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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Bangkok Bank puts Tourists and Non-Immigrants in the same boat wrt signing up for their iBanking service.   http://www.bangkokbank.com/OnlineBanking/PersonalBanking/iBanking/BualuangiBanking/HowtoApply/Pages/Default.aspx


    I ran into the "Can Not" brick wall on iBanking 6 years ago, on a Non-O/Marriage.   Persistence was key, finally got it set up.  Believe we spoke to branch manager. 


    Opened accounts with Krungsi Bank later, zero hassle getting internet banking. 


    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Part of the rationale behind DACA is that we don't hold children responsible for crimes committed by the parents.   DACA is for persons who came as a minor child; they did not necessarily have a say in coming to the US and some were not even aware that they were here illegally.


    If a parent gives alcohol to a child, it is the parent who is held responsible, not the child.   The same with drugs.


    If a parent puts a child behind the wheel of a car and there is an accident, it is the parent who is responsible, not the child.


    Recently, there was a case of parents who took their children into a store and had them shoplift.  Again, it was the parents who were held responsible, not the child.


    The same legal situation is true with DACA.   


    I am not in favor of illegal immigration.   I am in favor of compassion for young people who did not have a say or choice in arriving here.   There are plenty of people who came across the border, work illegally and have no firm roots here.  Target them.

    What becomes of the parents though?

  3. 3 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

    Why have they chosen to show a (presumed) Thai vet proudly displaying a chest of military medals that shows a US National Defense Service Medal?


    Although only a service medal issued to all US military from 1953 to 2003, it is not authorized for issue/wear by foreign (non US) military.  Awarded to:

    Member of the United States Armed Forces during qualifying periods of national emergency.


    Terd might as well wear a silver star, bronze star or Victoria Cross.


    If your going to steal valor, go big!


    I served with the Thai in Vietnam and they were bad ass dudes.

    Good eye.    What about the Vietnam Campaign Medal on the far right?  I see where it was authorized for Oz and New Zealand forces, but couldn't find any direct mention it being issued/authorized for the participating Thai forces.   One site looked promising but gave me a virus/malware.  :sad:

  4. 5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Like you, my personal qualifications are unproveable and my motives are irrelevant.. What I have offered are independently checkable facts. What you offer are merely empty assertions.

    1,500 of 325 million doesn't = Majority of, or a Large Majority. 


    The point is CBS' representation in text is dodgy on its face.  It's all too common these days, almost normal.  That's my assertion.  Nothing to do with DACA.

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  5. 17 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    No, all you did was a silly generic disparagement of the CBS poll. Your approach could just as easily be applied to the results of any poll. You offered no data of your own. You just questioned the data provided by CBS without any kind of proof. CBS polling has a track record that you could look up.


    Yes, it can be, as far as I'm concerned.  That one in particular, because I looked, only because it was tossed out there as a link to shore up a desired end state.


    Your only qualification here is you have an internet connection.  You have no skin in the game, other than ideology. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:


    Doubling down on the insults but still no argument presented.  Also, linking to the (S)Hill?  lol

    What CBS "News'" meant to say was 1,515 of 2,164 people (allegedly) said they support DACA (allegedly).    They were all Americans (allegedly).   Margin for error 2.6%.  Apparently.


    But CBS made a conscious decision to lead with, "Most Americans Support", and,  "A large majority of Americans". 


    I use "allegedly" because any company or agency involved in this kind of blatant public opinion shaping and shameless, continuous attempts to influence the masses using their "trusted news" platform, can not be trusted.  Therefore anything they, or their hired pollsters, say, has no face value.

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  7. On 4/23/2018 at 10:17 PM, Stokakrishna said:

    I went today to Sai Noi beach. ( soon to be renamed to a SHARK BAY)   for a swim  ith my dog.

     Empty beach, no people around (all are up at the temple). Few signs erected and a fishing boat cruising around with fishing nets.  Great swim with no one around.

     Ahhhh!! and a Bangkok Post reported took am interview with me. I might be in the news!!

    What did they ask you? 

  8. 18 hours ago, hhinhh said:

    I guess you would talk different if you or your family member faced a shark attack.


    Who would swimm relaxed in areas which you share with sharks?

    They do.  Every single time.  Even if they are relaxed when they swim.


    The ocean, sea, bay, and even some rivers, are not recreational prerogatives for us.  It's a violent, kill and be killed environment.   Swimming in the vast seas, et al, is tantamount to walking across a plain on Africa somewhere.   Something, typically with sharper teeth than ours and a curiosity driven by instinct to feed or defend, is going to take an interest in the clumsy thing moving through their habitat.

  9. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Try demanding from them why you have to provide the info and see where it gets you. They have the uniform so they not only don't have to justify themselves to you or anyone else, they can do whatever they choose to do with you. Pays not to get lippy with a uniform in any country.

    In answering the OP's question, I have always left it blank and have never been challenged. The IO doesn't care as it has nothing to do with his job of checking your immigration status but is for statistical purposes.

    If one of them orders you to drop and give him 15 push ups, will you comply immediately, no questions asked?  Do you salute the uniformed security guard in the car park?

    • Haha 1
  10. There is truth in what the Doc said, but also a serious lack of professionalism and self control.  


    This Doc, for whatever reason, believes in telling people like it is.  If the Doc has engaged in this truth telling style too many times, the hospital is eventually going to make a business decision.


    If that happens, will this Doc recognize and accept the truth that it was his poor customer service skills that lead to termination?  Or will the bigotry/ discrimination card be deployed?


    Another idea tickling me is the Pattaya "friend" from Surin.  Does she have the social status chops to pull this off against a Doctor?  Ladyboy or otherwise.   Really is all on her.  The Iranian tourist, while probably annoyed, isn't the one who threw the Facebook grenade.

  11. Regardless if the cynical suspicion is right or wrong, the fact Thais have the sack to challenge monks and temples in this way, gives me hope.


    As for the devout engaged in shark related ceremonial gyrations, if the How To book said stand on your head and sing a tune from Mary Poppins, they would.  :coffee1:


    The Thai Director of Marine & Coastal Resources seems to have his shit together.  When his staff collects their observations and data, I wouldn't put it past him to confer with his scientific contemporaries outside Thailand if he felt the need to.  That idea gives me hope as well.

  12. Bluespunk spot on up there ^. 


    If it costs them money, or doesn't help to make them more, Thais (and humans in general) need to be coerced into changing mindset/behavior, and that typically involves hitting them in the pocketbook.


    PM Prayuth's first plastic bag campaign was a few years ago, and we began using those reusable cloth shopping/market bags, making a point to decline unnecessary/ overuse of plastic bags, and tell the market vendors why.   Did that for weeks but it just didn't seem to be catching on, and I never saw anyone besides us, using a cloth bag.


    We just came back from Southern California.  Noted Walmart was charging to supply customers with bags.  Believe it was $0.16 each.

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  13. Well, for the time being, PM Prayuth put the kibosh on the Thai Farmer's Assc's intent to plant cannabis for medical purposes.  Something about permission to do that is "unacceptable for Thais and needs more study". 


    One guy in the linked full article used the term "revolution" wrt weed in Thailand. A bit premature and with a Junta in charge, the "R" word maybe a bit too provocative.

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