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Posts posted by bangkaew

  1. And they can be gorgeous dogs too. I am a huge Thai dog fan, they generally have the sweetest faces.

    Here's my beloved and very much missed Scruffy.


    and here is another one of our dogs, again no breed, just 100% pure dog.


    beautiful sbk. Here is one i got from soi dog phuket at 4 weeks old.He was born on the beach;


  2. I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

    Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

    There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

    I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

    When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    I would need to know where your 72 y.o. father lives.

    Even in my own life-time, us UK kids could all count on enough snow 3-4 times per winter to find a hill and go sledding.

    Nowadays the UK winters are far milder. Yes, there may be enough snow for sledding (if they're lucky), once a year - but certainly no more.

    last year Scotland had the best skiing since the 70s.

  3. Any Ferang with a Truck is a Cheap Charlie in a Thais Eye. And Generally they are correct. . O.K for the " Red Neck Yung Uns", but Old Men, i ask you. .Tonka Toys.cheesy.gif

    when I haggle with taxi drivers, i think they respect me more. Have you met any thai not tight? That might just be phuket though!

  4. Maybe wrong place to post but a truck for Transam, I drove to Bangkok for New years Eve Lunch, a big pickup pulled up along side, I do mean big, on the side was a big V8 badge, driver was on left so a LHD truck, as it pulled ahead it was a Toyota, on Embassy plates..... pickup 4 door had sun roofs.

    I saw a few 5.6 Lit V8 Toyota trucks in Qatar last year, make the Vigo look like a toy truck, he-he.

    this is a big truck! Only $50k too.


    thats the smallest US made Ford (150), size on par with Th trucks

    take a look at the 350 4 doors 6 wheelers, thats a big pickup

    it looked big when I saw it on top gear USA when it did 120mph over rough terrain!


  5. Yes it is the END !!!!

    Or...a new beginning.

    Alternative to the end.

    We tend to be instinctively negative without pause to consider something else.

    I have heard that. That the mayans said it was the beginning of a new conscious. I also heard that it was the end of time, that is time travel is possible. All sounds nuts I know. The one thing that hinges what is possible, is whether there is a consciousness field or ether. I would have said before that that was nuts, but now I like to dream. So let's assume there is a consciousness field, the planet is directly affected by the thoughts and emotions of the people. The more stress we feel, the more the planet has to let off steam as it were. The new consciousness of the planet has to match the accumulated consciousness of the people. If we are moving in to a 'golden age', then we will continue to experience earth changes until the vibrations align. That is the theory any way. No one can prove anything.

  6. re karma in dogs, there were 2 groups of nasty dogs here that used to attack my dogs. 1 group was poisoned and 1 group beaten to death. Karma? No idea, but they no doubt were killed because of their actions.

    Yes, and those "nasty dogs" really understood the implication of their actions.

    Then again, perhaps you should have stood up to those nasty dogs and proven to your dogs that you were able to protect them.

    i completely agree with you. I had no ill feeling towards them. As I say, all behaviour is explainable. I was merely commenting.

  7. The USA did indeed misbehave badly with the Shah of Iran before the tragic Iranian Islamic revolution. That is history and no point in denying it. Not sure how that justifies bad behavior of Iran ... TODAY.

    it is relevant to how the west think and act. 99% of people in the west would think that the shah and gulf of tonkin incidents 'couldn't be' and will therefore believe our leaders when they say 'iran attacked first'.

    OK, lots of ignorance out there, all over on all sides, I'll have to give you that.

    both 'sides' of this argument just want to avoid bloodshed i know.

  8. this is total hypocrisy. You want regime change in iran etc so are we to assume you want to wipe out the people too? There are not much more war mongering people than Anglo-Americans!

    But of course it's hypocrisy, indeed why do the inmates of lunatic asylums get kitted out with straight jackets and the warders armed with tazers? Perhaps they should swap roles on alternate weeks to maintain a quid pro quo. wai.gif

    As I did state though secular democracies don't tend to do the genocide thing and in the case of Iran I suspect that aside from a few leftist hand wringers and west hating fanatics few people would be sad to see the Iranian regime go, I'm certain the people of Iran would be for the most part delighted, especially women, gays, businesses etc etc.

    you are missing the point, what we are saying is war is VERY rarely worth it. But you are drooling at the prospect.

  9. The USA did indeed misbehave badly with the Shah of Iran before the tragic Iranian Islamic revolution. That is history and no point in denying it. Not sure how that justifies bad behavior of Iran ... TODAY.

    it is relevant to how the west think and act. 99% of people in the west would think that the shah and gulf of tonkin incidents 'couldn't be' and will therefore believe our leaders when they say 'iran attacked first'.

  10. Jingthing is the only one mentioning anti semitism, it is the mantra he hides behind when he is beat.

    The leadership in Iran want to wipe out the Jews and have said it repeatedly. You can't ignore that fact. wink.png

    Well I can ignore it because it is not a fact. The Iranian President said that Israel must face regime change, 'The Israeli Regime must be wiped out'.That is the fact. Now we all know what we think about regime change. So contrary to your belief what was actually said was quite different. Iran were stating that the Israeli regime is evil and must be wiped out, nothing to do with wiping the Jews out.

    You are being willfully naive if you think the difference between regime change and wiping out the Jews are two different things - I suggest you take a look at the demographics through history of all Countries on earth where Islam has become the majority faith, and at risk of going off topic in order to reply to your point I would observe the so called 'right of return' is an idea specifically intended to bring about said majority.

    this is total hypocrisy. You want regime change in iran etc so are we to assume you want to wipe out the people too? There are not much more war mongering people than Anglo-Americans!

  11. The leadership in Iran want to wipe out the Jews and have said it repeatedly. You can't ignore that fact. wink.png

    A fact is based in reality/deeds so yes we can ignore that.

    The Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists are run by Iran,, so, sorry, no pass for the Iranian leadership.

    that sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.

  12. [still no answer! Just unfounded anti-Semitic shielding. Is anyone criticising the Israel administration anti-Semitic? Is anyone criticising Goldman Sachs anti-Semitic?

    Well, considering that Goldman Sachs isn't "jewish", I don't know why you bring up the topic. GS has nothing to do with the Iranians trying to obtain nuclear weapons. I suppose you will claim that Lakishimi Mittel isn't really Indian but was secretly dropped from a space pod in Ashkelon where he morphed into super hebrew intending to create the Iranian missile crisis. Nor does the Rothschild family or group have have interests in 5 central banks. You cannot provide any reliable information to substantiate your claim. And please, the Lyndon Larouche website isn't a reliable source. Why do you insist on going off on a tangent that has no bearing on the subject at hand, except to provide what I would charitably term is a kooky explanation for the madness going on in Iran now? Seriously. give it a rest because you won't win any converts with the over the top conspiracy theories.

    exactly the point, GS is not Jewish. But claims of anti-Semiticism is exactly the type of response given, in this case because GS is a Jewish sounding name. Are you denying that the Rothschild dynasty have been involved in central and fiat banking? It is perfectly understandable that people would be critical of any powerful family. But why is it that when people criticise the British royal family, The British east india company or the Bush family, they are not accused of anything, but criticise the Rothschilds they are racist? They happen to be Jewish, so what. Could it be true that Israel can get away with anything and no one dare even bring the situation to light?

    BTW I never brought the Rothschilds up.

  13. Jingthing, can you explain what is your gripe about the Rothschilds and their financial interests in all but 5 (now 4) of the worlds central banks. Why is that 'filth'?

    No, because I don't think this is the proper place for you to work out your anti-semitism issues.

    or because you have not bothered to do any research. Or because you have no answer.

    I'm sure you have done lots of "research" on the thousands of antisemitic websites. Off topic, yes, move on.

    still no answer! Just unfounded anti-Semitic shielding. Is anyone criticising the Israel administration anti-Semitic? Is anyone criticising Goldman Sachs anti-Semitic?

  14. Jingthing, can you explain what is your gripe about the Rothschilds and their financial interests in all but 5 (now 4) of the worlds central banks. Why is that 'filth'?

    No, because I don't think this is the proper place for you to work out your anti-semitism issues.

    or because you have not bothered to do any research. Or because you have no answer.

  15. Iran had a very responsible, democratically elected (the first in the Middle East) Government. The US took it out and put the 'Shah' back on the throne. It was the Shah that established the secret police, the torture and abuse of Iran's civilians. The rest is history and 'blowback' from the US intervention to take out a democratic Government that bothered nobody. The FACT in all of this is as has already been stated, the IAEA "found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq"; the IAEA concluded that certain items which could have been used in nuclear enrichment centrifuges, such as aluminum tubes, were in fact intended for other uses". Why can countries not pursue energy policies that will remove the inefficient and in a few decades soon to be defunct fossil fuel technologies? It is all about control! Do you know that the US has intervened and stopped African nations building coal powered electricity stations because of global warming. They are not allowed nuclear, so in fact have nothing. When asked how do villages ever get electricity and the nation develop the US said put solar panels on the roofs of the mud huts. One solar panel costing about 10 years salary of the average African villager. Its all about control.

    Jingthing, can you explain what is your gripe about the Rothschilds and their financial interests in all but 5 (now 4) of the worlds central banks. Why is that 'filth'?

    you know that deep down he is proud of that. Maybe N. Korea will fall any day now, but admittedly that would/will be better for the people.

  16. That's not to say the Iran are the good guys, but they are not the ones going around the globe invading countries like the Anglo-American establishment.

    That's only because they can't. Hate on the "Anglo-American establishment" all you want but they are the only thing keeping large parts of the world from descending into bloody war - with SERIOUS body counts, not the penny ante stuff we have today. Without the AAE to keep things in check, Iran would go nuts and take control of the Persian Gulf. China would be more aggressive and for sure take the South China Sea area. Russia would take back the Baltics, Crimea and some other former republics, North Korea would attack South Korea, pirates would be in a lot more places than the Gulf of Aden, the list goes on. That's what I like about Ron Paul's foreign policy - pull our military back home, mind our own business - and let everyone else fight it out. Then, when the dust settles, it'll be like 1948 all over again, the US will be 75% of the world's economy and we can start selling everyone chewing gum and Coca-Cola again.

    maybe you are right, I don't know. The only difference i can see is that before the AAE arrive in a country, there usually is a dictator in charge who keeps peace. Sometimes, like Qaddafi, they have great education and give $50k to every newly wed. But still not a democracy. After the AAE arrive, there is a modecum of democracy, terrorism and a civil War. Not sure what is the answer or best for the people.

  17. would you agree to iran having nukes if it was a democracy and a full member of the international community?

    I don't want ANY new country to have nukes. This is becoming annoying. I have posted as much numerous times. Once any country has them, it is too late.

    but why should old countries have them and not new? Provided they are equally responsible?

  18. Limitation of nuclear proliferation is an INTERNATIONAL goal. That includes currently nuclear countries gradually stepping down the numbers such as the USA-Russia treaty, and international efforts to deter new countries from getting them. Each national case is different. The wider acceptance of India's program is an example. Maybe that is the way it will go with Iran eventually as their program becomes inevitable but right now the effort to stop them is very defensible.

    hypothetically. would you agree to Iran having no nuclear material AND Israel doing the same?

    Absolutely not. Unless all other existing nuclear states do the same under treaty.

    would you agree to iran having nukes if it was a democracy and a full member of the international community?

  19. Limitation of nuclear proliferation is an INTERNATIONAL goal. That includes currently nuclear countries gradually stepping down the numbers such as the USA-Russia treaty, and international efforts to deter new countries from getting them. Each national case is different. The wider acceptance of India's program is an example. Maybe that is the way it will go with Iran eventually as their program becomes inevitable but right now the effort to stop them is very defensible.

    hypothetically. would you agree to Iran having no nuclear material AND Israel doing the same?

  20. Maybe wrong place to post but a truck for Transam, I drove to Bangkok for New years Eve Lunch, a big pickup pulled up along side, I do mean big, on the side was a big V8 badge, driver was on left so a LHD truck, as it pulled ahead it was a Toyota, on Embassy plates..... pickup 4 door had sun roofs.

    I saw a few 5.6 Lit V8 Toyota trucks in Qatar last year, make the Vigo look like a toy truck, he-he.

    this is a big truck! Only $50k too.


  21. Kharma in the Buddhist sense means what you do in THIS life-time affects the NEXT life-time.

    What affects you during THIS life-time is a result of PREVIOUS life-times.

    It doesn't mean do good get good, or do bad get bad in THIS life-time.

    I am not a Buddhist so I would not know, but all the thais I have asked say that it is THIS LIFE. You break your leg, it is because of something done in this life.

  22. Why would anyone want an northern European dog in a tropical climate like Thailand? Collies are very intelligent dogs and the OP here seems to show a lot less.

    Stupidity at it's best

    I've seem similair 'idiots' with breeds like Huskies and St Bernards.


    we rescued an alaskan malamute and they have a double coat and we have done every thing possible to try and make his life better,and yes these dogs should not be bought in thailand,thus no buyers no dogs.so dont class all y see with heavy coated dogs as IDIOTS.

    the bangkaew has a double coat.

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