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Posts posted by jambco984

  1. Every bag of rice in Big C Ubon today had flies/ants/bugs whatever they where in the bags. Not 1 or 2 but lots in each bag

    Is this to do with the surplus and the fact they cant sell it quick enough?

    Check your bags before you buy folks.

    Posted Image

    This seems to be quite a common complaint these days, despite the fact that the stored rice has been saturated with insecticide.
    Well, he didn't say the bugs were alive.....

    Alive and kicking.

  2. The prices have been that low forever.

    Think of all the prep in buying the stuff, cooking the stuff, sauces, sticks, rice, coal, petrol etc it soon ads up. How many per day would you need to sell to make a profit?

    Everything is getting more costly so why not.

    Posted Image


    So you would not have a problem if gas went from 40 baht/lt to 80 baht over night?


    Or beer at 7/11 from 30 to 60?

    That would be a problem as it is unrealistic.

    Beer goes up a little every now and then nothing drastic thats fine.

    The government have decided to cap diesel at 30 baht, when it goes up eventually then I will say "oh well, we had a good run".

    These are market stalls the price has been 5 baht forever.

    What about these cheap restaurants that charge 30 baht for food, I know one that one day just put its prices upto 40 baht.

    Another restaurant I like to frequent was charging 25 baht for food for a long time and just the other week put the prices up to 30 baht as the rent in the building had gone up. Very apolagetic owner.

    If you don't like something then find another way or go without. It's not an essential its a treat, at 5 or 10 baht its still cheap and its not like your ordering 10 a day... or are you?




  3. Not using my head at all this weekend.

    I came to Ubon today and realised it was Sunday so likely closed.

    I presume I was at the right place but it looked like there was no movement. Same with the bicycle shop I wanted to go to, also closed.

    Such a wally.

    Will try again on a working day.


  4. I have owned a Versys and my Thai friend has let me ride his CB500x...  I of course currently have a CBR500r...



    Feels heavy at slow speeds and is very tall.  Very comfortable when on the open road, the 650 twin engine vibrates a lot but that is normal given it's a big twin, feels powerful but it is a 650 twin so I think it has more to do with the thumping sound of the exhaust making it feel powerful; there is plenty of power for everyday riding though, more than the Honda because it's of course a bigger engine.  I thought it was terrible in heavy traffic, hard to park and get out of a parking spot because of the weight.  It's a great bike but my opinion built more for the open road and a little cross country off road action.  It feels and is a very solid machine structurally.



    Feels very light and neutral even in heavy traffic but like the Versys unless you are a very skilled rider making a tight low speed turn can be challenging - you don't feel like you will fall over though on the CB500x like you do on the Versys in certain situations.  ABS is very good on the Honda, Versys ABS kicks in and you know it and it will surprise you, Honda very light actuation not startling like the Kawa.  On the highway, very comfortable but a lighter feel than the Versys, Versys seems to ride better because it feels heavier and the suspension is definitely of higher caliber given it's somewhat adjustable to the riders wieght.  Power, although not as powerful as the Kawa there is plenty of power available for just about any riding condition.  Bike is also lower to the ground so makes it easier for shorter riders to handle it when stationary at a stoplight or other lower speeds.



    Both bikes are great.  I think given the price point the CB500x wins for me.  I did enjoy my Versys but the main reason I sold it was because I just couldn't ride it comfortably in all conditions, the CB500x really sort of solves that for this category of bike, of course just comparing these two bikes and no others.  End of the day it really depends on what type of riding you want to do and what your willing to live with, you can't go wrong with either one.

    Nice review.

    I'm sold.


  5. I had trouble a while back finding electrolyte and was pleased to see it in Marko one day, not a place I had thought of or expected.


    Its the Dechamp brand and here down south ( Samui ) its 129 baht for 50 sachets.


    I use 2 sachets for 2 liters and that doe's me fine on hard 2/3 hour rides.


    If you have a Marko maybe worth a look


    Cheers  Foggy

    Thanks for that.

    I bought the Dechamp brand at 5 baht per satchet. Will take a look at Makro when i run out. I am the same as you, 1 satchet over a hard ride is plenty.



  6. Can a native English speaker be from anywhere else than England ?

    Doo wot mayte? Nokitonthe'ed.  We might laugh about it, but ...

    What do you call someone that can speak two languages: Bilingual

    Three languages: Tri lingual.

    One language: British.

    Can't make themselves understood in any language: English




    yerdedonthair, bytheway, Cowboy.  TheonlyEnglish I unnerstaund is French&Rooney




  7. You'll have a shock when you see what the agency prices are!


    But it is a great way to start a bar, but your business plan must be to gradually replace agency girls with your own salaried girls, you must be prepared to make a loss initially.


    The Agency girls will generally work on 10 day stints, then can dissappear for as long as they like.


    The offer of accommodation may attract girls fresh off the Isaan busses though, but they will not have the experience or language skills.


    Good luck, sounds like an interesting idea.

    What you said is spot on.

    Sounds like a good idea, making a loss at first but then needing to hire staff without the agency is a must.

    Best of luck


  8. Next time you are driving and the light comes on as soon as possible fill the vehicle and note how many litres it took. The BT-50 has a 70lt tank so it should then be easy to calculate how many KM's remaining (ie; 58lt fill = 12lt remaining and at 10lt/100km you would have a range of 120km.).

    What Spoonman said is the best advice. I would do the same.

    You can now get apps for your smartphone that do the maths if you aren't that way inclined.

    Posted Image


    Does that mean I have to put the big figure before the small figure or after it or on top of it

    You lost me at big.


  9. Next time you are driving and the light comes on as soon as possible fill the vehicle and note how many litres it took. The BT-50 has a 70lt tank so it should then be easy to calculate how many KM's remaining (ie; 58lt fill = 12lt remaining and at 10lt/100km you would have a range of 120km.).

    What Spoonman said is the best advice. I would do the same.

    You can now get apps for your smartphone that do the maths if you aren't that way inclined.


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