If the Amulet was any good he wouldn't have had the accident in the first place to my way of thinking - Poor driving skills is the reason for the accident ..........LOL
Stop evading the issue you know exactly what is meant, cats invade peoples property and ruin outdoor furniture, bike seats & worst of all defecate where ever they want, smelly vile creatures
There must be some rather large brown envelopes flying around - Or I do suppose have bits hacked of ones body could be a precursor for a heart attack !!!
You are also welcome to your opinion, I would agree that if the police or courts did hand down reasonable punishment for crimes that could set a deterrent there would be no requirement to offer a medieval (to use your words) form of punishment!! - Do have a good day
No more ridiculous than your initial comment of "So, giving the family baseball makes no sense." I am sure some family members would like to extract some form of punishment