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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. 14 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Kind of, but it's really a socio-cultural issue.  There are more people that could change things than just the police.  You could argue that nobody considers it to be dangerous or that the police should be all over it.  You can't really expect just one element of a society to suddenly become concerned about an issue that no one else even thinks about.  This applies to many things in Thailand that foreign people view as dangerous or harmful.

    This is not only at the doorstep of the police, it is also against the law and as such the police are supposed to uphold the law or do you think a band of vigilantes would be best 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Yep, then less people would die a pointless death. You sound like one of many who like to live in Thailand because it's attractive to not have to try too hard to lead a responsible life. Lower standards appeal. Just guessing.

    I assume you condone this too?

    Road Safety 1.jpg

    I most certainly do not condone this kind of transporting lives why would you assume that I would?

  3. This is nothing new, I have been here many years now & when I first came a friend of mine warned me to be careful of security as they will probably turn out to be culprits when things go missing. I didn't want to believe it but I have met several former security guards who later in life have been contraband cigarette sellers and even cigarette sellers that become monks. - Amazing Thailand

    • Sad 1
  4. It shouldn't really be that difficult, all vessels of this nature must have gone through maritime registration, and when they can identify ships that have been on the seabed for many years one has to wonder if it is cannot or do not want to find the answers. It appears to have been Chinese in origin but again this should be relatively easy to confirm, I'm sure there are several substantial pieces of the vessel that have serial or manufacturing numbers.

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