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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. Back to the OP.  While I question the accuracy of the content, the only way this can be validated is a post of the WP and the retirement Visa in place. 


    I was curious enough that I called my admin as she does all the WP updates for the expats at our factory and asked about a retirement Visa and a WP. She said No.   An expat cannot have a retirement visa and a WP.  The requirements for a retirement visa and extensions are very clearly defined.


    Now being fair, there is a good chance that the said individual who told the OP is confused or didn't look close at his Visa extension stamped in his Passport "IF" the person really has a WP. Quite honestly acquiring a WP is not just go apply and receive it. The initial application has a pretty long list of requirements then annual reviews require medical and employment confirmation etc.  

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  2. 12 hours ago, ericthai said:

    A B visa and a Work permit dont go together they are two separate things and need to be applied.

    I had a B visa for 2 years before moving to Thailand and didn't have a work permit as I was only coming for meetings.

    Odd then you really didn't need a B visa, unless your meetings were for months. For years I would come here from the US for 1 or 2 week factory visits to check on our products being manufactured.  Arrived on a tourist Visa and left. All my current visiting colleagues do the same. However if you are earning income here you have to have a WP.  I'd have to go back and look at how many days one is here for business before they should what we would call "Officially" apply for a B visa to be on the up and up. Like all these Visa's, there are gray areas and little loop holes and quite frankly the Thai govt doesn't have the bandwidth to monitor it at all.  Not even close. The Thai govt is not going to blacklist or kick out visiting business people if the stay is short even though theoretically they are "Working".  ????

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  3. Let me add to my post.  Sometime back I was here on a retirement Visa extension.  As it turned out, I was offered a position by a western company and had to change my visa to a B Visa which then allowed me to have a WP ( actually they go together ).  That said, one can reside in Thailand, be married to Thai national and have an O Visa extension and a WP. I am  currently living here under those circumstances and have been for the last 8 years.   

  4. On 8/16/2023 at 3:01 PM, bignok said:

    Most things in life are just baggage. Depreciating items of junk.


    What do you really need?






    Tablet or laptop

    Bag of clothes.


    About it.

    Bare essentials....indeed.  But that is just a survival list.  Who in the hell just wants to just survive?   Good Lord, Live big and enjoy everything you can. If its junk when you die, so be it but you had it when alive and had some fun.  

  5. 14 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

    In my case, there are no agents in Chiang Rai, or at least that was the case 2 years ago. Out of province agents and extensions are not a good idea in my humble opinion. 

    Understand Tuvoc. Of course a quick trip into BKK for a weekend for some R&R, an agent can be located. Again this all depends on ones personal disposition and life status.  I fully understand that if an individual cannot travel or doesn't want to, then this Elite Visa option might be the best avenue. For me being married and here on an O marriage extension, my annual cash outlay is 1800 bht for a 1 year and my wife usually does my 90 day check in's so my POV is heavily skewed that an Elite Visa is just tossing money out the window for what appears to be a little convenience.  I would rather take that cash and go rent a top class Villa on an island for a bit and reeeeeelax. 


    I do appreciate everyone's point of view and situation.  We all do what's best for ourselves and our situations.



  6. 1 hour ago, Tuvoc said:

    I'm not interested in the benefits, the value for me is in completely hassle free dealings with immigration. Either you don't have to visit them at all for 5 yrs if you go out of the country once a year, or if you don't then the annual visit to immigration is simply a rubber-stamp I believe, minimal or no document or forms.


    However, I am still totally conflicted about the 1 million baht price tag. I can do either retirement extensions or marriage extensions, my choice - and I think marriage extensions will always be "protected".  Is it worth 50,000 per year (x 20 yrs = 1.000.000 baht) just to avoid hassle once a year with immigration ?  I'm struggling to answer that question !

    I think that is fair Tuvoc.  I am surprised at some of the other posters who can't seem to find an agent to make it work for them.  I know half a dozen expats 40 to 60 who use agents.  Price ranges from 12k to 15k bht.  X 5 is 60K baht over 5 years.  Math seems pretty simple to me.  I understand those who are under 50 and not married to a Thai national might want an easy path.  While in my current position I could comfortably fund the elite Visa pkg, It just doesn't make good financial sense. If I was single I would probably use an agent but I think a lot would depend on where I lived in Thailand and the access to an immigration office.  I am not that busy that once every 3 months I can stop by and say Hi then go have lunch somewhere and with the money I didn't cough up for the Elite Visa I could enjoy a lot of really good lunches all over Thailand. ????



  7. 19 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Being unmarried, aged under 50 and not working in Thailand


    You get a hassle free long term visa with 1 year entry stamps and some largely irrelevant 'window dressing' 'benefits' and never need to leave the country if you don't want to.


    Is it really worth the cash outlay?  I guess if you are not working and under 50 and do not want to make border runs then maybe this offers a benefit. Of course a good agent can set you up for a heck of a lot less over that 5 year period. I mean they really fluff it up with all these "Incredible" benefits but just do not see it being worth it. Its like paying up front for a long term membership to some posh club but you never go and seldom use the amenities.  

  8. Fun stuff.  Like Pgrahmm having been around boats both power and sailing my entire life, I might have chose a different approach angle but without being in the captains chair hard to make that call. All in all, it's just rough seas and you can't idle along in them because that makes the back and forth longer and worse.  People need to suck it up. What do they expect, its a boat ride in the ocean.  ????

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  9. I always laugh about this Thailand Elite Visa.  I almost drank the Kool-Aid thinking it was really going to make things transparent and one can come and go as they want, have a list of special perks and but its the farthest from the truth quite frankly.  Sure there are some perks but most I would never use.  


    Now, I live and work in Thailand and have the VIP express Immigration so its a cake walk when I land, but even that said, the immigration upon arrival has improved dramatically and you zip through without issues.  I guess maybe for some who live in areas where immigration is always crowded or live far from it, this Visa might be upside but what a steep price. I prefer being here on my marriage VISA extension. Keep 400K bht in the bank is simple. 90 day check ins are always easy, in fact my wife does them for me when she heads off to see her aunt. I really only go in once a year for the annual extension. 


    I would really like to hear from people that have the Elite Visa and what they feel they really get from it and of course their decision to sign up.

  10. I have a Sharp model KC-G60TA.  Works incredibly well. Filters are re-useable which is perfect being I only use when this smoke madness hits the area.  Money well spent. Night mode and quiet.  If you look for sales you can find one for 12k baht.  I tried the cheap ones early on years back and like anything,  you get what you pay for.   

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  11. Hey Crossy,

    I am getting close to having to replace my long standing mower.  I was thinking of doing it soon and keep the old mower for those ugly chores and keeping the new one for the main lawns.  The mower you linked has some nice features. I am a big proponent of the large rear wheel for quick turning and tighter turning radius.  The motor power seems OK but not sure what brand.  Many come with Honda Motors but this appears to be Korean and they do make very good stuff.  


    Overall It looks good.  I didn't download the manual so I'd check on blade and deck height adjustment options.  



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  12. 21 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    The biggest problem that I have with these butchers is that having hacked the tree almost to death, they simply walk away leaving all the dead bits of tree where they fell.

    Amen to that.  I regularly see them rake the trimmings or leaves all up against the trunk so they rot and termites and bugs attack the tree and usually either kill it or it creates fungus and diseases that cause it to grow poorly. Proper arborists are very hard to come by here. Not a bad thing, Just what it is.



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  13. 15 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Could have leaned over the rail for a quick rest and had a heart attack.

    While we do not know,  ^ this seems like a fair guess and what I thought as well. Could have been resting after a run, was resting on the rail, stood up, got light headed and lost his balance and fell. People can drowned in a few inches of water if they are unconscious so doesn't matter if it was 2 feet of water. When I run and mountain bike ride, I only carry my Thai license and a couple hundred baht and usually my smart phone. 


    I do always find it a bit disturbing that the audience here always suspects foul play and think their posts are witty and clever on every death that happens here. Look at the age of most of the foreigners that pass here. This seems like an unfortunate accident but one that happens everywhere in the world. 





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