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Posts posted by johndudorn

  1. This what I paid for my ticket:


    1150.00 USD

    U.S. Transportation Tax:

    38.20 USD

    International Surcharge:

    98.00 USD

    September 11th Security Fee:

    11.20 USD

    Japan Passenger Security Service Charge:

    9.80 USD

    Japan Passenger Service Facilities Charge:

    19.40 USD

    Thailand Processing User Charge:

    2.20 USD

    Thailand International Departure Fee:

    1.00 USD

    U.S. APHIS User Fee:

    3.96 USD

    U.S. Customs User Fee:

    5.99 USD

    U.S. Immigration User Fee:

    7.00 USD

    Thailand Passenger Service Charge:

    22.50 USD

    U.S. Passenger Facility Charge:

    13.50 USD

    Total Per Passenger:

    1382.75 USD

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  2. 22 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    I got Pfizer.  My wife got Moderna. She had fever, tiredness, chills and a headache, especially after the second dose. I had a slightly tender/sore spot on my arm for a half day after the second shot. 

    Same here except I received the Moderna, after second shot had chills, etc.. Only lasted 6 hrs..... Wife a little sore in arm but that was it...

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  3. 5 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Just out of curiosity

    from where do you get your (Falses) informations ?

    Thailand Elite visa is a residence program allowing you to stay in Thailand from five to 20 years without having to worry about your visa conditions, paperwork, and extensions. The Thailand Elite visa comes with various privileges, including access to airport pick-up services, privilege passport lanes, airport lounges, visa assistance, golf ...

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, Lee4Life said:

    Been trying to get my wife and I home to the states, three days ago Eva was showing flights resuming from BKK after the end of this month, checked today and they show the suspension of their services to and from BKK has been extended until June 15. Makes me wonder of the Thai Gov. is giving off signals maybe that they aren't going to lift the ban on incoming Intl' flights until mid June?

                   Really hard to find info on this stuff online.

    Thai Embassy just released no international flights in June. Thai Air is trying to restart July 1st... Wife stuck in states... Wait an see if Thai Air has any success in restarting flights..

  5. I have added several grand children over the years to my credit card accounts, when they were young adults 18+. Less than a year later their credit score were high 700's to over 800. One just recently purchased their first home, Yes I am responsible but they do credit them as if they paid the bill as well... The credit cards have their name but my account number... 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 12 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

    In at least two hospitals I've been in, unless you are personally conducted to the cashier (which didn't happen to me), you just walk out

    Same here, I was in a major bus accident, some serious injuries. Me and two of my grandchildren were traveling back form Bangkok when the bus trying to avoid an accident flipped the bus on its side at 70+ MPH. I fell of the broken window glass and required stitches, after treatment we just left and continued our return trip to Udorn... 

  7. 2 hours ago, inactiveposter said:

    Kinda reminds me of the story of America spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop a pen that would work in zero gravity. The Russians used pencils!

    Yes, we all know the story, but it isn't true. The Americans used pencils too, until Paul Fisher developed the Space Pen, at no cost to NASA. They then bought the pens from him, but so did the Russian space agency. Quite a few of these pens have been to space since, from the Apollo missions to the ISS, from ARIANE to Soyuz and MIR.

    Down here on Earth, the pressurised refills make them more reliable. They have a long shelf-life; can write at any angle, including upside-down; and can write on damp, greasy or dusty paper; and they'll work in more extreme temperatures than other ballpoints.

  8. 11 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Incorrect! Barstool myth!


    The maximum undeclared you can bring out of Thailand at any one time is $15,000.


    If you declare it, you can take out the lot.





    Many people are under the impression that you are not allowed to carry more than $10,000 into the United States; this is nothing more than an urban legend. The fact is that you may legally carry any amount of money you want into or out of the United States, but there is a catch. When transporting more than $10,000, you must file a report declaring the exact amount of funds you are transporting to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). To be clear, there are no customs duties, taxes or other fees paid to U.S. Customs for the international transportation of the money; it is merely a reporting requirement to U.S. Customs.  On a Typical Day in Fiscal Year 2015, CBP seized $356,396 in undeclared or illicit currency.

    If persons traveling together have $10,000 or more, they cannot divide the currency between each other to avoid declaring the currency. For example, if one person is carrying $5,000 and the other has $6,000, they have a total of $11, 000 in their possession and must report it.

    What happens if you don’t declare your money? The penalties and repercussions can be severe. If you are stopped by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer and more than $10,000 is found on your person or in your belongings and this money was not declared, you run the very real risk of CBP taking all of the money you were carrying… and keeping it. Failure to report the international transportation of money is serious business. Not only could you lose your money forever, but you may also be subject to civil and criminal penalties.


    You are the one creating a barstool myth, the amount of undeclared money is $10,00.00, not $15,000.00

  9. 11 hours ago, Kurtf said:

    Fly back to Thailand and buy US dollars  is a ridiculous solution since the max you can bring back at any one time is $10,000.

    Here are the facts:


    It is $10,00.00 not $15,00.00... Please read no fees, taxes etc...The issue may be more on Thailand customs?


    Many people are under the impression that you are not allowed to carry more than $10,000 into the United States; this is nothing more than an urban legend. The fact is that you may legally carry any amount of money you want into or out of the United States, but there is a catch. When transporting more than $10,000, you must file a report declaring the exact amount of funds you are transporting to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). To be clear, there are no customs duties, taxes or other fees paid to U.S. Customs for the international transportation of the money; it is merely a reporting requirement to U.S. Customs.  On a Typical Day in Fiscal Year 2015, CBP seized $356,396 in undeclared or illicit currency.

    If persons traveling together have $10,000 or more, they cannot divide the currency between each other to avoid declaring the currency. For example, if one person is carrying $5,000 and the other has $6,000, they have a total of $11, 000 in their possession and must report it.

    What happens if you don’t declare your money? The penalties and repercussions can be severe. If you are stopped by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer and more than $10,000 is found on your person or in your belongings and this money was not declared, you run the very real risk of CBP taking all of the money you were carrying… and keeping it. Failure to report the international transportation of money is serious business. Not only could you lose your money forever, you may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 8 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Regardless of if deserved or not ,and I don't think any serious minded person believe he does.  If they nominated Trump the Nobel organisation would lose all credibility, and I don't believe they are stupid enough to do that. 

      But then again I did not believe Americans were stupid enough to elect him president.......

    Really they can give Obama a Noble Prize for doing nothing and if Trump achieves a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula he would not deserve it. I mean its only been 6 decades for this to be possible. An I guess you think Hilary would have been your choice for us Americans..

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  11. On 5/1/2018 at 3:34 AM, Fore Man said:

    We are in the same situation with the pending sale of a large estate home in Chiang Mai.  Thanks to motivated Chinese investors, our property will have appreciated some 40% over the 10 years since we constructed it.  Our bank told us that there is no official recognition of real estate appreciation recognized by the system, but that we should be able to repatriate the entirety of the sales proceeds in due course.  I think it is understood that held long enough, real property will surely rise in value. It is necessary to show the required banking form/s you were issued when you originally transferred the funds into Thailand, but I gather that the bank itself has considerable leeway in determining what funds can be transferred out without any undue bureaucratic ordeals. If you don’t already enjoy a good reputation and strong contacts with your bank, it would be wise to do so.  There are also other methods to repatriate funds, such as using the auspices of any trusted, well-regarded family members or business associates who routinely send out money internationally for various cogent reasons and have built up their own enduring banking relationships. Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice, will keep in mind when the time comes... I really would like to sell before I am too old to enjoy it

  12. My wife and I purchased an undeveloped large plot of land (almost a city block) over fifteen years ago. We paid about $65,000 USD at the time, we put a one bedroom guest house (for brother-in-law) and mainly use to raise chickens, fruits and vegetables. The brother-in-law passed about two months ago. We are considering selling the property and have had offers in the 15 million baht range over the years. It would be considered commercial property now. The issue is how do you repatriate the difference between what you have the record of and the appreciate capital gain. Appreciate any help you can offer. 

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