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Posts posted by bangkaew

  1. before I start, i think your dog sounds absolutely fine. If you want a tough dog, don't mollycoddle him. If you want him to protect his patch, make him sleep outside. If you want him to be hungry, stop feeding him. After a week i am sure he will be pretty keen! I am sure there was a similar thread on here about this and the consensus was that it is just too dam_n hot and humid for such a dog. Keep in mind that most lines of this breed for the last 15 generations have been bred to be family pets so they bred for less and less aggression. Even GSDs are too docile for police work often now so the Malinouise is now often preferred. There is a kennel that is even breeding Bangkaew dogs for tameness so they don't 'gat tuk kon'!

  2. http://www.bkwater.c.../en/branch.html

    Pura do them as well - sold in most super markets etc, but they also have shops out there as well. List is above. If you mean the ones for hiing and camping, you need to tell us your location. There is a very good camping shop on Lad Prao road that sell them.

    i am also looking for a water distiller but on the link you posted it only mentioned water filters...

    note. Distilled water is the steam that comes off boiling water.

  3. my brown soi dog has killed chickens. One time a thai asked if it was a European breed because thai dogs don't she thought. And she is pretty much right if you look. I think because as puppies they are kept in line by the chickens. Of course if a thai dog does not grow up with chickens it may well. Throw a stone when she is chasing them and make sure she knows that it is completely unacceptible. Might not work for a gun dog breed but one would have known that when buying such a dog.

  4. is he going for pre-op lady boys? I would say if that's the case then he wants homosexual acts. Most men when teens masturbate a lot and would felate themselves if possible. This may become an obsession. They are not attracted to men. Perhaps lady boys are a way to satisfy the curiosity with an attractive 'lady'!

  5. thanks for all the replies.

    apparently when near an electrical device your static charge can go up to 10v. I saw some slides of blood flow and it was much faster when earthed. Not natural to have 10v in you i would think...

  6. I have a mat for when i am assembling electronics to prevent static discharge, unfortunaltely not able to use it because the earthing in my condo is wired only in the sockets.

    I had a washing machine installed and they drilled a hole in the concrete and put in a "ground" that way.

    Would that ground be sufficient, and how do you measure if a ground is good?

    you can check if it is earthed...


  7. I want to get a grounding or earthing mat which is just a connection to earth. I am in a 4 year old building in phuket and the plug sockets have the earth hole - do you think it is properly earthed?

    Do i have to use an American plug and wire or can i use a british plug connected to an adapter?

    this is the system i want;


    many thanks in advance...

  8. re setanta, jsat have posted this;

    Well it seems the only solution to watch Setanta now is via Truevisions as out lined in their reply to us today which is not what they said last year, but time and agreements march on it seems, and too bad even if we are prepared to pay for it as originally said ..

    --- quoted --

    Thanks for your email. We have concluded an exclusive deal in Thailand with True Visions so unfortunately we are no longer able to offer the service direct to businesses in Thailand.

    We did keep the signal unencrypted until we had built up distribution but with the territories we have now we have reached sufficient distribution.

    Just so you know, True Visions would only agree to an exclusive distribution deal so this was the only option to move forward.

    Thanks, Conor

    if you live in phuket can you pick up the malaysian signal or is the malaysian signal now only available on astro?

    can the 7' black satellite dish be used to pick up astro or true?

    is there a way to unscramble the signal from setanta?

    many thanks for any help.

  9. re setanta, jsat have posted this;

    Well it seems the only solution to watch Setanta now is via Truevisions as out lined in their reply to us today which is not what they said last year, but time and agreements march on it seems, and too bad even if we are prepared to pay for it as originally said ..

    --- quoted --

    Thanks for your email. We have concluded an exclusive deal in Thailand with True Visions so unfortunately we are no longer able to offer the service direct to businesses in Thailand.

    We did keep the signal unencrypted until we had built up distribution but with the territories we have now we have reached sufficient distribution.

    Just so you know, True Visions would only agree to an exclusive distribution deal so this was the only option to move forward.

    Thanks, Conor

    --- end quote ---

    if you live in phuket can you pick up the malaysian signal or is the malaysian signal now only available on astro?

    can the 7' black satellite dish be used to pick up astro or true?

    is there a way to unscramble the signal from setanta?

    many thanks for any help.

  10. its usually not the breeding for tameness that makes a dog change colours but the colour preference of the breeders: thais prefer white dogs. they dont like black dogs. its is possible that a calmer more domesticated type human oriented nature comes with white genes but i doubt it... most bankews are the same personality all over : protective, primitive in action, not to human pleasing -oriented...

    tameness and domestication are two different things. one is a genetic prediliction the other (tameness) comes from exposure and handling, even among non domestic animals. (im pedantic about the differences but it is important ot understand when dealing with dog breeds like bangkews and dingos and canaan dogs etc... that are considered primitive domestic breeds i.e. prototype dogs, as regards to colouration, actions, breeding habits, body type and physiology and morphology...


    if you look at the Siberian fox experiment in Siberia where they bred for tameness only, the foxes went from black to having more and more white colouring. They think that adrenalin and colour are the same gene in foxes. The foxes that did not produce so much adrenalin and were therefore more tame, had more and more white colouring. Because all the original Bangkaew puppies were black and because the Bangkaews are very similar to foxes, it could be because they bred from the tamer ones.

    From Wiki; http://en.wikipedia....ated_silver_fox

    The experiment was initiated by scientists who were interested in the topic of domestication and the process by which wolves became tame domesticated dogs. They saw some retention of juvenile traits by adult dogs, both morphological ones, such as skulls that were unusually broad for their length, and behavioral ones, such as whining, barking, and submission.

    Belyaev believed that the key factor selected for in the domestication of dogs was not size or reproduction, but behavior; specifically, amenability to domestication, or tameability. He selected for low flight distance, that is, the distance one can approach the animal before it runs away. Selecting this behavior mimics the natural selection that must have occurred in the ancestral past of dogs. More than any other quality, Belyaev believed, tameability must have determined how well an animal would adapt to life among humans. Since behavior is rooted in biology, selecting for tameness and against aggression means selecting for physiological changes in the systems that govern the body's hormones and neurochemicals. Belyaev decided to test his theory by domesticating foxes; in particular, the silver fox, a dark color form of the red fox. He placed a population of them in the same process of domestication, and he decided to submit this population to strong selection pressure for inherent tameness.[3]

    The result is that Russian scientists now have a number of domesticated foxes that are fundamentally different in temperament and behavior from their wild forebears. Some important changes in physiology and morphology are now visible, such as mottled or spotted colored fur. Many scientists believe that these changes related to selection for tameness are caused by lower adrenaline production in the new breed, causing physiological changes in very few generations and thus yielding genetic combinations not present in the original species. This indicates that selection for tameness (i.e. low flight distance) produces changes that are also influential on the emergence of other "dog-like" traits, such as raised tail and coming into heat every six months rather than annually.

    go to 6:30 in this clip;


  11. Thanks very much to all who replied!

    We ended up getting a male Bangkaew from a breeder in Chaing Rai. Excellent temperment - no signs of stress with this dog. He's ~16 weeks old now and his balls have just begun to drop so figure he's healthy. He is all white with just a bit of brown shading around the ears. I wonder how prevalent with Bangkaews that color is? Good watchdog too but loves to dig!

    white with various markings seem to be the most prevalent although I have seen a few all brown ones and a beautiful all black one. The original Bangkaews were black but it seems to be that breeding for tameness has made them white - as what happened with the taming of Siberian foxes.

    Make sure to post some photos!

    • Like 1
  12. not sure about the 2nd point but for the first; you intimidate* dog A in to accepting dog B in your presence and then you walk them together, spend a whole day with them both and with any luck they will forget their past.

    * unfortunately in the dog world respect and fear, not of the leader, but of a leader's raised voice when directed at them... is often the same thing. Trust and respect are not the same. A dog may trust you and for many dogs that trust brings obedience and respect, but for more difficult dogs trust does not bring obedience... imo.

    Point A - They will not misbehaviour when you are there, but they will when you are not. You are training them only not to be caught.

    Some people just like to beat their dogs. That is the simple solution in their minds, and you seem reticent to accept that anything other that beating dogs will have an impact from the basis that you have a couple of dogs and obviously think that beating them is the only / best way to correct their behaviour. I worked with the RSPCA as a specialist in rehoming nut job dogs. I've had training in it, and quite a few years of seeing what I say actually working. Never had a dog fail, and never had one return due to the reasons they came to me in the first place.

    Walking dogs together. A big yard is not sufficient. They need to go out and about further to see new sites and new places. Tethered to you, with you leading them, you are at the front of the pack, they start to co-operate together and fall into line. Together. This more than anything else works.

    If you prefer to advocate beating animals then do it in the pub; on a public forum, people reading this might actually take justification for their animal cruelty from your words; and start or continue to beat animals just because the owner can not consistently get themselves and their family (of humans) to act and be the leaders of the house. A point to consider also is that when a human beats a dog the dog picks upon the emotions of that person as well; guilt (well guessing not from you) in the action will never be a deterrent; Anger- dogs flash anger quickly and forget it and is unlikely to deter. Most of the feelings an owner will have will actually not be a deterrent so it is futile. People beat dogs because it makes the person feel better. That is all. So stop telling people to beat dogs.

    i said 'hit once in their lives'. I am not advocating 'beating'. I give the advice to the OP as I think it will work in this case. I have 2 dogs, 1 hit once and the other never. With an aggressive dog that wants to kill and has never been hit, hitting might shock it enough to make it submit. You can act pious all you like if that makes you feel good but I don't think many would think hitting a dog ONCE when it is wanting to kill is a cruel thing. I said make sure you hit hard because you only have one chance. If you don't do it right the first time, hitting stops either being affective or an option.

  13. frequent hits yes. I maintain that you can hit a dog once in their lives and they will not fear you. Our BK at 1 year continued to try and bite a new maid. He had never been hit and that is why he got such a shock when he got hit - at the moment of attack. He never tried to again and has never been hit again.

    Still disagree for two reasons. Often a dog will think that it is not OK to bite them when you are around... so won't.

    Second reason, let me illustrate this with my lab. The most placid loveable lump of loveliness you could ever meet but one day she for no reason growled and lunged at a new maid we had. For what I could see was no reason. Chastised her of course, but I had no idea why. She did it a second time, but I saw the reason this time; as the lab had wondered over to her to say hello, the maid had jabbed her in the face with one of those reed yard sweeps, and of course, Lab hackled up and lunged for her quite rightly thinking "how bloody dare you attack me in my dads house". The biggest issue with these circumstances is that if physically beaten, your dog will think that the maid is allowed to abuse them and they are not allowed to protect themselves; and let's face it, domestic helpers will often say they are dog friendly to get a nice cushy job with a farang whilst not caring at all and thinking it is OK to kick, poke, and hurt your dog; and your dog thinks they have to accept it because your maid will not do it with you there...will she? Maid gone, problem solved.

    not sure about the 2nd point but for the first; you intimidate* dog A in to accepting dog B in your presence and then you walk them together, spend a whole day with them both and with any luck they will forget their past.

    * unfortunately in the dog world respect and fear, not of the leader, but of a leader's raised voice when directed at them... is often the same thing. Trust and respect are not the same. A dog may trust you and for many dogs that trust brings obedience and respect, but for more difficult dogs trust does not bring obedience... imo.

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