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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. So you have a stupid, Thai ex-wife.  You've been here 5 years, which you mean to indicate you've been around and know the ropes. 


    So you hook up with another stupid but smokin' hot Thai bird.... with two kids.  


    You agree to pay for everything and give her an allowance, in exchange for sex and "free" room and board at her house. 


    You pay to renovate the top floor of her house, for your comfort.


    You don't like them enough to go on holiday with them in the first place.  And you don't want to be the walking ATM sucker who winds up paying for EVERYTHING.  You ain't fallin' for that old trick.  Again!  


    So you advance her the monthly allowance + extra spending cash, pay out the nose for their accommodation and return travel arrangements.  


    In other words, you paid for EVERYTHING but didn't go!  Ha ha, you showed her! 


    Sorry mate but your smokin' hot Thai GF is NOT the stupid one in this scenario.


    She may not even like you but if you're "smart" enough to pay for everything including their holiday to Phuket, she's got no problem leaving your ass at home.   She and her kids be like, "See ya' later sucka!"



  2. Thailand sure does it right.  They appoint an Admiral in charge of a non-existent fleet of submarines.  They have now built a submarine base and sub training facility at the Sattahip Naval Base, but don't have any subs.  The next logical step would be to train officers and enlisted men to man submarines they don't have.   When they finally get the subs, and they will, the crews will need to be re-trained, the base will need a complete refurbishment, and the Admiral will have retired and passed away from natural causes. 

  3. I was in the LE/Security businesses in government and private sector for many years.  I've done lots of these bomb threat/suspicious bag/package responses in all kinds of security threat environments and areas of the world.   I know for a fact we've poured on the thrill factor to make an impression on the jackass in question who left his/her backpack unattended so carelessly in a high density/public area (for example).  They get handcuffed, treated like a terrorist, and fully embarrassed at the massive response unfolding because of their carelessness.  They feel about 1 inch tall by the time it's over. 


    But you never know, and once you push the response button, it's full on until the end. 


    Unlike these RTP lads who suspected they had an IED,  and still messed with it.  Video is graphic.






  4. 3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    I think it was AARP that recommend a town in Panama as its #1 choice. So, went to check it out.  No way. Middle of nowhere. Dog poop on the sidewalks.  Only one small grocery store.  We planned to spend a few days there,  but got back on a bus and left.  Panama city has many issues also. 


    JT will probably be by shortly. I think he was looking at Ecuador. My recommendation is to go check the place out. Nothing like experiencing it first hand. Preferably as an expat. Things change considerably when you live somewhere full time versus just a week or so. 


    I've been to 92 countries so far.  Still haven't found the perfect one! 5555. In Malta tomorrow,  but it's not an option now due to visa changes.

    Have you checked out Spain? What did you think (briefly)?

  5. The shine has worn off Thailand for me as well, but I was under no illusions when we moved here full-time, so I don't feel like I led astray by some romantic delusion of Thailand. 


    Agree with time out of Thailand being a good antidote for the doldrums.  We did long road trips and flew around to other places the first 2-3 years here.  I've seen enough Thai villages, cities and beaches.  Temples/ruins don't do it for me either.   When we've taken 2 month sabbaticals to the US and return here, I'm refreshed, and enjoy some of the little things again.  Bit like a water tank.  Trips abroad refill the tank, but as the years wear on, each time we return, a bit less full than the last time. 

  6. Was reading analysis articles from years ago, about Thailand's submarine aspirations.  China's moves in the South China Sea was rationale mumbled by the Thai Navy Chief at the time.  But it's about prestige and "keeping up with the Jones' " as other SEA neighbors have or seek to acquire subs.  Now that the military is in the driver's seat, they built the sub base and training facility at Sattahip already.  The subs are coming, no doubt.

  7. Yep, snake bite is a possibility in that area but jeez, never mind the boonies, I had a 2 meter snake in my moo baan couple nights ago.  If he knew he had been bitten (possibly not), felt badly, had a lie down, thought it would pass, take a little nap, and is over-taken.


    But beyond natural causes or illnesses he may have had, knowingly or unknowingly.... a nod to the conspiracy theorists.  Although there was apparently no sign of obvious struggle, perhaps he was in that house based on a Ufestruct (however it's spelled).  Family wanted the land/house, pressuring the wife about her ex-farang husband who was no longer as generou$ and basically in the way.  :ph34r:

  8. 1 hour ago, Chou Anou said:

    In the real world, supporters of government and corporation thuggery and fascism are quite dangerous, but this ddavidovsky character is, on a forum like this, just trying to get everyone upset and riled up by his outlandish statements. He's harmless and thrives on others' outrage against him. It's best that you all ignore him; if you do so, I guarantee he will disappear.

    @ddavidovsky has a valid point about the inappropriate, knee-jerk use of social media, and the negative impact that can result.  I agreed with him weeks ago on that specific point.  He's dead wrong about the rest of it though, and just as obtuse as UA CEO Munoz.


    US Airlines and their employees have lost the plot and needed a sanity check.  CEO Munoz' pig-headed response, for days on end, was Exhibit A that the attitude problem exists like we all knew it did, and that it goes all the way to the top.  


    Had it not been for the global outrage on social media, the upside down situation this incident points to, would never have gotten the attention it deserves. 


    Obviously the Board is not happy with this incident, how it was handled, the PR nightmare, now being hauled in front of Congress to be flogged publicly again.   This incident uncovered their dirty laundry in a very sustained, public way.   CEO Munoz was an unforgivable, global embarrassment.  A liability.   The public may have short memories these days, but not the Board.  I fully expect to hear a quiet announcement in the coming months that UA CEO Munoz has decided to step down in order to spend more time with his family -or- to seek new challenges....... 


    14 hours ago, webfact said:

    Parichat said that the hard vest’s composite plates made of glass, carbon and natural fibre were strong and light and could prevent penetration of sharp-edged bullets of .38mm, .45mm and 9mm calibre.

         38 Cal                45 Cal               9mm



    Well, Ball ammo is kinda round.... LOL.  I was also thinking a lot of folks mistake the steel chest plate insert in a commercial vest, as being "bullet proof".  Probably will help but they are called "Trauma Plates", to reduce injury from sharp edge attacks (stabbed in the chest with a knife).


    Vests with F/R plates are frickin' heavy though.  I only wore  Level 2 and 3 vests.  Hot and uncomfortable, but that was more than a few years ago.


    Thai Army might need these when Thai citizens have finally had enough, and rise up against the "government". 

  10. 17 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Good plan!  Of course it would kill thousands of his own people including the women and children and probably do the same for half of South Korea but hey! Who cares about them!

    Clearly not Kim Jong Un.  He also doesn't care about S. Koreans, Japanese and Americans.  He would like to vaporize them, and kill many more slowly over time.

  11. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:


    I am 21 years older than my Thai wife. My Dad was born in 1889 and my Mum in 1904, a 15 year difference when they married in 1924 in the UK, nearly a century ago. I never thought anything about it when I was a kid.


    Looking at the age differences in many older farangs and younger Thais here I think that they were trendsetters and ahead of their time.

    Maybe.... my impression was based on what I saw growing up and what I was told was "normal".  


    I am not phased or surprised when I see an older man with a younger wife here.  With a few exceptions,  most of my mates and acquaintances here are 60~65+, and have younger wives, but none of them are REALLY young, like in their 20s.  Youngest I think is about to touch 40, most others early/mid 40s.  That's the new "normal" for me here, don't give it a second thought. 


  12. 36 minutes ago, MadMuhummad said:

    Is the law of not turning on a solid white line a thai law or a law from your home country?

    i realise you cannot overtake on solid lines but I'm having trouble finding anything specifically stating you can not turn.

    It's an old site, and can be wonky due to translation, but this is what I found.  Section 51 pertains to left/right turns. 



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