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Everything posted by Yme

  1. The OP might consider getting it done in India if cost is an issue. I had an aorta-illiac bypass with two kissing stents done in Chennai about five years ago.Think it was about $6,000 all in.
  2. Go to Cambodia. Convert your money to Khmer Riel. Or transfer and deposit US$ directly. Deposit in someone like Woori Bank or LOLC and get decent interest rates. Depends on how much effort you want to go to to get resident tax (6%) on interest or non-resident (14%). If you have the interest paid monthly use the banks app to transfer it to Wing and from there to yourself at a Kasikorn account with no fees on the last day of each month. To open the account you will need a Cambodia E type visa (possibly with an extension to qualify for resident rates). A local rental agreement (guest house, serviced apartment, etc) Letter from the local Sangkat saying you are resident in their area. Rates have come down about 0.50% in the last couple of months.
  3. "after it revealed that it operates with a single aircraft" No one should be flying this airline. One overworked aircraft. Insufficient time for routine maintenance. What could possibly go wrong.
  4. Clearly in to much of a hurry to type an idiotic comment to read the story. Your mobster nickname would be dopey, I imagine.
  5. Cockpit door on most airlines is not to be opened during unscheduled events even if they are killing passengers right in front of the camera.
  6. So what? This isn't about you. Need some attention?
  7. If over 55 go to Cambodia. Arrive on a normal visa. Rent a serviced apartment or similar for two months Get a 12 month retirement extension on your origina 30-day visa through an agency. Get a certificate of residency from the Sangkat. Open a bank account in and download the appropriate app. Send a shed load of money to Cambodia and get 8.4% pa, paid monthly on a 12 mth TD. Pay 6% residence tax on the interest. Have the interest paid into your savings account linked to the app. Have your O/S pension paid into the same savings account. Use Wise to transfer money to yourself in Thailand (for free if on the last day of the month). Use the bank's virtual Visa, Mastercard, or UnionPay card to pay for things in Thailand.
  8. "if I was the CEO I would have done the same, and I suspect that if this was your company you would have done the same also." I think it's fair to say you've never been the CEO of anything in your life. The reputational damage and derision that will result will be far more than any compensation they are likely to receive from the customer. Sheer stupidity and evidence that Thai is desperately in need of some adult leadership.
  9. Only one of those four lists open and I doubt you're going to pay a Bt3,000 for shipping 150kgs corpse to the USA.
  10. That's not how you're supposed to use a gun.
  11. She is correct. This blew up several years ago and at the time private hospitals were instructed that they must accept all emergency cases and provide life-saving treatment. It will be interesting to see what Thai lies are told to cover this situation. The hospital should end up sued, but it will probably be just another Thai grovelling and flower ceremony.
  12. I think you should set up a card table out the front of Makro with signs alerting people to this massive extortion and collect signatures of people similarly so outraged to present to Makro management demanding they stop raising their prices. Once a week rallies with placards and a convoy of cars driving in circles around the car park.
  13. Never mind, Phue Thai has great experience at managing floods. Look at the outstanding job they did in 2011 ????
  14. The story, let alone the accusation, doesn't make much sense. Try adding some details "started to flick though my passport port. Stamp by stamp since the first page. It was like she knew something." Ha!? What have the stamps dot to do with it? Goodness, what a load of gibberish. English-language teacher, did you say?
  15. Yes. But they're not ordinarily done at the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS)
  16. The mother can request an autopsy be performed at the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) via the embassy.
  17. 4.8% is good for Australia. Or jump over to Cambodia and get 8.25% (-6% resident or 14% nonresident tax) pa, paid monthly. I pulled everything except for $0.30 and $1.25 out of my Australian accounts when they asked me to re-verify my identity and jump through a bunch of hoops. Even though they said they would pay for the notary, it's money down there and of no use to me up here. I pulled all my Super out about 30 years ago when they were performing crap. I saw a couple (three I think) recently that haven't been performing too badly.
  18. Might help if you could read past the headline; for surveying purposes on September 15, and this procedure will continue until October 31. It's to ensure that the tables they use for calculating "average" passenger weight currently reflect the "average" weight of passengers for balancing purposes. There have been fatal crashes from out of date tables being used. @bunnydrops Total fantasy. I remember being weighed along with my luggage in Africa in the 90s (for exactly the same reason - aircraft balance)
  19. Guess you didn't see them unloading the Dutch oven with one Mercedes Benz EQE EV taken straight from the ship and loaded into a special container and filled with water as its battery started to erupt during the unloading process?
  20. The problem is once they start, you can't put them out. It's something that the EV zealots bury their heads up their bum over. Wait until one of these "community batteries" goes up. Encased in steel and aluminum to protect them, it also prevents water or foam from getting to the core. EVs are not the solution to anything, except a method to get the gullible to part with their money. They're expensive, unpredictable, lack capacity, and their construction is environmentally destructive. A feel-good placebo for the wealthy. A distraction.
  21. Dumpier and dirtier, but a good option for some still who are concerned about more things than the price of a beer. No political protests like coming to Thailand soon ???? Plus 8.25% pa interest on 12 month term deposits, paid monthly. Or 8.5% paid on maturity No 90-day reports No seasoning money or minimum bank account balances for retirees. Oversupply in the condo market so better purchasing power than in Thailand. However, Most FMCG and a lot of fresh produce come from Thailand so more expensive than Thailand. Fly to India for good quality medical at affordable prices, same as if in Thailand. Street food is possibly toxic and best avoided. It's all crap anyway.
  22. No mate. Couldn't be arsed. Let them claim any part of the country that has economic value or improvement and lets just give it to them. Especially if they're whiter than me, but claim to be 1% native.
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