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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. Will Thailand have to get involved in the South China Sea tensions? Only if there is no other way to dodge getting involved - Dual standards being the stumbling block ......................LOL
  2. It was not immediately clear if an investigation would take place on the cause of the death or why a clinic allegedly refused to assist. I hope the fact that he was Burmese did not cause dual standards to apply ......
  3. Not looking promising for the Koh Samui bridge .........................LOL
  4. Nice story I wish them all the best.
  5. Many a true word spoke in jest !! ................LOL
  6. Perhaps it was not the first time maybe even habitual ..............LOL
  7. If this is a one-off occurrence of him getting drunk then the punishment was a tad harsh !! ...............LOL
  8. Good thinking, pleased to read he survived this crisis in his life .......
  9. Obviously he wasn't wearing a "Lucky Amulet" ...........LOL
  10. Anek said that while current fire-safety laws and regulations are adequate, their enforcement is not. And there it is in a nutshell !!!!!
  11. Good for an overall view, however, each individual entertainment venue needs to have it's own tailor made evacuation strategy & procedures with staff adequately trained in how to control customers and the direct people to the closest safest emergency exit (providing it's not locked) with additional staff trained in the basic use of various fire extinguishers depending on type of fire to enable safe pathways out of the building but not to fight the fire unless it is a very small one.
  12. Go on then I will ask the question - Was she breathalyzed or did she negotiate with the police .............................LOL
  13. It has been done before - You know how annoying that alarm can be .........................LOL
  14. As usual aimed at the Farang, the prices are way over the top !!!!!
  15. Yes - But Chinese made ones ..........LOL
  16. Phuket taxi drivers back to their old tricks I see, surely what they are doing is against the law, in which case are the police frightened to challenge these taxi drivers ???
  17. Quite correct, prior to any heavy lift there should be a lift plan, identifying amongst other things the SWL at various radii which should not be exceeded, it appears that they were trying to complete the lift using a crane that was over its limits.
  18. Quite correct, although the entrance to Thermae was a little unusual ????????????. Even now the Thai nightclubs & disco's in Pattaya are back to 07:00hrs ++ closing time even some situated on Third road.
  19. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Ian Storey of Singapore’s ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, there is a good chance that the Biden administration will not approve F-35 sales to Thailand due to the Thai military’s close ties to its Chinese counterpart. The fear of F-35 secrets being leaked to China via Thailand may outweigh the need to strengthen the U.S.-Thai alliance. I would consider this prudent thinking !!!!
  20. They should hire the snake as a deterrent for the pigeons .................LOL
  21. It is a shame the adults were not smoking pot as they would all have been asleep by midnight ...............................LOL
  22. To some degree I agree with this statement, however, if the parents do not educate and discipline the said students at home the teachers are on a sticky wicket so to speak.
  23. The Phuket Police will not be pursuing any charges against the parents for possession of the weapon and it was not immediately clear if the weapon was legally owned or why it wasn’t locked and secured. One has to ask the question WHY?? This lackadaisical attitude is exactly what is wrong with the RTP and rules in general.
  24. I thought there was a FAKE NEWS ban currently in place ............LOL
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