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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 7:51 PM, Thian said:


    What is a VOD box? Video on demand?


    Did you also loose some kg of flesh?


    I've heard about this bacterial several times but didn't know it made so many victims.

    Yes, Video on Demand. I nearly lost at least one leg from the knee down. Fortunately I am a trained Paramedic so that I was able to insist that the doctor gave me penicillin and not his prescribed erythromycin which the bacteria was resistant to which caused me to lose several layers of skin. The disease is caused by common bacteria that we all have on our skin except that these are a mutated strain that are resistant to many antibiotics. The disease is called  Erysipelas caused by non group A streptococcal bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. It used to be known as St Elmos Fire and Kings and Queens have died from it in ancient time because in those days there was no cure.

  2. Oil does not go bad, it has survived millions of years underground and is refined for use in your engine. I used to manufacture and sell oil reclamation units to the bus industry. Your old oil can be filtered to remove particles and put back in the engine. Silkolene is on brand that is reclaimed oil and used in racing cars that they sponsor.

    If your oil is still in the can, shake it up and pour some into a glass and inspect for contaminants in suspension and for precipitation after allowing to stand for 2 hours. If nothing untoward, reuse it.


    With reference to certain common practices in Thailand. Old branded oil drums and cans are collected by some shops and they pour in old oil and sell it as new.

  3. I flew Thai Airways the other way from Bangkok to Brisbane and also ended up in an Australian Hospital due to flesh eating bacteria from a cut I received from the V.O.D. box under the seat in front of me. Nearly died and nearly lost my leg. Worse place for these bugs is in a clean hospital environment where the bacteria that survive antibiotics cause these types of difficult to cure infections.

  4. 17 hours ago, Oxx said:


    I don't believe that is true.  As far as I can tell (and despite rumours that it has) deVere hasn't even been the subject of an SEC Investor Alert.  (You can search at http://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/en/InvestorAlert - I found nothing relevant there.)

    That is because deVere was trading as an unlicensed broker and there were many complaints against this group. If you search for licensed companies you will find that they were operating under Broadgate Financial which was registered by them in 2012 with the SEC. http://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/en/companyprofile/Intermediaries/0000007756

    However the SEC web site says that it is now not operating since 16/3/2016.

  5. 20 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:

    I have my investments with Broadgate Advisory Group, part of deVere Group. British of course, very professional, office in Exchange Tower Sukhumvit


    Far from 16 million though :(


    Investments should be left to professionals, it's bad times out there now but still, average returns over a 10 year period should be 5%. Better than 7-8% and ouppps, half gone

    Steer well clear of Broadgate  and deVere and just do your due diligence via the internet for scam artists i.e. "deVere Scams, Scandals, boiler rooms etc". Idiot rang me from Broadgate last week and gave me the same BS as you. I told him that I make my own investments on the Thai Stock exchange and had made 468% in 10 years and he kept insisting that you couldn't make more than 10% or average of 5% over 10 years. However, you sound like a Broadgate financial advisor looking for another sucker. It is easy to make at least 20% a year on B16Million invested in one of the few trustworthy Thai Companies.


    Your professional advisors is telling you that it is bad times out there whilst pocketing the substantial profits that a professional investor can make and feeding you with scraps.

  6. Cambodian immigration removed a sticker from another country from my passport and an Indian Doctors and stuck theirs in when I went to Cambodia one time without any problems for future travel. We were visiting President Hun Sen so I don't know whether we got special treatment or whether this is always a possibility. I have heard of other people having used visas steamed off as an emergency though.

  7. 2 minutes ago, MobileContent said:


    I am not so sure that this is an attack with religious brackgrounds.



    The problem is that Southern Thailand used to be part of Malay Pattani Region which was annexed by the Kingdom of Siam in 1785 and has been ruled by Thailand ever since. These are mainly ethnic Malay Muslims who speak Yawi which is a dialect of Bahasa Malayu. The Yawi people want their own state. I can remember many attacks over the last 30 years by separatists which have flared up again, probably because they do not agree with the outcome of the referendum. We cannot be sure that this attack is based on religion but we shall wait to see the outcome of the investigation.

  8. 4 minutes ago, alant said:

    Perfectly sound logic I think.

    TAT can ensure Oman visitors feel right at home. There is a high probability they will not be able to drink alcohol and the once popular adult playtime activities have been banned. Perfect as there is a coffee shop on every corner.

    I have visited Oman many times over the last 40 years. In Oman, many Omanis drink alcohol and it  is not forbidden under Omani law. I worked there many times since 1976. My agent used to fly crates of alcohol in his private jet for parties in his beach house and they used to drink in the hotels also.  The population of Oman was 977,788 when we started building the infrastructure but it has now reached 4 million. Because of oil and gas and the fact that many are pro-British and well educated, there are a lot of well off Omanis that come here for vacation already.

  9. According to a friend who was a Director of PTT and has now retired, there is a very long waiting list for Amazon franchises. Even he has to wait at least a year and he used to run PTTEP, so you may have a long wait. You would be better off investing in PTT who own Amazon and be sure of making a profit. The problem of owning any business is that in a forced sale you could lose your shirt. With investment in the SET you can sell your "investment" in seconds. The other advantage is shares are in your sole name with no Thai partner.

  10. On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 1:44 PM, elviajero said:

    The funds need to be instantly available so as long as the account isn't a fixed term it should be accepted.

    This is not true since fixed accounts can be cashed in at anytime. Immigration officers prefer the fixed deposit accounts, since with savings accounts they have to search through the pages to make sure you have not gone one baht below B800,000.

  11. This month, July 2016, there have already been 43 mass shootings with 28 people killed and 209 injured. So far this year the total is 211 mass shootings with 8,017 deaths and 16,709 injured. In the UK there have been no mass shootings since 2010 and that is because of strict gun control. Similarly, in Germany, strict gun control was introduced in 2009 and guns are being removed from possession resulting in very few mass shootings in Germany until the case of the German School kid who became obsessed with the many school shootings in the US made possible because of almost non-existent gun control and the Anders Brevick mass shooting in Norway. There has been a huge focus by the American Media on the few shootings in Europe whilst very little on the 211 mass shootings in the US this year. One can only assume that the US arms industry wants to overturn European and Australian gun laws to create and assault weapon sales bonanza.

  12. Why not run to the bathroom to get some water? That would be my first thought, a fire does not ignite and burns down a house in a few seconds only, I agree with some of the posters that running out and leave the fire to spread at will was at least not really clever, was it?

    You do not throw water on an electrical fire here as you will have live wires and risk electrocution. Need to turn off at main breaker, then you can use water.

  13. I dont know if thats only for dutch passport because i just checked my latest passport and there is no page where there is a notice like that. I hold a danish passport.
    My older British passports had a "notes" section. No longer do. Passport has a chip in it now so assume relative info would be on that. Why anyone thinks replacing a passport deletes their history is a mystery to me.

    Current British passports (since 2011 at least) in fact do have an "official observations" page. If the passport is replacing a lost or stolen one the details are mentioned on that page. If it is just a regular replacement then it is not noted.

    Just checked mine. The official observations page is the chip.

    The observations page was moved to the front of the passport and is an image of your face which when magnified gives all your basic details. The chip has been embedded in the back cover, not in the observations page.

  14. BKK isn't 20% of the population. It's less and a majority of the people there have always retired to the countryside because they don't own home or have the wealth to live in BKK in old age. Same old excuses to steal from the nation and keep the rural people poor. You see what happens to BKK every major holiday when the people who don't have permanent homes there leave and all those cars go with them. These folks want to see their provinces improved. The people who live in BKK have all the amenities. The problems they face come from their own greed to have everything in BKK. There is no plan to promote rural development and incentives for business to move out of BKK area.

    Actually from my own experience of writing a master plan for Bangkok, the population of Bangkok is higher than statistics show. The mass transit system also benefits the expats, and transient tourist and business population. Many of the poor work here in Bangkok and benefit from the income opportunities produced so that they can send money home to their families in the countryside. Many of the people who exit Bangkok during holidays with their cars are rich not the poor, watch the roads during Chinese New Year.

    Most large businesses have their offices in Bangkok for ease fo dealing with clients. Their factories are spread across Thailand. There are B.O.I. and Government incentives to set up business and factories in rural areas.

  15. this is impressive. it is a first, as they say on their web site... not even Maybank Kimeng does this.... I wish the PSE was there,... and it should be after having all of the AEC 2015 hoopla etc etc for so many years. Very surprising info.. thank you too. I guess.

    This is not true, you just have to apply for it. Maybank Kim Eng Clients can trade by themselves using the internet-based KE World System or via Investment Consultant (IC). At the present, the clients can trade offshore up to 28 countries. The Internet-based KE World System which was developed by the Maybank Kim Eng Group. The KE World System allows submission of trading orders in Six main exchanges including HKEX, SGX, BURSA, NYSE, NASDAQ and NYSE ARCA. For the London Stock Exchange (LSE) currently orders have to be place via your IC.

  16. It would inconvenience many people because Mo Chit bus station has no BTS connection.

    Only if you don't count Mo Chit BTS station.

    Your not from BKK ? The busstation they are talking about is not next to the BTS station, Its quite a bit away from the BTS station so I count that as NO BTS station.

    They are building a skywalk to connect the BTS Mo Chit to Mo Chit Bus station which will be the bus station for short distance buses and vans. The Main Northern Terminal will be moved to Rangsit near Future park. The Mo Chit Bus Station is the other side of Chatuchak Park, I usually walk through the park. The new Grand Central Railway Station is at Bang Sue also in the same location. There is a motor cycle taxi service up the road if you do not fancy a stroll and there is always a taxi. I had originally recommended that the short distance vans and buses be moved to Makasan Station and that it was announced a year ago together with a map showing the location on the waste ground at the rear of Makasan Station. Hopefully the skywalks linking the BTS, MRTA, Mo Chit Bus Terminal and Grand Central Station will have travellators.

  17. Are the batteries of the hybrid Toyota's not made in Thailand?

    Why is bmw building a factory in Thailand and not China? China bought loads of lithium mines around the world to produce batteries. Thailand doesn't have those mines i guess, it's very hard to find lithium batteries in Thailand at all.

    Thailand has Lithium mines in the south of Thailand (Phangna). Banchak Petroluem bought a 7% share in a Canada Lithium miner and aims also to set up a Lithium Battery Manufacturing plant in Thailand. There are Lithium mines in Indonesia owned by Aussie mining companies.

    Siam Battery Electronic manufactures lithium batteries as do N.E.C. Tokin (Thailand) Co Ltd

  18. Given Thailand has blocked the Daily Mail website, then frankly this is a nonstarter for most readers.

    Not blocked, you can read the article here:


    It is still blocked if you are in Thailand you must use a VPN to view the Daily Mail on-line.

  19. Again and again, No wonder BTSGIF earnings aren't going up. I "was" a shareholder.

    Untrue, the earnings are going up. I have been a shareholder for years passenger numbers are up every year and already BTS shares are up 8% to B9.75 in the last month, BTSGIF is up 6% in one month at B12.70. Dividend next month is 0.34/share for BTS and BTSGIF has already paid out a dividend of 0.345/share for the last year.

  20. ^

    It doesn't matter if I go to Vientiane to get a Non-O visa instead of converting the Visa Exempt into a Non-O visa in Thailand?

    If you apply for a non-o visa at Vientiane they will only want to see that you have the 800k baht in the bank. No need for proof it came from abroad is needed.

    Then during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the non-o visa you could apply for the extension at immigration with no requirement to show proof the funds came from abroad.

    Also if you were able to prove that the 400k baht you have here already came from legally working here or from the sale of a property and etc you could apply at immigration. They want proof that the funds came abroad to eliminate the possibility you have borrowed the funds to apply for the visa.

    I entered with a tourist visa exempt 30 days stay after depositing 800K into Bangkok Bank on a previous trip. They then gave me a non-0 Visa at Bangkok Immigration, never asked for proof of where the funds came from, and then stamped the non-o visa "Used" and extended my stay to 90 days. telling to come back after 60 days. I came back after 60 day and they extended me to 1 year. I have never, in 22 years, been asked for proof of where the funds came from, presumably the requirement to show where funds came from is aimed at applicants that immigration feel are untrustworthy. In the old days there was no requirement to show funds in a Thai Bank account for 60 to 90 days, and so some applicants borrowed the money for a few days and returned it with interest after receiving the visa.

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