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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. If thousands of migrant are allowed to starve to death on boats in the Bay

    of Bengal, the countries of SE Asia will take a hit they will never recover

    from. Basically seen as heartless bastards, not an easy label to recover


    Sounds familiar could be a quote for a certain English speaking European country who doesn't want to take any more 'immigrants'?

  2. It is very interesting to know what the candidate was earning in a previous job because...

    1) The candidate can lie about her actual salary, may claim is actually getting 50K but is being getting 20K, and will proclaim if next salary is not bigger than 50K will not change of company.

    2) If candidate wants 50K, but other members in the team doing same job are getting 25k, the employer will have a conflict in the team that could affect company performance.

    3) Of course.. if employee knows candidate was getting 30K, and candidate wants to get 40K, the employer can can just offer 30K or 31K and propose a bigger salary if performing is good.

    ... and anyway, does the candidate have so much economic power could contract a lawyer and fight her future or actual employer?

    unless the position is for some kind of high executive probably not... the only thing she could do if gets mad at you is just just quit,

    as most of people with just a regular salary don't have the knowledge and money to hire a lawyer and fight a company.

    I assume you have had little to do with employing people. If the job has been analysed correctly then it has a certain value to the company, you then have a scale of salaries within a certain band for that particular job and a prospective employee can be offered the job somewhere on that band. To pay someone a salary higher than the job's value does no good to anyone as it leaves little room for increases etc. at a later date. I have worked in jobs that published it's salaries so everyone knew what you earned, not always good, and I have had jobs where you signed an agreement never to release your salary level to another employee. Again not always good for obvious reasons. Set your pay scales then look for the employee.

  3. For starters the 3rd party insurance (if she has it) should be paying out 5 million baht for each death as a given. not negotiable. The injured cyclists should be starting a personal injury claim against the driver insurance company starting at a 1 million minimum.

    so we are at 17 million?

    Seems the insurance company are trying to minimise their loss not necessarily protect the driver.....they dont give a shit about her unless they can prove the cyclists drove in front of her.

    On a side story; a friend of my wife was killed last week on her motorbike by a drunk Wing 41 officer; headline news at the funeral was that the perretrators family were offering 100k baht for the family to sweep it all under the table. should be driving and working career over; then locked up for 3yrs.

    Doesnt justice here make you angry

    If the woman is charged with drunk driving then her insurance is not valid and pays out nothing. What the insurance company is saying is that if the charges are dropped then they can at least pay out something. All fully comprehensive insurance cover here has a maximum payout on death which is normally 2 million baht, I cannot see the family having enough money to pay 5 mil for each claim, I might be wrong!!!

  4. 12000 sounds a little on the small size for this size of room, particularly with the outside temperatures as they have been. 19,000 would be more reasonable also one fitted with an Inverter, these are more efficient, cool quicker and cheaper to run. The output from a unit is at a constant temperature and relies on room air circulation to give the overall coolness, very dependent upon the fan size.

  5. A lot depends upon the condo being a Juristic person, this will affect who pays for what. There are many companies here covering the insurance such as AIG also many brokers such as Trafalgar who can help. My insurance for personal effects, liability etc. was always around 3,000 TB year.

    The post suggest little knowledge about condominiums in Thailand, so I would like to mention a few important points:

    The whole condominium building is insured by the Condo management to which you pay a fee every year for building insurance, security, manager salary, housekeeping, swimming pool maintenance, minor maintenance, water, common electricity, elevator maintenance, light bulbs etc...The Insurance usually is enough so that every owner get back at least 70-80% of their investment in case of total destruction of the building itself.

    For the inventory in your condo unit, there is no insurance covering that from the management, and in our case we have searched for a company in Thailand willing to insure this but so far have not found any company willing to do this for a reasonable cost. In Europe there is something called "home insurance" that cover this aspect, but I have not found this in Thailand.

    In the case you accidentally damage another condo unit/units adjacent to your condo unit due to water leakage of a pipe considered to be part of your condo, electric short circuit or similar, you are solely responsible for covering all the repair costs, both for your unit and other units that may be damaged. There is no insurance company in Thailand willing to cover this either for a reasonable cost. In some cases there may be a grey area as to who is responsible for the damage, in those cases a negotiated solution by the condo management/committee would be needed, in which case funding by the whole community would most likely be needed.

    The Condominium that you buy into is required by law to have something called a sinking fund that is a certain percentage of the total value of the building (cannot remember exactly how much, think it is around 7%). This sinking fund is to be used for health and safety issues. For example emergency repair of elevator or staircases, broken tiles, perimeter wall repair etc.

    When buying a condo unit in Thailand, make sure before you buy, that there is a condo management present, that the Sinking fund is fully funded, there is a building insurance and that the condo unit that you buy is debt free. Contact the management before buying to make sure of these issues. Also make sure there is a parking space for the condo, as by law if the condo do not have a parking area, it is by definition not a condominium.

    When you buy a condo unit in Thailand, please remember it is not like buying a house, you are buying a part of a community owned building, with this comes certain responsibilities and commitments.

    If anyone knows about insurance companies that specialize in these kind of insurances, please post.

  6. 'Patchuda is believed to have dozed off while driving, and her alcohol level was 67 milligrams per cent, slightly above the legal limit. As her car was covered by first-class insurance, the company would be paying damages, including the Bt700,000 compensation to each deceased person, he said.'

    Could be interesting, if she is over the limit and declared drunk then her insurance is not valid, and what is meant by 'first class insurance', guess it means fully comprehensive.

  7. I this is the place where tigers are kept, than good, I hope these institutions of cruelty and suffering for profits go out of business soon.

    No pleasure in seeing dumb tourists groping chained up drugged tigers disciplined by fear and brutality I would never pay money to help fuel the continuation of these so-called tiger kingdoms.

    TKIT is a restaurant as it says in town dummy

    Why would you be so RUDE DGS1244?? Tiger Kingdom is the place that has the tigers ...I guess there are two locations? It isn't like he confused it with "butterfly farm" ....really rude!!

    As it said 'in town', guess you have tigers wondering around your town or what ever !!

  8. Do you really want to bring your dog to Thailand?. I know a number of people who have and unfortunately the dogs have all succumbed to various diseases, mainly heart infection, within a short space of time. All dogs born in Thailand have a greater resistance to local insects and infections than imported dogs. Taking them the other way round back to UK apparently works OK just difficult as you have to have blood tests etc.

  9. In my past years I had some 18 dogs and all responded to my home bred training which consisted of yelling a command repeatedly while wielding a folded up paper -- so did my wife !

    Another wasted post, guess nothing better to do

  10. ...hoping to find other *options* not "opinions"

    OK...The other option, and the best..., is to get a book..and do the training by your self.

    And...I am a dog trainer...but not in Chiang Mai.

    Exactly what I did, I also live in CM and could not find anyone.

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