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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 18 hours ago, andre47 said:

    No, Thai nationals don't have to pay.


    I am against discrimination, but as I mentioned already Thai people donate a lot for the wat. Many Farang don't do this. And what is more important....Thai people treat the wat with more respect than a lot of farang do. I saw many graffiti in some wats. This is very disrespectful. I think since the hordes of Chinese are coming here they changed their policy.


    But I saw this admission fee in two wat's only.


    If farangs have become so much of a problem, why keep the Wat open to farang tourists?  Close it to preserve it, and keep it only for the noble Thais who do "Tambun" for this Wat, and Thais who "respect" it.    

    Maybe you should share your insight with those noble Thais charging 20 Baht a head.  I'm sure they'll be happy to heed it.  Right?  LOL!

  2. I know it's too late now, but for the benefit of anyone else that feels they are sliding into this kind of situation or in it now..... DO NOT get her pregnant.  Keep that thing in the holster, or put a condom on it.  Not going to change her, only you, and for many, many years to come; and you'll always have a link to a lying, scheming female who may see your kid as a pawn to hold over your head. 


    Leaving isn't easy.  Many have been there done that.  But once you do, months or a year later, you'll look back with clear eyes and relief that you dodged a bullet. 


    Good luck, OP.

    • Like 2
  3. Well, out of all the government Dept heads, this guy is a good choice to "spearhead" this effort, rather than Doctor "Barnacles Dun It", and other assorted experts whizzing around in speedboats.


    Be interesting to see who's rice bowl ponies up the dough for an emergent, unfunded beach net requirement.  PM Prayuth needs to "wade in" and write a cheque.


    Also a missed opportunity for the Director of Tourism and Sports to get an "I'm on it" action photo of himself, stumbling around at the beach in leather loafers with the Marine & Coastal Resources head honcho. 


    Inter-departmental and cross provincial cooperation for the good of the Kingdom.  Protect sharks AND the tourists; Thai and Farang alike.  That's a civil servant's wet dream if there ever wuz one.  :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  4. Reading a book about Vietnam War last night, just happened to read a sentence that said the farmers covered their raised foot paths with a layer or two of banana leaves.


    Really odd that I see this question here today, and that I remembered that innocuous detail.  :biggrin:

  5. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    That was a deliberately provocative post, but there is some underlying truth in your point. Starbucks isn't in a position to solve the pervasive homelessness and economic inequality problem in the USA. There is only so much they can do. 


    People make a big mistake if they're trying to sell this as a Starbucks specific issue. It's a national issue which touches on all aspects of public life. 

    My point really didn't have anything to with the wider racism problem or the homeless crisis. 


    But yes, it's the same intentional mistake we've seen play out a number of times with these BLM cats.  Rush to judgement, no idea what actually happened between the manager and these two guys and they don't really care.   But it's racial, because she's white. Don't look now, but that's bias and racist.  Works both ways.  BLM doesn't care about happened, they only care about remaining relevant.  MSM aids and abets because they gave away their integrity long ago in favor of social activism.


    1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    He didn't actually. Because the reason of waiting for a business meeting would have worked if they weren't black. 

    I mostly agree with that sentiment, because I know there is a wider problem in the US.  But you're making that assumption based on your bias.  I'll go so far as to say you "really" don't believe that 100%, because you're not a dummy.  But you do have to be consistent and mirror the trends and talking points.  But that doesn't make you right.

  6. "Bathrooms without Borders".  :biggrin:


    Let it bake in for a couple weeks and then see how understanding and compassionate the permanently offended are when they have to squat for a pee but the same non-customer homeless dude has been in the head for 20 minutes straight washing his feet and underwear in the sink.    Which means the front counter slaves will be in there more frequently unclogging the crapper, replacing stolen TP rolls and killing pubic hair crabs, instead of making those caffeine-free, non-dairy, gluten-free Mochaliscioius Frappadoodoos. 


    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    Brandon Tatum's cut on this:



    "Why can't (us black folks) just follow the damn rules".


    "The white liberals are killin' us, man!"


    I'm sure this guy will take a lot of krap for being sensible about this.  I bet some BLM crew will call him an Uncle Tom.  A sell out. 

    White folks involved in the protest are committed now, so they have no choice but to stay the course and keep pumping their Fight the Power fist, while Starbuck's CEO does the Jerry McGuire. 


    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Expatthailover said:

    They learnt everything they know from roman catholicism. 

    Let us all pray they never become as adept at child abuse as perpetrated by some of their 'disciples'.

    I wont say all of them as some on here  ( not all ) are wont to label all thais .

    Wasn't the catholics.  The "how to" course they attended is widely available from Amway.  The guest lecturer is a well known celebrity and subject matter expert by the name of Bernie Madoff. 


    Also available for download from Amazon, use code "SCAM" for 20% off if you order in the next 5 minutes.

    • Haha 1
  9. 12 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    Have you ever been anywhere in Thailand where you were the first farang to ever visit that town, city, etc.?


    Are you the only farang that currently lives in your village or area?


    Do you know of any areas in Thailand where there are no farangs and/or none that ever lived there?


    My wife is from a small village in Isaan that is 38 km to the nearest 7-11.


    There is nothing there, no stores, restaurants etc.


    People are extremely poor and surviving job to job (Cutting rice, sugarcane, etc.)


    Never saw one farang there ever


     Yeah, we've heard your traumatic life story plenty of times before, you don't have to keep re-telling it in the 3rd person like you weren't ever there.  LOL! 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, uncleeagle said:

    I go to Starbucks to sit and relax and read for a couple of hours and of course buy a drink. I pay seemingly high prices to have a comfortable place to sit. In other words I am renting real estate more than buying a drink.


    I hope this incident will not mean Starbucks beceome powerless to stop non paying customers from using its premises, because if that happens it will quickly cease to be a pleasant place to be.


    Perhaps this incident was just pure racism, or perhaps these guys werent there to meet a college professor and actually were just people who think its their right to use the premises with no intention of buying a drink and the staff were simply trying to deal with people who frequently abuse the premises and maybe have acted in a somewhat aggressive fashion, hence the seeming over reaction of calling in the police.


    It will be interesting to see how this situation develops for Starbucks, I suspect it means certain areas will cease to be viable as Starbucks locations, once they can no longer police their premises.

    Starbucks is a progressive-minded company, so I'm sure they will come up with an innovative, compassionate solution like a roping off a designated safe space for non-paying customers.  Naturally, they won't think it through and will be dumb-founded by the predictable consequences. 






  11. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    The woman - Bunmee - was just 21 and young enough to be the man's child.


    17 hours ago, webfact said:

    Bunmee explained that she was married before and has a child. But the last guy was a gambler.


    17 hours ago, webfact said:

    But Bunmee confirmed on her Facebook page that the couple had wed in a simple ceremony.


    And all the other men in the village were green with envy.

    A true Thailand love story if there ever wuz one.    Married, knocked up and divorced by 21.  Marries this guy, old enough to be her Dad, and refers to him as "this one".   Enjoys the idea of making "all the other village men" envious. 


    Chok dee, indeed.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    People are focusing way too much on Starbucks or this one incident. The issue is nationwide in all aspects of public life. 

    BLM will capitalize on events to advance the broader narrative.  I get it and that's good, but sometimes they get ahead of the facts. 


    The nationwide issue being nationwide has no bearing on the whether or not the Starbucks manager is a racist, or acted with racial bias.

  13. Starbucks says it doesn't have a corporate policy that only paying customers can use their restrooms.  Clearly that wouldn't make sense everywhere.  


    But this Starbucks did.  The restroom door(s) were kept locked.  Customers have to ask staff for access.  Why?   Anyone from a (US) city with a vagrant or homeless population knows why.  Anyone who's worked in an area like that knows why too. 


    I've used a Starbucks as a neutral meeting place to conduct initial interviews with prospective employees.  The staff there knew me, I was a frequent customer, and I always asked them (as a courtesy) if I could do a quick meeting; and I typically had a coffee at the same time.   Maybe I'm just white, but that seems like the polite thing to do when using someone else's venue for your own business.


    By the time the guy these two were meeting with showed up, they had dug their heels in hard.  Forget Starbucks.  This was contempt of cop.


    We may never know if race and/or unconscious bias was a factor for the Manager, in full or in part, or maybe not at all.  Once BLM protestors and agitators show up with their megaphones and invoke the  race card, it's racial.  And the MSM is so far gone, they have no choice but to jump on board.



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