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Posts posted by jaidam

  1. Ho Ho, easy to laugh isn't it. i am not in Thailand at the moment. My family are and my wife is nervous. she knows of people who have been"paid a visit".

    It may be "shit and giggles" for you but it isn't for many.

    What would you have the military do with the remaining fanatics and extremists that refuse to believe that Thaksin isn't the world's saviour? For over a decade the Thaksin propaganda machine has been brainwashing with impunity, it has to end. Truly sad that the countries education system is so poor that a violent and incredibly greedy criminal gang can take over a country and win the feeble minded over with a few claims and promises while destroying any hope and future for the poor. Your wife's friends should have welcomed the well meant guidance much as the flat earthers, when faced with overwhelming facts and evidence changed their view.

    I would be interested to know how/why your wife's acquaintances became hardcore Thaksin acolytes?

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  2. Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

    This ones going nowhere !

    The best you've got is to insult her looks?

    Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

    Her so called " class " was paid for by Thaksin and tax payer paid overseas shopping trips, and she has no dignity after screwing over the rice farmers, school children and first car buyers to name a few

    Exactly how were they screwed over ???

    My staff who bought new cars are very happy and up to date with their payments.

    The rice farmers i know ( in Suphan ) are well aware that it was Sutheps and AV's machinations that stopped them getting paid on time. ( Although they are now happy to be paid ).

    Who exactly screwed who ?

    I suspect this known lie was posted merely to incite an angry response, but it serves a useful purpose. This is exactly why democracy has failed in Thailand. Having fallen victim to the barrage of Thaksin's propaganda a large segment of the population are, simply put, too stupid to handle the responsibility of voting.

  3. Try the links below, then you will indeed find that there are not two separate issues. Thaksin was not overtly in control but he was covertly in control.

    Try the OP.

    This crime was committed in 2007. It had nothing to do with Yingluck or the PTP, where by "nothing" I mean absolutely nothing. This 2007 crime was overseen by the patriotic Royal Thai Army, which was protecting the country from Thaksin, although (rather obviously) not from corruption - monetary and moral. Yingluck wasn't on the scene at all.

    There are thousands of links, er, linking Thaksin, Yingluck and President Agri, but not in THIS case. There's not one, which I guess is the reason you didn't pretend to provide one.


    IF PTP was not a re-incarnation of TRT. IF Yingluck was not Thaksin's clone. IF Thaksin had not stated that he was the only member of his govt that made any decisions. IF the 2006 coup cancelled every deal and contract signed and in the wings made previous to the coup day. IF the headline of this thread was not about "Thaksin's aide". You might just have a point worth being made. As it is, your frantic and ever more grasping denials are not convincing anybody, in fact, I'd say it's as if you are stuck in quicksand. Relax, think it through, use some logic, less emotion. It's really not so difficult to see what has been going on.

  4. I had a pen 309 years ago, parts are available to order on the internet and they are such a simple real to diss-reasemble,

    iI could never get the drag to run smooth regardless of which drag plates or grease.

    Have you tried making some leather drag washers? I do that when run into trouble with a star drag system. Costs almost nothing to make, and they are very forgiving, smooth as you like with very good braking power, even when the metal washers look tired. Using some quality grease like superlube to soak in to the leather and protect from water contamination they are impressive. Bit more effort to remember to back off the brake pressure when you finish fishing but I have a 49 with leather drag I made over a year ago and used the reel very heavily and it's still fine.

  5. pennparts.com in the US has most everything that is still available and I think they ship international.

    OK, I'll look into that...thanks!

    Did you have any luck getting your 309 back into shape yet?

    I have experience with the problem you describe. Usually you can fix your loose/ wobbly handle by putting a shim under the gear sleeve. You must remove the gear sleeve by pushing out the retianing pin then the sleeve just lifts off the post. Use carbonfiber drag washer material its fine, otherwise cut a small washer from tough plastic such as 5 liter oil container. Thickness of the washer you make determines the amount of "play" in the sleeve and ultimately the handle.

  6.  My ex said a few howlers during our time together. Once she had to go to a temple upcountry for 3 days and returned minus her cell phone and with a disturbing reaction to Willie Nelson's songs! Another time she had to go on a teacher training course for a weekend and developed the clap, but did get a promotion. End of the day I was relieved to have her away for a few days so I could drink without interruption. Win, win.

    • Like 1
  7. so long as dinosaurs like Chevalit, who along with the desert prince are poster boys for corruption, nepotism and all that is wrong with the present political mess, remain active, it's hard to see any real improvement. Speaking of Chevalit, wasn't the blue diamond affair back in the news again recently? Readers of Thai dailies in the 90's might remember a picture of Chevalit's wife wearing some interesting jewellery. Sad the way the affair has been twisted by insinsere politicos to finger those that can't defend themselves.

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  8. Rather than dragging in these spare witnesses to prove that Yingluck wasn't guilty of dereliction of duty despite not bothering to attend a single meeting of the Rice committee that she made herself chairwoman of, she should call in David Copperfield and Dynamo. Sleight of hand and illusion urgently needed, seeing as the facts are damning.

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  9. I'm surprised he has survived this long. Wasn't this the guy that when Thaksin said his family owned zero shares in PTT and he would give countless millions of baht if anybody could prove otherwise and after a couple of days the chief of PTT piped up and said the Shins owned 10's of thousands of shares in PTT, proving again that Thaksin is a dirty big liar with no shame.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong again, unsurprisingly.

    1. Noppadol, (not Thaksin) stated that Thaksin or his family did not own shares in PTT when Thaksin was being blamed for high fuel prices in Thailand (some things never change) in March 2013.

    2. Dr Parnpri Phahitthanukorn was not Chairman of the Board then, Vichet Kasemthongsri was.

    3. PTT President Pailin Chuchotttaworn, accompanied by PTT's chief financial officer Surong Bulakul, told a press conference on Monday that the online allegations against the company were distorted, adding that the Shinawatra family’s share ownership in PTT represented only 0.002 per cent of the firm's total 2.85 billion shares. The family’s ownership in PTT shares has no significant meaning in relation to the company’s operations or management, he said.


    4. Noppadol obviously spoke out of line, not for the first time.

    So you were completely wrong in your accusations but you did manage to get Thaksins name mentioned in a thread that has nothing to do with him.

    Well done you. coffee1.gif

    Well done for posting such informative detailed knowledge.

    Vichet Kasemthongsri - wasn't he appointed a PTP cabinet minister. Environment or something like that? So an ex oil man is given control of the environment ministry and an ex TRT deputy leader becomes head of the oil company. Interesting isn't it?

    It may well be interesting to you and others but I was correcting wrong information posted by Jaidam.

    If you want to comment on appointments to ministries and state enterprises perhaps you could broaden your search to others like Directors of Thai airways for example, but under the present regime perhaps it's best just to stick to the usual targets, eh, baerboxer?

    So, you are sticking to your highly speculative/nonsensical POV that Nopphadol acted alone in claiming that the Shinawatra clan owned zero PTT shares. I suppose you expect that Nopphadol would have been happy to give the reward of several million baht from his own pocket?

    A classic example of emotion over-riding logic.

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