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Posts posted by bangkaew

  1. Doing an alpha roll does not work... especially if you are anxious.

    Doing the Alpha role does work and as you rightly say, you can not be anxious when you do it. But why be anxious? They are your dogs.It is your house. Why feel anxious about telling someone or something that point?

    To be fair, unless you are naturally authoritative it takes time and perseverance to learn how to be authoritative with your dogs to gain their respect.

    The situation is even worse when they are engaged in a full blown fight! Again, it takes time and perseverance to learn to remain calm and conquer the fear of being bitten.

    It can be done though as I can vouch from personal experience. It took me a long time to remain calm when one of my dogs got involved in a fight - but I got there eventually.

    Hitting them with a stick will instill fear, but not respect.

    frequent hits yes. I maintain that you can hit a dog once in their lives and they will not fear you. Our BK at 1 year continued to try and bite a new maid. He had never been hit and that is why he got such a shock when he got hit - at the moment of attack. He never tried to again and has never been hit again.

  2. I am not saying beat the dog up. I am saying let him know that you mean business. If the OP, right as dog A attacks, hits him ONCE with a stick hard and then stands over him, that will work. Doing an alpha roll does not work... especially if you are anxious. The dog will sense your fear and may well bite.

    People don't like CM because he physically touches but what they forget is that he only has to do it ONCE in the majority of cases.

  3. Where to begin.

    1) Are the males neutered? If not, why not? Most aggression is solved over night.Is the female neurtered? Again, if not why not? Get it done as well to decrease competition over her.

    2) You are not the Alpha male in the house. At a guess, the one that is dominating the inside is due to it being the home. You need to correct that straight away (Cesar Milan video on pack leader behavior will do it).

    3) How often do you walk them? Depending upon breed, a rough rule of thumb is under 10kg, walk 1km per day (in morning to tire them). Over 10kg; 2km + per day. Walking two fighting dogs together will often help them bond, especially if you get them on the same side,and both being submissive to you (not pulling).

    4) Is it actually a real aggression problem; not just dominance? Does one particular dog always instigate it? What triggers the fighting - anything that is a common thread?

    5) Meal times - what happens? Alpha males decides who eats and when. Feed them together, dominate their food space; take away their bowls when they are eating, when they try to eat or push you to eat, then take it away. Dominate them. Fighting will stop when they know you are the boss.

    6) When they fight, are you encouraging them by panicking (you panic, they increase intensity of fighting because they both sense your panic and then are trying to defend you as well... because they are the protector.. as they are dominant over you.

    cripes... the list goes on... without seeing it, it's hard to say exactly why but it's usually one or both trying to dominate when in reality you should be; OR, not enough exercise; OR, not neutered; Or you actually have a crazy dog in one of them. As thy are pointers, they really need 3-5km walk a day; these are hunting dogs after all.......

    Hi; thanks for taking the time.

    To answer your questions:

    a) all three dogs have been neutered;

    cool.png the alpha dog is actually the one who stays outside; the other dog was initially let in the house so that he wouldn't get killed;

    c) none of the dogs are walked at all. I have a very large property, and they get tons of exercise running, swimming, chasing balls, explosing the neighborhood, chasing water buffalo...they're always on the move. None of them has ever been on a leash. The one who stays inside is lacking exercise because he can't really go out; he is not really aggressive at all, until dog A comes in the house and he senses a fight coming.

    d) the outside dog is definitely the initiator of all the problems. All the dogs are about the same size (around 10kg each, I'd say -- mutts).

    e) meal times, the dogs are currently fed separately. Dog A and Dog C outside; Dog B inside.

    f) when they fight, I am not panicking but trying to separate them by turning the hose on them, whacking them with flip-flops...anything to get them apart.

    Thanks for your pointers -- I will try leashing and walking them together. Could be a challenge at first!

    dog A does not respect you. Next time he attacks B belt him until he is lying on his back. then do that every time. That is the kind thing to do. Otherwise you will have to carry on as before - cruel to dog B, or give away dog A - cruel to dog A. Flipflops and water does not work for dog A.

    i will put on my tin hat.

  4. he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

    and I would like to hear the other sides case because we seldom get the opportunitywhistling.gif

    " Julian Assange’s interview with Hezbollah leader Sayyid Nasrallah sparked a wave of media reaction and saw Twitter trends soar."


    the other side think he would make an enemy of the empire for a few quid! The empire would bang up nonces for less time if they could.

  5. i

    Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket is very anti Muslim plus former pr director (volunteer) from the Foundation ripped off the Phuket Film Festival in 2010. Members of the Foundation seem legit and caring but derogatory comments aobut Muslims and caring for dogs in Muslim areas would cause me to think twice about donating to them.

    The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had a virulent dislike of dogs and instructed that they all be killed - particularly the black ones. (Not quite sure why black dogs are worse than other ones.) Dogs could only be kept as guard dogs, for shepherding or for hunting - never as pets. He also taught that angels couldn't enter a house where a dog was present.

    Since Mohammed (PBUH) is the perfect man and role-model Moslems should emulate him. In practice that means that many of them will stone any dog they see.

    I therefore can understand why dog lovers and dog-hating Moslems might not see eye to eye.

    i guess stoning dogs is better than stoning women ! ohmy.png

  6. comedian rob newman talks about ww1 being about oil;

    His contention that World War 1 should be taught in our schools as an invasion of Iraq seems outlandish at first but he is extremely convincing.

    “I am sure many of you, like me, have never been entirely satisfied with the standard explanation we were given at secondary school for the causes and origins of WW1… the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand…I mean, NO ONE is that popular…The war breaks out, and remember it’s a war to defend plucky Belgian neutrality while the Belgians are pluckily defending Congolese rubber and ivory. The FIRST British regiment to be deployed in the First World War, the Dorset regiment, goes to….Basra, 1914, where it is joined by 51 other British divisions.

    ..... One of the possible reasons for this was that just before WW1 the Germans were constructing the Berlin-Baghdad railway (part of which is now known as the Orient Express). This was at a time that the British and German Navies were switching from coal to oil. The British Navy at that time was probably the most powerful military force in the world so access (and denying access) to the newly discovered oil fields was vital. ...


  7. Sounds like a solution to me and not a problem. Let them start something with the Russian Mob and see how it turns out for JJ and the boys.

    I don't know how people can live around dirt bags like this. Pattaya, Phuket and parts of Samui... you can have them. Those places all attract bad people, both foreign and local.

    i heard a Russian thought he could muscle into the kamala market but he was dumped out at sea pretty fast.

  8. Any ideas as to how long it will take Congress to approve the additional funding, upgrade the MOP, ship the upgraded MOP to Diego Garcia, load the thing in a B-2 bomber and plan the flight to Fordow?

    I guess they would need two B-2’s. The first one to take out Iran’s air defenses around Fordow and the 2nd one that will drop the MOP?

    Exciting ain't it?

  9. Bombing iran? Madness. War is never the best option and those that think it is have no clue to the reality of it. A Belgian once explained the difference between the continentals and anglos. The continentals are against war because they have hosted plenty and had their women raped in the process. It has been centuries since the American and British public hosted a war and that is why they are war mongers. It is like a video game to them.

    • Like 2
  10. the way I see it we are all agreed that many muslims are brain washed in to having varying degrees of distrust and dislike of the west, but where we differ is that I don't think war is ever going to change that. Left to their own devices, like we see in the Arab spring, they are going to revolt against oppression because the youth want a western lifestyle. Killing people because they are uneducated and brainwashed is insane. And the argument that we are protecting ourselves is flawed because all the terrorists in the west are born in the west. In the UK anyway.

  11. i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

    Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

    drop bombs on one muslim country and they all are pissed off. The same as every other race.

    Muslims do not constitute a 'race'.

    they get pissed off all the same.

  12. Anyway, as someone pointed out, no bombing by Western infidels has been needed in Nigeria. No bombings were needed for al Qaeda for them to bomb the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Before 9/11 bin Laden was upset the infidels (US) had bases on the "holy land of Medina and Mecca" (Saudi Arabia). Those bases were gone prior to 9/11 but they still attacked us. Osama wasn't motivated by any bombing done by the USA.He as just an extremist nut job. Apparently he is a bundle of well wrapped fish food in the bottom of the Indian Ocean but I hope instead that he is tucked away in one of those nasty "secret torture prisons" that I read about here on the forum.

    don't forget that obl was a CIA man in the 80's. As were saddam and polpot.

  13. Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

    The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

    "A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

    So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

    A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


    i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

    Which Muslims were bombed that led to 9/11? Or the US Embassy bombings in Africa back in the 90's? The list goes on. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

    over throwing the democracy in iran and putting in the shah and many more of the same.

    • Like 1
  14. Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

    The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

    "A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

    So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

    A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


    We're gonna need more drones.

    of course if the west really wanted peace they would stop supporting the apartheid in Israel. Bush said as much in his memoirs.

    • Like 1
  15. Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

    The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

    "A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

    So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

    A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


    i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

    Having spent over 30 years of my life working closely with Muslims in the Middle East, I would bet you are wrong, again.

    you see what you expect to see.

  16. i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

    Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

    drop bombs on one muslim country and they all are pissed off. The same as every other race.

  17. i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

    Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

    funny, i thought ron paul was right wing. Ghandi was certainly left wing and he was a pacifist right enough.

  18. Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

    The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

    "A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

    So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

    A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


    i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

  19. Seeing as some posters here are so in favour of the rights of Pakistanis perhaps account should be taken of what the Pakistani government want, or indeed the people of North Waziristan.


    The war which we are fighting in the FATA and Swat is our own. It always was. President Musharraf’s decision to engage world community to help Pakistan in eradicating the terrorism from this region was a very visionary and shrewd decision. He sensed at that time that the world alignments have changed and the menace of terrorism is the biggest threat to Pakistan too and to keep Pakistan from becoming Afghanistan or Iraq, it was unavoidable to cooperate with the ISAF forces.

    I found another report (In urdu) stating the people of North Waziristan mostly favour of drone attacks as they caused less collateral damage than the Pakistani army did trying to do the same job, currently I'm looking for an English translation.


    becoming Iraq? There is far more terrorism now than under Saddam.

    Well as long as drone attacks are mostly better than that bastion of accountability -pak army, that is fine!

  20. stole secrets the USA regime would prefer the rest of the world not to know...

    well done i say !

    Those diplomatic cables he stole made the USA look pretty good. Other countries not so much.

    I'd watch the Assange show - at least once to see if its any good. I'll download it over the Internet for FREE though like all the stolen material he posts for download. I'm sure he'd support that 100%. Fight the power!

    I don't think Assange will be able to start out slow and keep an audience. He'll have to hit the road running because like me, there will be people interested in tuning in just out of curiosity driven by the media circus he has fomented. I wouldn't tune in next week if he bombed the first. Usually a new show takes time to build an audience and the producers know this so they give it time. With a celebrity, the expectations are higher. A show hosted by a celebrity should have a bigger audience in the beginning so he'll be judged by a higher standard. His whole self-promotion and freak-show feel shtick got him this gig, To keep it he'll need to maintain an audience. It will be a test to see if his minions of online supporters and defenders really want to sit in front of the TV and watch him for 30-60 minutes or if he can attract - and keep - enough regular TV viewers who may not know much if anything about him. Time will tell - unless the Swedes get hold of him first. smile.png

    he got the gig because he is not a yes man and the world is waking up to the needless wars and crony capitalism - fascism, and corruption he does his best to expose. Those that oppose him do so because they want the oppression of the developing world because they think that means they will be better off and it makes them feel superior.

    The way Assange is profiting off all this reminds me of American politicians calling what they do "serving". In both cases they pretend to be serving a higher cause when they are really self-serving.

    you could well be right but at least he is trying to change things. However, as they say, power/fame corrupts.

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