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Posts posted by jambco984

  1. Burpees are great. But I prefer bastards: a burpee followed by a star jump.

    Press-ups, sit-ups, chins and dips. I know you stated no equipment, but arm-only rope climbs are awesome too. Grab a bergan for an additional challenge.

    If you have a partner to exercise with, try Russian running, great when you don't have much space:

    Mark a distance of 20m - 40m, one person at each end. First man sprints one length, when he reaches the second man, he sprints, whilst the first man does bastards. Second man completes sprint, shouts go, starts bastards and first man sprints again, this time doing 2 shuttles. And so on. Increase the shuttles progressively from 1 to 10 and then down to 1 again.

    Give it everything you've got, and only stop if you complete the exercise or your heart and lungs explode out your chest.

    Warning: this a real balls-out effort but you'll love yourself for it.

    We used to do the sprints carrying ammo boxes sometimes too, or the metal boxes that mortar, 81mm rounds came in, filled with rocks. Obviously you can improvise.

    I love circuits too, for a complete body workout, but low intensity on knees, ankles etc. Got plenty of exercises for your circuits if you want me to share.

    Please share.

    I enjoyed reading what you do, reminds me of the training I used to do in the Navy.

    What is "Russian running"?

  2. One of the best places in town is Crystal. The tailor there made shirts and trousers for me way back in 1978 when he was an apprentice at another shop in the old town. Crystal makes suits and jackets. However, be prepared to pay for quality. They also specialise in Thai jackets and silk shirts. They also make ladies clothes but that could be at their other branch around the corner.

    Location. On Chayangkun road in the Kilosoon area just down from the Esso Service station and across the street from the main office of Home Hub.

    Thanks for the detailed reply. I will take a look over the weekend.

    Anyone else have any pearls like the one above?

  3. The first provisional teaching permits were issued early 2008. It had to do with the fact that as of then Police Order 777/2551 came into effect. Teacher placement agencies or contractors were always in a grey area as the legal entity of such institutions are neither government schools nor private schools as stated in the mentioned document. It even didn't matter whether the teachers were placed in OBEC schools or not.


    The funny thing of it all is that the rules are made by The Teachers' Council of Thailand and teachers and administrators in OBEC schools have to comply with the rules. i.e. when working in OBEC schools teachers and administrators must hold a TCT teacher license. However, until now they are Immigration and Labour that are enforcing the rules. Schools don't or didn't enforce the requirements.


    When your agency is asking you for documents to apply for a provisional teaching permit or teacher license, I think the agency was ordered to do so by its employer i.e. the government school where you're placed.


    Thanks for the reply.

    The school is closely linked to the Language School/ Agency I work for as the Mother of the English Deptartments Daughter is the head of the language school, if that makes sense.

    My Visa from Vientiane has written at the top that I can only work on behalf of the Language School. The other guys at my school have visas from Savannaket and no notice at the top about which school they work for.

    The Mother is saying we need TL's but they want to put the name of the Gov. School on the WP. I told them I thought it would be impossible to do for me as mine has the name of the language school on the WP.

    In simple terms I don't know where I stand, plus time is ticking down on my visa as they are taking there sweet time.



  4. Does a Language school require a TL? I was told and remember from somewhere that Language schools don't need to provide a TL for the teacher.

    I work at a government school through a language school.

    I came to this school as I didn't need a TL or so I thought? I have had 2 TL in the past with different schools so that isn't a problem.

    But now they are asking for all docs so they can go to Krusapha and get a TL saying no TL = no WP?

    Does anyone know the rules?

    Any clues folks, thanks in advance.

  5. I'm not sure just what kind of work you need to do on your bike but a simple stand available at nearly any decent bike shop should do the trick. The stand I'm speaking of has 1 upright tube with 2 "U" shaped hooks which are placed under the rear frame triangle just in front of the rear axle. The base of the stand has 3 flat legs which keep it stable with the ground. Height is adjustable by sliding and locking the verticle tube up or down. The stand runs a couple hundred baht at the most. This kind of stand works fine for me and my Surly Long Haul Trucker and the 3 other bikes I had before.

    Only checks and oiling the chain etc. nothing crazy. Its just fiddly without something to prop it up and the wife is getting naffed off with "Can you just pick this up for a minute please".

    I went to a "bicycle shop" I use the term loosely in Ubon and they didnt have any at all. I have seen them online, the price isnt the problem but was just wondering if anyone had got creative with a basic idea.


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