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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. Meanwhile, the Royal Thai Navy will place a vessel on standby to observe the repair and support operations, with 24 drivers available to provide support.


    Don't know why they need so many drivers ???????????? This sounds like they are putting a band-aid to stem an arterial wound, I would suggest this is a temporary measure, by the sound of things the pipeline is corroding from the inside and probably needs replacing.

  2. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    Maybe i have been watching different videos but currently there are quite a few scuba communication sets that allow communication with the surface. (i watch a lot of nature shows). So the communication issue sounds strange to me. 


    Also the backup air supply can't you just have some tanks in the water anchored to a line ?. You probably have professional experience that I don't. But I am a divemaster and have made quite a few dives. 

    Check out IMCA rules and regulations, and yes I am an ex-commercial diver / Dive supervisor. scuba is totally banned as a form of diving in the commercial world. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Does that not depend on how deep the pipeline is ? The gulf of Thailand is not that deep and with some mixtures and professional equipment they can stay under some time. Maybe bad reporting.

    No, for professional diving activities scuba is banned unless special dispensation has been granted, it does not matter on depth and as this is a pipeline connected to an offloading buoy the I would imagine the water depth will be 20-30m minimum, with scuba you do not have any safety backup air supply or communications with the surface.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The company’s plan involves the use of scuba divers, an unmanned submersible and a drone, among other equipment.


    I do not believe a professional diving company would be using scuba, maybe a scuba replacement system at a minimum, although it does depend if they are able to position a dive vessel directly over the site then they would use surface demand from the vessel.

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  5. If there was a creditable safety standard in place finding where the true fault lay would be much easier, scaffolding is a trade and one that people need to respect, just because they are using metal scaffolding in opposed to bamboo does not necessarily make things safer. You need to have qualified inspectors that sign off on scaffolding as safe to use, this scaffolding also should require re-testing should any modifications be necessary - There are NO safe shortcuts period.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, silver sea said:


    An alternative is to ask them, during your conversation with them, whether they have any children and/or whether they want to have any in the future. 

    A woman would simply answer the question about children without realising that you had doubts about her true femininity. So you are not offending her. She would probably be happy that you seem to be taking a genuine interest in her.


    A LB would immediately realise that you were ‘mistaken’ about them, and would, I’m sure, straightaway ‘correct’ you. She would probably be happy and take your mistake as a compliment. However, she wouldn’t want any trouble later on by allowing your mistake to continue.

    I have to admit that I have never tried this method out. I don’t have much contact with LBs here in sleepy HuaHin. It simply occurred to me as I was reading the above as a simple and polite way of checking her out without causing offence. 

    I can remember when I was young seeing the film Triple Echo with Brian Deacon, Glenda Jackson and Oliver Reed



    You can imagine how the Oliver Reed character reacted once he realised he was holding ‘meat and two veg’





    While I appreciate what you are saying a LB could also want to be a parent and be thinking about adoption, just a different scenario on the same theme, however I truly think the straight forward  approach is best as there is no misinterpretation, additionally when asked in a correct manner this method is not offensive. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, bbko said:

    Yes, I found LBs will answer honestly if asked, just ask in a polite manner "Excuse me, are you a ladyboy?". 

    But I like to avoid getting to that point, asking a real, older, less attractive, muscular, lady if she's a ladyboy is awkward...555.

    But do you really need to ask a real, older, less attractive, muscular, lady if she's a ladyboy ......................LOL

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