem.  But this kind of krap is BS.

  8. On 4/15/2017 at 8:06 AM, electric said:

    You've gotta have a bit of a giggle at this story. Perhaps the headline should have been "DOPE LOSES DOPE"


    Even Chiang Rai Times got the headline wrong. 37kg missing ?


    76kg were sent to Forensics for examination. Only 37kg were returned to the Police Station. Now I'm not much good at maths .... but seems to me that 39kg is still missing. Not 37


    Bit of creative accounting ? But then, what's 2kg between friends.

    Blame it on the lab, they used 2kg for testing, re-testing, re-re-testing, then a series of random tests on Friday and Saturday nights to confirm the results before announcing, "Yep, it's marijuana.... some good s**t too!" 




  9. 7 hours ago, heybruce said:

    " The old wordings read: “At this location on June 24, 1932, the Promoters granted a constitution for the prosperity of the nation.” "


    One can see why, after 20 constitutions, the old seal seemed ridiculous. 


    " The new wordings read: “The respect in the Triple Gems, in the State, in the family, the honesty in the King are tools to make the State prosper.” “Let Siam forever prosper, people happy to become the force of the land.” "


    Forum policy and Thailand law prevents me from commenting on the new seal.

    I "liked" your post but that's dangerous.  If they went through that much trouble with the seal, then you reminding us what the old one said, in contrast with the new one, will be vely vely embarrassing and make you an enemy of the state. Liking your post could make me guilty by mere association.  Shit.  I think I hear a helicopter coming.  Gotta go!  If you don't hear from me in two days, tell my wife I love her, password to iBanking is 123.  :laugh:

  10. On 3/28/2017 at 10:09 AM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Happened to me twice this week !

    Bought a deodorant at Big C , shelf price 89 baht, cashier price 95 baht, I commented but it fell on deaf ears, I'm not gonna get stressed over 6 baht !

    Then yesterday gf wanted to buy an electric cooker pot at Home Pro, 599 baht on the shelf, 679 at the checkout, pointed it out to cashier who " radioed " an assistant who just bought another one which scanned at 679 baht.
    I was not having it so a supervisor came and after a few minutes of chit chat with the gf offered me it at 645 baht !!
    I declined and went home empty handed ☹️

    Of course today will look for the same pot in other shops and probably end up paying 750 baht !!

    Hey ho emoji51.png

    Andy, I know this is an old post but was considering VAT.   Added 7% to your 89 Baht deodorant and got 95.23.   Doesn't explain the cooker pot though.

  11. On 4/13/2017 at 3:06 PM, koo said:

    Oh, United again.  They really seem to not know how to handle luggage, but now it spreads to not knowing how to handle passengers as well.


    This happened 2009:


    3 videos were made, going viral, before United finally admitted they screwed up. What a PR mess  :-(



    EDIT: Actually Dave Carroll has commented also on this new incident - he was asked to write another song, but he will probably not. However, he gives a good insight of what PR in companies should be and how it seem to be hit and miss with United.  See it here :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQz8qqioCt8


    Thanks for that.  Never heard of him.  Watched the United Breaks Guitars, and as we all know with Youtube, that leads to another and another and I finally landed on one where he's giving a really cogent talk at the Columbia School of Business.  Interesting guy as is what he's achieved. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, thaihome said:

    It appears, dispite Nader's assertion the airline can throw you off the plane, that there is some differences in opinion among  the legal community that the airline is indeed contractually entitled to do so once you are seated and not violating any other rule that allows them to do so. Refusing to leave is not listed as reason in the contract.  Unfortunately,  I doubt that the Doctor's case will ever get to court and recieve a court opinion on the legality of the question. 


    I suspect there will be a congressional inquiry into this case and the airline industry's practices in overbooking, refusal of services, and the use of law enforcement in imposing their perceived civil contractual rights.   Out of that will likely come either new clarifying law or new regulations under existing laws.


    It will not be the industry's interest to overtly oppose this, even if it ends up costing them a relatively small amount. But you can never underestimate corporate greed.


    Munoz's statement the doctor had every right to the seat and should not have been removed probably made every airline gate agent, cabin crew, scheduling dept, and CEO cringe in anticipation of further passengers assertions of their new "Munoz Rights".


    Indeed.  If Dao/his lawyer resist offers to settle, and this goes all the way, it has every chance at accomplishing an industry-wide sanity check.  For some reason, I just got this mental picture of Clinton on stage with the Russians, holding her big red 'Reset Button'. 

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