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Posts posted by jaidam

  1. The only political thing about those prisoners is that they were used as a political tool by PTP to suit their agenda, they were, in a way, a sort of perverse type of hostage that they could use to pass their "Amnesty" Bill.

    Not sure about that. I don't think the red pawns were going to be covered by the Thaksin amnesty bill. It only pardoned corruption and fraud on an industrial scale, those involved in mass murder of suspected pot smokers, transport secretaries with houses full to the roof of banknotes, and other "high end" crimes that Thaksin and his band of brothers dubbed the amart rouge carried out. The common or garden red shirt that was brainwashed to believe Thaksin is the second coming and committed petulant violent actions in the belief it would bring him back to rule were to be left to rot.

    And how do we know this? Look at the details of the pre-coup Thaksin in Singapore negotiation with Prayuth. No mention of the red pawns, only guarantees for the red elite. Suckers.

  2. I wonder how far up this goes.

    guess we will never know

    All the way because the previous government did not go after these people as they were against the anti government protesters. Not doing anything about these kind of attacks is the same as sanction terrorism. So even if they cant prove a direct link.. the indirect link is there.

    They caught all the PDRC guys with weapons.. but never any on the other side...... Now that the army is here they get caught.. anyone with half a brain knows that it means they were protected.

    According to the BP the 4 divs in custody have been singing like the proverbial canary down a coalmine. Would you believe they fingered the head of UDD security and secretary to the Yingluck cabinet's interior minister, who is now suing the pants off anybody revealing this. Who was head of interior ministry? Turns out it wasn't the PDRC bombing themselves after all, who'd a thunk it.

    What happened to the famous Third Hand?

    The way this is heading it looks like the beheaded one actually might have been the 3rd hand himself. Somewhat ironic but not in the least unexpected. Next question is did this booze-hound pay for the terrorism out of some perverse desire to see Thaksin as dictator, or did he receive payment from you know who for the terror campaign? It's going to be an interesting few weeks.

    I notice there is no mention at all of the sec to interior ministry in Yingluck cabinet in any news any more. Is this a result of lawsuits he is filing against all and sundry for revealing his actions?

  3. I am going to enjoy watching this one unfold.

    I wonder how far away all the figures for the rice mess are going to be from the physical count.

    I go with about 15% water, and bug infested, along with at least 15% mould.

    About 5mn tonnes of product that is all still there, but unusable.

    Your stance is that none of the rice is missing. Do you think the elaborate scaffold found in a near empty warehouse with a few bags of rice neatly surrounding it was done a) to increase aeration of grain in the silo, or B) an elaborate time consuming cover-up of a well organized rice theft?

    And what is this 5 million tonnes in storage? The PTP was only joking about all the mega deals to china,iraq,nigeria , wherever. They didn't actually sell any. None. There is still supposed to be about 18 million tonnes of what was once rice sitting there, is there not?

    • Like 2
  4. I wonder how far up this goes.

    guess we will never know

    All the way because the previous government did not go after these people as they were against the anti government protesters. Not doing anything about these kind of attacks is the same as sanction terrorism. So even if they cant prove a direct link.. the indirect link is there.

    They caught all the PDRC guys with weapons.. but never any on the other side...... Now that the army is here they get caught.. anyone with half a brain knows that it means they were protected.

    According to the BP the 4 divs in custody have been singing like the proverbial canary down a coalmine. Would you believe they fingered the head of UDD security and secretary to the Yingluck cabinet's interior minister, who is now suing the pants off anybody revealing this. Who was head of interior ministry? Turns out it wasn't the PDRC bombing themselves after all, who'd a thunk it.

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  5. Don't worry, you're soon get used to the idea that some posters will post anything without corroboration, or based on conspiracy theories such as this one.

    Well better late than never. I take this as a tardy apology for your continued insistence that Thaksin's lawyer Nopphadol acted alone without checking with his boss when the PTP share saga and mega bucks reward shennanigans unfolded. Well done mate, I never expected you to man up.

  6. So has the beheaded one, Jatuporn, Nattawut and Tida. That makes me happy.

    If Chalerm did fulfill his promise and lop that stupid, fat, red-nosed melon of his off, would it make any difference to his IQ rating ?

    None, what so ever, sir.

    He knew as much about the game of football as how to sing a song.

    Come now that is not really fair on Dr.Thaksin. He knew so much about footy that he told Sven Goran Erikkson which players to buy,sell and exchange and which positions to play them in. He also knew exactly where to bury the crystals on the pitch to elevate the players game through witchcraft. Sven, apparently loved having Dr.Thaksin tell him how to do his job.

    • Like 1
  7. I just want to know if it's a Thai restaurant or Nepalese.

    Yes I find the Nepalese and burmease allot more rude than the Thais

    I am interested also

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Does anybody know why there are so many Nepalese business owners on the islands. I had some new neighbors around 2010 who were a family from Nepal. I was surprised as they all had new Thai passports even though they jrecently arrived in the country and could not speak,read or write Thai language. I'm guessing that after the Nepalese monarchy was abolished the ex royals could afford a Thai passport??

  8. NOTE TO USA: great job with your condemnation of Thailand over recent months . . . you've succeeded in pushing them even further into the arms of China, the polar opposite of what you actually want. Thumbs up on that one.

    what has America got to loose here, it's not as if America had a high tech train industry lobbing for this contract.

    America has lost its only ally in the region. I had expected trouble after an exercise in Cobra Gold went horrifically wrong which led to a wide body jet being shot out of the sky over the Gulf of Thailand and led to one of the biggest coverups in human history.

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  9. Thank you tingtongteesood, you saved me a lot of typing thumbsup.gifwai.gif

    It is quite interesting to note just how quiet in general the pro-Thaksin supporters here have become recently . . . there was a noticeable increase in pro-Thaksin posters when the Govt set up their propaganda war room, and surprise, surprise, a huge decrease when it all shut down. Make your own conclusions.

    I also find it quite interesting to get a general overview of people's thought processes here and the amount of "likes" received gives a good indication of what people are thinking (in general terms).

    Further to that, I notice in the Bangkok post that articles critical of the Thaksin regime get red arrowed more than liked, but if you check the most liked comments under the article, they are all anti the Thaksin cult. This leads me to make the conclusion that the red arrows are not from genuine readers.

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  10. Good to see more confiscation of these red shirt war weapons.

    Makes Thailand a safer place.

    How are you so sure that they belong to thr red shirts. Suthep and his gang had just as many also.

    Are you suggesting that having grenades and bullets raining down on you is the same as the firing of such instruments of terror? Evidence shows the projectiles were fired towards Suthep and his fellow protestors. Or, in other words, Suthep was very much a "taker".

  11. The due process should be that the actual people, I.e Human Resources Manager, the relative of Wanchai and the supervisor should take the fall, if this is a direct result of the murder of the poor little girl. However, SRT is a failing company that needs a massive overhaul , if they get the right person in, that clears the decks then so be it.

    Thanks, MrToad, for acknowledging the proper procedure.

    The sad thing is the more you research the accomplishments of the now "sacked" governor, the more one realizes he was just the guy to make the major overhaul and had started in that Herculean effort in his one short year at the SRT.

    But its done now and he is gone. I am just relieved someone here on TV actually knows how its supposed to be done.


    quote "The sad thing is the more you research the accomplishments of the now "sacked" governor, the more one realizes he was just the guy to make the major overhaul"

    That's interesting. My research showed him to be just another red toady Thaksin acolyte, just like everybody else placed in positions of responsibility, such as good old Port chief Kamronwit. These people were not picked for their expertise in the specific fields.

    I read an article of him in a Business publication so it was absent your political prejudice ;-)

    I might add that although I have no love for Thaksin, you are the first to suggest he and his peers are not very capable businessmen.

    Thaksin is not a businessman at all, he is a corrupt monopolist lucky enough to have been born into riches and power. Any notion that he is a "businessman" should have evaporated after he declared by him with-holding Thai rice for 3 years it would boost the world price and allow him to make a canny profit. LOL, is all I can say to such stunning stupidity and total lack of business/economic principles.

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  12. The due process should be that the actual people, I.e Human Resources Manager, the relative of Wanchai and the supervisor should take the fall, if this is a direct result of the murder of the poor little girl. However, SRT is a failing company that needs a massive overhaul , if they get the right person in, that clears the decks then so be it.

    Thanks, MrToad, for acknowledging the proper procedure.

    The sad thing is the more you research the accomplishments of the now "sacked" governor, the more one realizes he was just the guy to make the major overhaul and had started in that Herculean effort in his one short year at the SRT.

    But its done now and he is gone. I am just relieved someone here on TV actually knows how its supposed to be done.


    quote "The sad thing is the more you research the accomplishments of the now "sacked" governor, the more one realizes he was just the guy to make the major overhaul"

    That's interesting. My research showed him to be just another red toady Thaksin acolyte, just like everybody else placed in positions of responsibility, such as good old Port chief Kamronwit. These people were not picked for their expertise in the specific fields.

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  13. Staff in the catering car routinely drink or are drunk, with no supervision. On my last night train journey about 2 years ago from Surat Thani up to Bkk the staff in the catering car were very drunk and high and charged me 150B for a bottle of chang. I politely said it was usually 6o or 80 baht or whatever it usually was at the time. They were very agressive and stuck to this 150B price and were clearly enjoying my situation, making sure I could see that they were putting my overcharge in their pocket. Well, I spent at least 1,500B for beer on that trip and was the last time I used the night train, and quit drinking not long after that. Horrible having scrotes like the drunk SRT staff holding power over you like that.

  14. Wonder what they think they gain from targeting (student) nurses and teachers, how can that possibly help anyones cause ? Whatever they may think their cause is.

    Two more senseless deaths of young ladies who would, had they lived, have done good for society.

    Not senseless to them. Anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. They make merit for killing infidels.

    If they should die during such acts, then they attain martyrdom and immediate access to heaven and the 27 virgins. Some version of AlQ'ran mentions 70 virgins.

    I always wondered about that virgin promise, and so I am curious, which virgins?

    Susan Boyle?

  15. Thailand should deal with this whilst the Coup is on! It will be too late afterwards. Many countries have the same problem, but Thailand has an ideal opportunity to cleanse itself of these people - as well as the other long list of things that need to be addressed.

    When certain dictators decided to conduct some ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe, most onlookers condemned them - maybe rightly so at that time, but we hadn't had 9/11 then and did not know so much about the terrorists that we were facing. We know a lot more now and I wouldn't be so quick to condemn new ethnic cleansing because these cold blooded killers are targeting people like me - who doesn't want to be converted to their religion I - or any religion for that matter. I take each day as it comes, without any religion - so why should I fear for my life ?

    Well said Alberto. This is a superb opportunity to stop the southern terrorism. Just to make it fair though, after a heartfelt apology for Thaksins unforgivable mass murders at Krue Se and Tak Bai which gave the insurgency a real shot in the arm, a proper warning should be given. Any more terror attacks and all southern muslims will be loaded on a leaky boat and sent to Sudan. The problem I have with this insurgency is that the vast majority of the muslim populus actively or tacitly supports the terrorists. How do I know this? Well, if the majority of southern muslims did not condone the terror campaign, they would simply report the names of the terrorists to the army. They do not do this though, they cover for them every time.

    So, give them a chance to immediately report all terrorists in their midst or they all get sent to an Islamic utopia. No iffs, no buts, good bleeding riddance.

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  16. I am at a loss for words for the disgusting behavior of Chalerm and the other PTP scum for having Thawatchai arrested for a murder that he clearly did not commit, nor had any motive at all.

    Now the PTP have been booted out we see that, yet again, it's another violent red shirt committing a murder, and I'll take a wild guess here, when the truth comes out in the wash, he will have been paid for the assassination by a politician linked to the Shin clan. Time will prove me right, no doubt at all. As a logical thinker, there are precious few surprises in Thai politics

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