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Posts posted by fw1

  1. I wonder how much the workmen are being paid to risk their lives building it? Judging by the looks of the safety meshing they had up a few weeks ago someone must surely have fell to their death by now. If so does this mean the shopping centre will be haunted?

  2. One thing is for sure there will be a lot of passion and yellow cards on show. United's forwards will do it for them, their midfield will kick shit out of Arsenal's soft underbelly as well. Players like Pires and Reyes are very talented but just not hard enough for the premiership. Only magic from Henry can gain Arsenal some silverware this season.

  3. Finally after 10 very difficult years, years including administration and debts that ran into millions. My beloved Luton Town F.C have finally lifted themselves up into The Championship. For all of you supporting small clubs that, like Luton, struggle financially, this is something to take heart in. It may seem insignificant but means a great deal to many. I had several calls from friends in Luton over the weekend saying that there was a great buzz around the town after our 1-2 away win to Wrexham.

    All we need to do now is get promoted again, find a bunch of players as good as Ricky Hill, Mick Harford, Brian Stein, Steve Foster, Mal Donaghy, Paul Walsh Steve Moss, Raddy Antic, and the likes and we will again be beating the best there is on an occasional basis.

    In case you are interested. Our manager is Mike Newell. I saw him score a hattrick for us against an allegedly invicible Liverpool in Oct 87, we beat them 4-1 that day, inflicting just about the heaviest defeat they had had that decade. We also knocked them out of the F.A cup 3-0 a few months later after two 0-0's, they were the current holders. A month or two after that we beat Arsenal 3-2 in the Littlewoods/League cup final.

    Ahhh, those were the days... but again, most importantly, I hope that those supporting teams struggling financially can have hope knowing that if we can do it, so can you.

    All the best, whoever you support.

  4. There's a team in Italy (Venetzia I think) where their fans actually hate each other and regularly fight each other, irrespective of who the opponents are. I remember watching Gazetta once in the 90's showing it kicking off and James Richardson saying that they were fighting simply because one group lived on one side of a river and one group lived on the other side!

    Aside, what do you make of stewards? I was one for a few seasons. Can honestly tell you that the vast majority are an inept bunch of wimps.

  5. Hi Falangaman,

    If you marry in the UK then you wife-to-be will have to apply for a fiancée settlement visa which will give her 6 months in the UK in which to get married. Once hitched she doesn't have to leave the UK but can apply to the Home Office for permission to stay longer (2 years), which is then followed by indefinite leave to remain providing the marriage is still subsisting.

    If you marry in Thailand, then she should apply for a spouse settlement visa which will obviate the 6 months as a fiancée; i.e. she'll get 2 years from the word go and, as BKK Mike wrote, she'll be allowed to work. If you want to know the precise requirements for marrying in Thailand then do a search on thaivisa as the subject has been frequently discussed. If money is a factor, then I suggest marrying in Thailand as this then removes the cost of applying for the extention from the Home Office to change her status from fiancée to spouse.

    With regard to the visa application, there is nothing preventing you from applying well before the date you intend your fiancée to come to the UK and asking for an interview date post-marriage. Generally, there is an approximate 12-week gap between applying for the visa and an interview. Whether or not the visa is easy to obtain depends upon both of your circumstances. However, just to give you a flavour of what is required, there follow the immigration rules relating to settlement for spouses:-

    "Requirements for leave to enter the United Kingdom with a view to settlement as the spouse of a person present and settled in the United Kingdom or being admitted on the same occasion for settlement

    281. The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom with a view to settlement as the spouse of a person present and settled in the United Kingdom or who is on the same occasion being admitted for settlement are that:

    (i) (a) the applicant is married to a person present and settled in the United Kingdom or who is on the same occasion being admitted for settlement; or

    (:o the applicant is married to a person who has a right of abode in the United Kingdom or indefinite leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom and is on the same occasion seeking admission to the United Kingdom for the purposes of settlement and the parties were married at least 4 years ago, since which time they have been living together outside the United Kingdom; and

    (ii) the parties to the marriage have met; and

    (iii) each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse and the marriage is subsisting; and

    (iv) there will be adequate accommodation for the parties and any dependants without recourse to public funds in accommodation which they own or occupy exclusively; and

    (v) the parties will be able to maintain themselves and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds."

    Best of luck,


    The Scouse, can I question you on some of the points you have made? I am assuming that you have been through this process already right?

    Regarding point (iv), would this include living in a family home, albeit on a temporary basis? I am considering returning to the UK shortly and have little option to live with family until I sort a place out. Would the Embassy frown upon wuch a remark?

  6. So that would explain why I got on at Silom and the train stopped for a minute just before coming into Siam. There was then an annoncement that the train couldn't continue to MBK and was in fact going onto Mo Chit.

  7. I suppose he's not a Wrexham fan either then. While I was in ENgland last year I went to our 5-1 demolition of Wrexham at home, shortly after they had their points deduction. Even at 5-0 down their fans seemed like a jolly bunch and started doing the conga in their end. Unfortunately, the miserable Bedfordshire Constabulary put a stop to it.

  8. Have to admit, when I saw Wise trying to pull down Scholes in last season's F.A Cup Final I really did want the ref to send him off. It would have brought him back down to earth and given him something to think about. As Del Boy once said 'He's got the sort of face that you want to slap'.

    As for Derbies there was a study of them in The Guardian a couple of years ago with Cardiff V's Swansea having more arrests per game than any other derby. The Bristol derby was up there as well, third I think, can't remember who was second, sorry.

    Only one I've been to is Luton V Watford. I've only been to about 7 over the years and never seen anything untowards. Wasn't in England when we recently knocked them out of the Carling Cup, invaded their town centre at midday smashed all the pubs, stormed the pitch twice and impaled one of their fans on the pitch with the corner flag, so I can't really comment on that game, though according to friends it was quite a charitable affair. If they beat us more often then I'm sure the games would be nastier.

  9. I think the Summer signings will make a big difference for next season as Man.Utd and Arsenal clearly need a couple of world-class players if they are to bridge the gap. Can't say I've been particularly impressed with Drogba, and should Chelsea manage to lure a wolrd-class striker to their ranks, like Owen for example, taking the title off them may require a record points total.

  10. Greetings all. I know there has been some recent threads about Cambodia, here's another. I will be going to Siam Reap overland next Saturday and wanted to know what I will be letting myself in for:

    Firstly, I'm better off getting the visa beforehand right?

    Secondly, what can I expect at the border?

    Thirdly, what is the condition of the road like from the border to Siam Reap?

    Forthly, how much does a taxi typically cost?


  11. Is it possible to exercise for 30mins 6 times a week for months on end. Eat a sensible meal once a day with a sandwich in the morning and stay at exactly the same weight for nearly 6 months? Can having slightly bulkier legs through running counterbalance losing nearly 3inches around my waist?

    I drink alcohol once/twice a week.


  12. About 4 years ago I went up Phu KraDung (approx 1300meters high) for Songkran. Distinct lack of people up there, so no one to throw water at you.

    Very peaceful and with the exception of a few wooden tents, entirely natural. It's a good 20C cooler than the mainland, particularly at night where it will be closer to 30C cooler, so you will need warm clothing.

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