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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. They have been told so many times that these towers using loudspeakers do not work. When too loud all speakers do is to distort the voice, it needs a siren or similar. Ask those in the UK what did they use to alert the population to bomb attacks in WW ll ....sirens not loudspeakers. Just falls on death ears all the time.

  2. "PHANG NGA, 16 Aug 2015 (NNT) - Deputy Interior Minister Suthee Makboon yesterday inspected the Tsunami Warning Center in Phang Nga Province, and instructed officials to be prepared for possible occurrence of natural disasters in the southern province.

    What is there to 'inspect' it is just a bunch of people sitting there doing nothing all day just twiddling their thumbs, same with the one in Bangkok. The plans are a shambles as is the early warning system, they were told right at the beginning that things were wrong but would they listen obviously not. The whole thing was just a joke and a way to make money.

  3. Lots of info on this topic:


    Probably better to post questions there. Until 2 years ago it could all be done via post with the help of the British Consulate in Chiang Mai. Now it must be done through Bangkok. The thread above has lots of info from people who have applied under the new procedures.

    Be warned, British government systems are not there to serve Brits. You will appreciate the US a lot more after going through this.

    Ah but the vast majority of "Brits" out side the UK are non resident and dont have to submit a tax return every year irrespective of where they are in the World and have no legal obligation to declare any savings they have over $ 10k LOL

    Trust me i would rather be dealing with " British systems" every couple of years getting a new as opposed to be doing tax returns for a country i dont live in every year and having to tell them how much money i have in a bank wink.png

    Not correct. If you receive a UK pension government and/or private then you have to complete tax return unless they tell you not to. I complete mine every year and receive P60s.
    But the vast majority of Brits living outside the UK are not pensioners or even drawing pension rolleyes.gif

    Your being rather myopic if you think pensioners are the vast majority of UK nationals living outside the UK it may seem that way to you only living in Thailand

    Guess you must live in Pattaya or similar, where I am 90% plus British expats are on a pension, they don't all have 20K to keep in the bank doing nothing.

  4. The ticks must be breeding o something with nutrients etc. if not animals then who?? Without a host the their life cycle will die out.

    Could it be rats?

    There was a dog in the house some time ago bit it is gone now

    Could be rats but seems unlikely. They hate light so look in the dark places, I found them at one time in their dozens, small black babies that is, inside a pillow case, and as someone previously mentioned the vacuum seem to get rid of them the easiest way. You have to stop the life cycle somehow, once they have had their fill of blood etc. they drop off the host and hide to produce the offspring. The offspring find a new host and the who cycle start again. I have two dogs and it has taken me ages to get them under control, unfortunately they survive in grass etc. so it is easy to get re-infested, cats carry them everywhere.

  5. She died because the lightning strike hit her directly, the tyres paid no part in it. If she was surrounded by unearthed metal i.e. a car then that would have been a different matter altogether. In Thailand many golf caddies get killed each year, mainly because they think they are immune, how wrong they are. KL in Malaysia has the highest strike rate in the world and in land terms we are not far from that location.

  6. As most UK banks will not send cards abroad, they go to my UK address then I Use Royal Mail Recorded with no problem. Even if activated you still need a pin number to use so make sure that when you send the card there is nothing in the package to indicate your pin number.

  7. Things don't add up including the so called UK pension at her age? As they say if it is too complicated to be true then it isn't. Walk away now while you are able to in one piece with no financial loss, that is a miracle to begin with.

    There are many other ladies just waiting for you around the corner.

  8. What they need I assume is a list of potential donors. No point in a lot of people giving blood together, it only has shelf life of approximately two weeks before is cannot be used for transfusions. After that it is separated and the various products used for different things.

  9. glad you can walk away from 150k.

    i have never lost a deposit in 18 years of renting in thailand.

    but, up to you.

    Alright smarty pants

    Bet you have never caught your pecker in your zip as well

    Typical Troll comment, do you actually have a pecker to catch in your zipper.

    Like HooHaa I have been here over 18 years, moved many times before I left Bangkok and never lost a deposit yet. Simple threat of lawyers is enough for most landlords. There use to be a lawyer in Bangkok who guaranteed to get your deposit back in return for 50% of it, she had a great reputation for success.

  10. I have NatWest account at branch in UK that uses my home address in Thailand and posts all the mail there.

    You are lucky my NatWest branch will not send anything overseas and also I found that HSBC to be the same. Mind you I have 'lost' a few things in the post in Thailand.

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