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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

    What qualifies you to give advice to anyone?

    I've got the same qualifications you do, except for one.  I don't know how many pages are in the Marriage/Divorce sub-forum.  Or any forum for that matter. 

    You got me beat there.  :laugh:


    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Raffy said:

    I kind of agree with the OP in some aspects, as well as my own thoughts from what I've seen about "Loser" Farangs online.


    I see lots of guys with young skinny Thai girls or older skinny attractive Thai women, and I know 99% chance they wouldn't have a shot at someone that cute in their home country because they would be considered a "Loser" by their own women.  They come here with complex that "all Thai women are clawing to get at their vast fortunes of wealth." Oh please...


    These guys will be on their best behavior for a short time to get a Thai woman and then, it all goes to shit because they fall into alcoholism, abuse, or other "Loser" behaviors they probably did back home. 


    Unless you meet: a prostitute, bar girl, older desperate poor gold digger, or some kind of desperate Thai woman that has to raise kids by herself and needs financial help, THEY DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY. This myth is something I see with older Farangs all the time online. If your whole relationship is on the basis of you being the "Big Shot Rich Farang", that's a "Loser" play on your part. Are you not good enough to have someone love you for being yourself? I guess not. Instead you waive around Thai Baht in exchange for an empty relationship and some sort of superiority complex ego boost. 


    If you marry an intelligent, clean, responsible, educated, hard working Thai woman they don't care about YOUR money, because they have their OWN. They don't ask you for money, because they again have their OWN. If she has her own car, speaks fluent English, went to college, and has a job, you got yourself a winner most likely that's not just a poor uneducated gold digger. There is such a thing as a Thai woman that was raised with respect and love and taught how to be independent and hard working.


    If a good Thai woman divorces you and goes after your Farang dollars, I think she knows exactly where to hit you to make you pay for tying up valuable years of her life and happiness. Thai women will do anything to make you happy, if you don't appreciate that fact compared to the reality of dating most western women, she has every right to take your money because you're probably a "Loser" jerk that doesn't treat people well.

    So in the end, even the "Good Thai Woman", turns into a vindictive, money grubbing ****.  Good to know. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Looking at the liveleak vid, does appear to be a handgun barrel he's pointing at people and the way he's doing it, that's what he wanted them to think.  All the 911 callers thought it was a gun, so the cops roll up and act on a potentially armed man acting irrationally.  But of course Rueters reports with the benefit of hindsight.  If the people on the street and the police knew and believed it was just a pipe, the guy would still be alive. Clearly he had some issues, but not anymore. 

  4. Frankly, I don't think there will be much difference as 120 seems to be the "normal" target speed on main highways as it is now. 


    Larger problem IMV is the substandard engineering, construction and maintenance of the roads here.  These horrendous highway median U-turns really need to go.


    Engineering, Education and Enforcement.  The Three "E"s.  Thailand has a lot of room to improve in each one of those pillars.


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Can't see why one would think that this was a link for credit monitoring ?



    It is mentioned in every review and comparison I read although think I was wrong about the "paid" part.  But thank you again for your input and I did act on it, but I'm looking for a slightly more refined product and this is not it for me, at least not right now.  May become a player in the future though.

  6. I cut back since last December, after my annual physical.    It wasn't due to that necessarily but it did cause me to reflect on aging, and a less admirable  acknowledgement that I had fallen too far into the local pattern of drinking beer everyday, or nearly.  So it was time to put that in check. 


    Physically, I feel better not being under a frequent, variable hang over cloud, and a few pounds have come off.

  7. On 4/3/2018 at 5:41 PM, snoop1130 said:

    "We cannot enforce our country’s laws overseas. If foreign countries do not send them back [for prosecution in Thailand], that’s it. Do you get it?” Prayut told reporters at Government House on Tuesday.


    “I don’t have any feeling about them. They should have been ashamed. They broke the law and they still dare to go out,” the prime minister said.

    Yes, sir, Mr. PM, we "get" that the lack of cooperation by so many countries abroad isn't a ringing endorsement of your Junta's credibility and motivations. 


    "I have no feelings about them".  Then vents his strong feelings about them.  LOL.

    • Like 2
  8. 19 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Like you I am also a Turbo Tax and TaxAct refugee


    My solution for the last two years has been Credit Karma Tax, free and has all the schedules you would ever need


    Submitted electronically and refund received in one week to my US bank account,   your mileage may vary 



    I saw that one earlier as well, seems to be a link to signing up for their paid credit monitoring service.  Looks like an up and comer though, will keep my eye on it as future alternative if TaxAct continues to escalate like TT did.  Thanks for responding. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    But even worse than suggesting that it was archaic, superstitious and anthropomorphic nonsense is not recognizing a clearly tongue-in-cheek report.

    Really?  Wow, now wouldn't that be something!  A Thai "news" outfit taking the piss out of a Thai for believing silly Thai nonsense? 


    Edit:  I have to agree after the Mrs read the whole thing (my Thai not that good or fast) and said the article wasn't making light of that old chestnut, or that the Thai involved even mentioned it.  So somebody seems to have gotten creative in the News Team.

  10. 5 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    considering a vast majority of illegals enter the country legally by planes, buses etc. this is a complete waste of time and money. Just a way for Trump to pander to his base, nothing more.

    You should let go of this maybe half true talking point, brought to life from the 90's by butt hurt Jorge from Univision.  The left latched onto this thing and have been using it to.... pander to their base about immigration and the wall.  


    Nothing I've reviewed suggests inspected over stayers comprise a "vast" majority of the total illegal population.  Not even a majority.  


    It does remind us, however, that illegal immigration is a multi-faceted issue, and each piece requires consideration.


    At any rate, it's ok to say Trump is talking out of his bung hole and/or pandering to his base.  He does it all the time, so no additional facts or supporting evidence is required.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  11. Thais restaurants aren't as crazy numerous as 7-11 are here, but there are a lot where I'm from.  But there are lots of Mexican places, "Chinese", and Vietnamese Pho too. 


    We were in California last month and stopped near the house to try a small Mexican place we hadn't been to before.  Thai restaurant next door, open, empty, no customers coming or going.   Another one directly across the street, line of sight, same thing.  There are 1 or 2 more within a few miles radius.  I've noticed them over the years, somehow they are making a go of it.


  12. 23 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    That sounds good. Perhaps the call will be less than a weeks pension? Maybe not. The wonders of modern technology:sad:

     Well, it's a "tip" on how you might handle this, which is what you asked for.  The other member told you about the Security code issue you asked about, which you also rebuffed.  I suppose you just want to vent your frustration.  Fair enough, I certainly empathize with you about these aggravating, automated telephone systems. 


    Hope your written communication is answered and you get your card sorted out.  Good luck.///

  13. 1 minute ago, Gandtee said:

    Thanks for the advice but I'm still back in the dark ages and don't have internet banking. I've written to my branch in the UK and hope they'll sort something out and meanwhile keep my old card active.

    I can recall a number of times calling my bank(s) and didn't enter the requested information or stuffed it up, waited too long, but eventually, it connected to a customer care representative. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Siameaze said:

    I opened a Bangkok Bank account at Chalong Circle Phuket. I just made a B 40000 cash deposit at a CDM near Udon Thani. I was charged for an inter regional transfer! On my statement it doesn't show up as a fee...just a reduced deposit. Not sure what will happen when I try to do an ATM Withdrawal...charged again??

    Stone Age.

    The fee is a pittance when you consider the cost of bird seed these days, and how much effort it takes to fly 40,000 Baht all the way down to Phuket.  


    • Haha 1
  15. I was a TurboTax price hike refugee after many years with them.  Been using TaxAct the past 3 years, and this year they increased the price 165% over last year for the version I use.  Not necessarily the money, but like to seek alternatives.


    Looking at TaxSlayer Classic. Doesn't seem to highlight retirement income and handling investments, but drilling down into forms, looks like they're included.   Anyone use it and can comment? 

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