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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 7 minutes ago, Internatltraveler said:

    <snip> (with a large machete).


    It is truly offensive to read the comments in this topic nearly to the point of being repulsive and sounds like a bunch of cave men sitting around bragging about their many conquests. We have a long ways to go and the road is going to be very bumpy getting there. but we bring this on ourselves!

    I like bumpy roads, especially when I have 3 Pattaya Pole Dancers on my lap in a tuk tuk.  They squeal with delight when I do this.


    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    She drinks Lao, has a golden necklace, farang drinks water and is gold less? 

    For a hardened expert with 20 years in-country, you missed the t-shirt with the English words on it.  Dead give-away.   And there's green vegetation behind them, which is ALWAYS found up in Issan, and we all know what THAT means, right?  Wink, Wink!


    Newbie mistakes but never mind that.  Keep punching, mate, you'll get there one day.

  3. 5 hours ago, cat handler said:

    Love graphs that have no references, it that one showing the size of the average Asian mans penis by year in centimetres?

    Fair point.  It's graph displaying approximate # of illegals in the US.  Seems to be consistent with all the chatter, but who knows.  Even if it's only somewhat accurate, the point was there's a shitload of them (apparently) and it got that way, again, over a long period of time encompassing both R and D administrations.   Solution is never going to be found in the extreme ends on either side of the knee jerking political divide.


    A full on amnesty, all by itself, doesn't fix the underlying problems.  Rounding them all up, even if you could, doesn't address them either.   

  4. I would imagine Bangkok is well taken care of being it's the center of the universe. 


    Probably over-blown by social/Thai media, but recall a light panic last year when the BKK Guv'na had to suck his teeth and level with his people - that they might have to endure some tap water rationing due to the drought.  OMG!     


    Rough and tough up-country folks could only look on with giggles and grimaces.  LOL.


  5. 13 hours ago, Mrjlh said:

    You have a "monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia).  Marking pattern of a broken broad black band on front of throat indicates that,  but the markings behind the head on the hood would be a much better indicator.  They are known to "spit".  Spectacled Cobras have two distinct black spots on the throat and a King has none. Picture of the back of the head would be more positive in identifying it. I studied them in Bangkok and caught a few before leaving Khao Yai.


    Also they are often called an 'Indochinese Spitting Cobra"  but  some experts believe the actually two are separate species.  DNA will confirm that because Thailand can have them all.

    Glad you said that because the pattern on the front neck confused me from the get go, and sent me trawling Google for a while trying to find one with similar coloration/pattern, without much success. 


    What led me to believe it was a "proper" spitting cobra was the load of what appears to be venom on the window, and the lunging behavior as the snake continued to spit - although they looked like dry shots by then?    Most vids I've seen, they'll try to escape soon as they think they can, but this fella was sacred to death, and injured. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Craig krup said:

    Apparently cobras do a lot to avoid violence: noise, standing up, even hitting you with a closed mouth. They're also active, so they'll tend to move away from human activity. It's the vipers - Malaysian, Russells - that give me the creeps. They'll do nothing, and if you plant your foot nearby you get bitten. 

    Agreed.  And I'm more worried about the little Cobras you might not notice so easily, especially in low light.  Might not even realize you been bitten.

  7. 9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Which begs another obvious question: how would we know if the contents of those emails were altered? I don't think anyone would accuse the Russian intelligence services of being crusading journalists.

    Fair point, of course.  As is questioning the motive of those engaged in hacking.  Are you suggesting the leaked Clinton campaign emails were altered to make them more scandalous and damaging? 



    I was pissed off at Chelsea Manning for what she did in her capacity as a military service member with access to classified terminals and information.   Despite that, the revelations were important. 


    For me, the quality of the information rests on the idea that the participants at the time, didn't anticipate the content being revealed.   So it was an interesting peek behind the curtain, so to speak.  I don't delude myself into thinking this kind of s**t is limited to Clinton.  Politics is a dirty business.

    • Like 2
  8. Judges in my country used to offer jail or military service. 


    Here, you can be a total <deleted> but the day you put on the special bathrobe, people are conditioned to get on their knees and give you money, food and toothpaste on the path to nirvana.  Or maybe just some lucky Lotto numbers.





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    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, cat handler said:


    Why an amnesty, why reward people who did the wrong thing? No amnesty, round them up and ship them back home and give them a pack detailing the correct way to apply for immigration to the US. Send a message, that message should be if you sneak across the border in the middle of the night you won’t get to remain.

    Couldn't agree more from a strictly ideological POV. At the moment though, it's this:



    I don't like being held hostage to smug liberals spouting economic end times any more any anyone else does, but there has to be a policy for ^this^ reality to move into.  Rounding everyone up and shipping them out is a great sound byte, but not realistic with the current system.

  10. Just now, cat handler said:


    If the parents stole a car and gave it to their children should that child be allowed to keep that car, after all according to you it wasn’t their fault the car was stolen. Bottom line is the whole lot of them are illegal immigrants, the children can be deported with their family, keep them together of course, why would you want to remove their parents and deport just the parents, that is cruel. The illegals in the US pay no tax, under cut wages for US citizens, have no access to social security so are committing crimes to fund their life there. We all know what Fidel did, empty his jails or rapists, murderers, drug dealers and thieves and sent them to the U.S, how many of these types of people are flooding the borders now.


    It's only natural that the next initiative would be a program to provide amnesty to the parent. Not doing so makes you, at a minimum, a mean spirited person.


    I could stomach another amnesty but like I said earlier, there has to be a sensible system to move into.  Not amnesty now and figure out the rest later, but never do. 


    Dems/Libs will go along with small victories along the way.  Politically, they are playing the long game as those availing Amnesty or Amnesty-lite programs will always view the D party as most beneficial for them. 


  11. 9 hours ago, Credo said:

    The parents are not covered under DACA and I suspect many are illegal, some have been deported and some have likely become legal.   The parents who have become legal, however, cannot sponsor a child who is in the US.


    The problem for those in the DACA program is, unlike their parents, many have virtually no ties to their country of origin.   They have been in the US for many years.   

    I think the right/Republican resistance recognizes the progressive nature of the Lib/Dem strategy to reach a milestone, one inch at a time if need be.


    President Obama rightly knew another big stand-alone amnesty wasn't doable, so he lowered his sights a bit and did DACA, which I had no problem with because it "saved the children".  Even the 31 year old ones.  LOL.   The next predictable step would have been to save the parents, so out comes the "don't tear families apart" chant again. 


    Same strategy with gun control. 


    Personally, I didn't object to the idea of another amnesty/reset,  but only if it was the final act in a sensible immigration reform. 

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