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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    We always remove and clean the ac filters in every hotel we stay at - Thailand and elsewhere - but in general Thailand is the worst.  I also spray the ac with a disinfectant and run it on low without the filters for a minute, and then once the filters are back in, I spray again with disinfectant (heaps) and turn it up full blast - we leave the room for 5-10 minutes. If the ac has not cooled the room down by the time we come back, or the room stinks, we ask for another room.  Plus - we will take a small portable air-filter with us when we are in the Rural/Regional areas of Thailand.  I dont see why anyone would balk at a few minutes work/trouble to ensure the air they breath while sleeping is not putrid. Being an older ex-smoker it is a routine that is well worth the trouble for me. And to the next few visitors in the room - no whucking furries.


    Nice one!  House we're in now came with all the a/c units in so they've been going for years.  I've had them serviced but master bedroom quit working recently so they did the full service - off the wall and taken apart outside.   Oh boy, it was a science experiment in there, so I'm having all of them done over the next month or so.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 hours ago, SooKee said:

    The main think I check, if the rooms have individual AC units, is whether the filters have been cleaned, mostly I've found they haven't.  Often clogged with dust and muck.  Blast them out in the shower then re-install.  Some have looked like they've not been cleaned in a year or more.

    Yup, that's what I do too. :smile:

  3. 41 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I'm the only foreigner where I live, if anyone found a wallet with a foreigners photo, they would knock on my door and hand it over.

    Driving 5Km with it seems either 'dense' or 'suspicious'.

    Only 2 that I was aware of at the time, me and a European.  The guy who found it doesn't live in our town though.  The 2 lane soi leads off into the countryside, lots of small villages as it winds along out that way.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Grouse said:

    OK, that's fine. Please leave the rest of the world alone. Make America Great and stay home ?


    BTW, who destabilised Iran in the first place?

    Da' Brits.  They stuffed up a lot of things besides Iran.



    Britain first cast its imperial eye on Iran in the 19th century. Its appeal was location; it straddled the land route to India. Once established in Iran, the British quickly began investing — or looting, as some Iranians would say. British companies bought exclusive rights to establish banks, print currency, explore for minerals, run transit lines and even grow tobacco.




  5. 2 minutes ago, tolsti said:

    OK... assuming you are not Dirtycash... which bank are you going to apply for a loan from? SCB?  BKK? KTB?

    LOL, no, I'm not.  I was just goofing around up there ^ with the coffee shop thing. 

    • Like 1
  6. Do the show money if you can.  That's what I did.  Parents were in their mid-70s, not well off but said we should use the money for ourselves as we had so much more life ahead of us.


  7. 11 minutes ago, BuriramSam said:

    It's hard to say what effect Trump had on Un. However, I will assume the leader of SoKo is smart and his thanks to Trump are for good reason.

    I think it had some influence but my sense is this was an Asian thing.  KJU wouldn't be inclined to suddenly and randomly roll over and give up to to the USA, and certainly not Donald Trump.


    Author of this opinion piece clearly doesn't think much of Trump but his take dances in and out of interesting speculation, albeit a few days old now. 



    Perhaps Moon was just being polite and deferential in agreeing with Lee, who broached the subject first. Maybe he also felt he needed to get himself into US President Donald Trump’s good books ahead of tough negotiations with the US over trade and security issues. 

    After all, as they say, flattery will always get you somewhere, and with this occupant of the White House, everywhere, probably. 




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  8. Just now, BuriramSam said:

    I have never been a fan of Trump's saber rattling game with Kim Jong Un. But we're all along for the ride anyway. 

    I thought he (Trump) was perfect for that role.  He out trolled the troll!  :laugh:  But did that, and the sanctions, after all this time, finally force Kim into his current behavior?


    I don't think so. 





  9. Just now, Pib said:

    Yea, assuming you mean you clicked on 29 Apr/when this thread was started,  the KB105 update above was released 23 Apr....it's not the 1803 update.  Plus, the 1803 update only became available on 30 Apr only if a person "forced" the download by downloading the ISO and/or possibly clicking Check for Updates.




    Odd it didn't download automatically between then and the 29th, until I hit the Check for Updates button that evening.   Doesn't matter now, just thought it was odd at the time.  

  10. Right, thought it was a good thread bump last night.


    When you started this thread, although I was on automatic updates, I clicked the button to check for updates, and was surprised there was one.   It took a while, and I thought I screwed up and somehow was getting the "big one" you were talking about.  But it wasn't.  Whew!  



    Double checked the manual DISABLE update settings last night, looks good still.   The "Check for Updates" button is still enabled but when I click on it, spins for a while then returns an unable to process error, so it's definitely OFF OFF.

  11. If it's in livable condition, I always like the suggestion of renting first if you can, to get a feel for the house and people, and village rhythm - typically set the  thump thump thump sound of Issan Mor Lam music. LOL.   A rent to own option for 1 year trial, then buy, or walk away, would be ideal.


    Good that you've got friends living in/around there, so you shouldn't feel isolated, and I'm sure they've revealed the ups and downs of living in that area.  If not, be sure to ask.


    The material condition of the house is a big topic and I'm sure there are plenty here experienced with the old, wooden Thai style houses.    Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. 


  12. 4 hours ago, Goanna said:

    Had a dog killed by a snake already. Wouldn't eat in the evening, and dead stiff in the morning. If I can help it at all, my grand daughters will not die like that. You may not care about our family, but I do. Bye bye snake.

    Don't be a drama queen.  Get a broom and shoo it away.  Easy.


    • Haha 1
  13. How the hell (pun intended) did religion get drawn into this?


    That's the hail mary pass of them all.  Kill all snakes because the first woman god created, or so the story goes, was tricked by a talking snake, into eating a piece of forbidden fruit.


    Is this where we are at, as a species, after all these millennia?  Really?  :blink:


    Clearly, the talking snake in that particular story wasn't aggressive or venomous.   At a minimum, you should allow non-venomous snakes to live.  God would probably appreciate that kind effort.  Certainly his Son, Jesus, would give you a slap on the back and buy you a Leo for being a good bloke.

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