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Posts posted by fw1

  1. So Boom isn't really recommended then? So, how would you compare Lucifers to Marine then? For some reason I've never gone in Lucifers on Walking street, even though I've walked past it about a thousand times. Is it any different to the one in Pat Pong, which is a reasonable place to hang out in?

  2. Guys, does anyone know of any credible alternatives to Marine? I've heard about a place called Boom but have never really looked for it. Does anyone know where it is or the location of any other nightspots where I can listen to some trance/techno?


  3. Thanks, I think half-decent is the word I would use to describe myself. I haven't had the opportunity to play much football since I came to Asia some 5 years ago now. Did get a few games in last year though and really enjoyed it. I usually play on the right-side of midfield as I can cross the ball reasonably well. Now that I'm in my mid-thirties I'm obviously not as good as I used to be. Fitness shouldn't be a problem as I go running 6 times a week.

    I tend to leave Bangkok at the weekends but would be able to get back for a game on Sunday afternoon. I'm not leaving Bangkok next weekend, so would definately be around for a game if it was happening.

    Read my PM and if you fancy it then get in touch.

    Jockstar, check your blog mate.

  4. Thanks, I think half-decent is the word I would use to describe myself. I haven't had the opportunity to play much football since I came to Asia some 5 years ago now. Did get a few games in last year though and really enjoyed it. I usually play on the right-side of midfield as I can cross the ball reasonably well. Now that I'm in my mid-thirties I'm obviously not as good as I used to be. Fitness shouldn't be a problem as I go running 6 times a week.

    I tend to leave Bangkok at the weekends but would be able to get back for a game on Sunday afternoon. I'm not leaving Bangkok next weekend, so would definately be around for a game if it was happening.

  5. Just wondered whether anyone plays/knows of where I can play football on a regular basis in BKK. I work late and also have a preference for indoors rather than outdoors. Would rather play with ex-pats (preferably Brits) than Thai's.

    Dopey Americans: football is what you call soccer, so no I'm not interested in the NFL.


  6. IF we are talking about strikers then Henry is the best I've ever seen. In terms of English strikers, Ian Wright yes agreed, and just before him Lineker -obviously- and a certain Kerry Dixon. Born in Luton, he played for us in 93 & 94 when he was still a great player. Will never forget the hat-trick he scored against Stoke and that lob he scored away to Barnsley on what was a very cold winter's day.

  7. Yes, I am inclined to agree with you. Raneiri should have given him more games instead of relying on Crespo and others. If I were Foresell, I would establish which club I want to be at sooner rather than later.

    Think Hasselbaink could have got you more goals this season than Gudjohnsen and Kezman put together.

  8. I think Barcelona have, in recent years, have had similar problems to Chelsea in so much as they have been a bit of a revolving door in terms of players coming and going. Chelsea should never have let Hasselbaink go or Flo for that matter. I think it remains to be seen whether either team can hang on to their best players. Barcelona need to keep their manager to ensure this happens.

    There are bigger clubs out there.

  9. Liverpool threw the game away though in truth Chelsea played the better football and deserved to win. Any team that is stupid enough to try and defend a lead for 89 minutes cannot complain when their opponents do finally score. Only Sven Goran Eriksson would command his team to play such negative football, and like Sven Goran Eriksson, Bernitez seemed unable to adapt to his system when needed. I seriously wonder what will happen to Liverpool F.C over the next few years. I doubt whether they will finish ahead of Everton, so there'll be no Champions League football next season. If they lose Gerrard or another top player, a top six finish might be their only realistic goal from now on.

    Can't say that I was that impressed with Chelsea either. They looked hungrier but then Liverpool gave them a lot of space. With that said they do look very strong in midfield, it's only upfront that they look a bit lightweight. Think they could only benfit from buying a world class striker, rather than relying on players like Kezman and Drogba, who would not get into teams such as Real Madrid and A.C Milan.

    Anyway, not a bad final, though I wish Liverpool could have played more positively.

  10. Chelsea can beat Barcelona 1-0 if they believe they can. I suspect they are afraid of them though, as Man.Utd has been of Real Madrid in more recent seasons. The problem they might have is if Barcelona scores early. If they do I think that Chelsea will buckle under the pressure. If they don't I fancy Chelsea to do them over. Either way, Chelsea will surely learn whether they can cut it with the big boys or not.

  11. Reading a decent newspaper again, like The Guardian, may make you realize how woeful The Bangkok Post and The Nation are. If you like newspapers that do not frequently cut and paste from the Internet, or employ journalists that couldn't get a job anywhere else, then as Scouse has just said, Bookazine is the place to go. To add to his comments, there's something comforting about reading an English newspaper as opposed to... .

  12. Hello all. The weekend is approaching I and shall be off to Pattaya again. After staying at the Bay Breeze Hotel for years, I've decided that I've had enough of their poor client treatment and am in the hunt for a new hotel.

    I'd strongly prefer to pay less than 1000 Baht a night. 600-700 sounds reasonable. Would also prefer central Pattaya. Naklua is out. Jomtien is definately out, and I'd prefer not to stay in south Pattaya, though could if necessary.

    So, what are the best hotels for less than a thousand baht?


  13. The last team to win the Premiership other than Man.Utd or Arsenal was Blackburn. They were relegated a couple of years after that. If Chelsea do win it and their Russian owner becomes bored, jailed or seeks other ventures, will they be the next recent champions to be relegated after Blackburn? I distinctly remember everyone talking about Jack Walkers millions and how Blackburn were going to be the next major force...but you know what they say about rats and sinking ships. If you take money out of the equation Chelsea would surely finish bottom of the league in terms in player commitment and loyality.

    I can also see Chelsea having a crisis over the next few weeks, but then one-man teams often do when their star player becomes injured.

  14. Could anyone tell me how I go about visiting prisoners in Bangkok. I was thinking of going to Bang Kwang to pass on some basic food packages to a fellow Brit, and perhaps to pass on a message.

    A friend of mine told me that I need to get in touch with the British Embassy first, who will then give me a list of names, from which I can choose a prisoner. If this is true, I was planning on doing it on Macha bucha Day. Couls anyone tell me whether the British Embassy will be open then?

    Does anyone have any experiences to share?


  15. Guys, where would you say the best bar to watch The Premership in Pattaya is? The bar must have the following:

    1) A large screen with audible match commentary in English.

    2) Beer; reasonably priced.

    3) Atmosphere; namely other fans.

    4) Comfortable seats rather than some rickety bar stool.

    5) Staff who don't ask you whether you want a beer every five minutes or distract you with tedious conversation.

    I've given pretty much every bar along walking street a shot, some of which are better than others, though none are really ideal. The 19th hole would be if it had atmosphere however. Does anyone know of any decent sports bars/hotel annexes that provide the average footy fan with a little bit more than what can be found along walking street?


  16. Mourinho definately knows what he's doing and winning when you are not playing well is deinately a sign of champions. I can't see them folding either, though it could end up being close as both Man.Utd and Aresnal will want to beat Chelsea if only to take them down a peg or two.

    I watched their game against Everton at the 19th hole in Pattaya at the weekend with a load of french guys. The only word they used to describe Chelsea was 'shit', asking me how this team could be the champions of England. Can only hope that they play more exciting football next season. Out of the top three they strike me as being the least interesting to watch.

  17. I think it's fair to say that Man.Utd are playing the better football at the moment. Without Robben Chelsea look weak up front, even though they have a lot possession. The win on Sunday was pathetic for a team that is meant to be the best in England. Can see Chelsea only scraping wins together from now on, as they did at the start of the season. Suspect that they will either continue to do that or fold completely at some point in the near future. Much of it will depend on how experienced the manager is under pressure, Chelsea will need him to stay on top of things. If he thinks that winning the Premiership is as easy as winning the league in Portugal then he is in for a shock. It only gets harder from now on... .

  18. Ultimately, both Man.Utd and the arse will have to beat Chelsea in the league to stand a chance of reclaiming what you have both shared for the last 10 seasons. I can't see them collapsing if they only lose to one of you: to be fair they've looked very solid all season. Personally I'd say conceeding less than 10 goals in a season is just as great an achievement than going through a season undefeated. If they can do that then, for the first time ever, Chelsea may gain some worldwide respect. With a bit of ground extension and a lot more neautral fans, Chelsea may then be seen as a big club. Not the prentenders that they have been for so long.

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