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Laughing Gravy

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Everything posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. We both have just had the virus again 2 weeks ago. After being tested daily for just under three years and all the restrictions, the 3 crappy Chinese vaccines and we get it again.????
  2. I know this to be factually wrong. My wife and I went back to Thailand on 22nd December 2019 'literally dying' with an unknown virus with all the now known symptoms, of Covid 19. We returned back to China on 2nd January 2020. Then Wuhan and the rest of China finally admitted the scale of Covid and locked down in that month. I know of 10 other people who traveled to Thailand at Christmas 2019 who also had the virus.
  3. Reminds me of people who get Chinese Characters as tattoos. One friend had one on his ankle and asked a Chinese Girl what it meant. He was expecting Hope or Desire. She said it said 'beef mushroom and fried rice" number 47. ????
  4. I see that Thailand is following the China model of trying to give 'hopium' to the people with, could be. maybe, possibly, potentially and all the other words that don't really tell the truth but give hope. Lets wait to see the inflation figures but the government will 'kick the can down the road again'.
  5. Thanks Sandy, we can always rely on you as the ultimate apologist. I am surprised you didn't put the term Brexit in your message. As a reminder, this was about Thai Immigration at Bangkok. I look forward to your thread on UK airports, as I will be happy to reply. I could also comment on Delhi, Damman, , Islamabad, Dubai, Alicante and many other airports but I prefer to keep to the topic in hand. No doubt we will get another response championing your cause. zzzsss.
  6. It is just and fair and Thailand has had issues at immigration in the airports for many years. It is time to take responsibility for criticism and not behave like a child "throwing their rattle out of a pram". Accept the criticism, learn from it and the country and system will benefit.
  7. Thanks for being so predictable. You never cease to let me down. Goodbye.
  8. I can always rely on the ultimate apologist to defend the police here. I quoted what was there. You should learn to get over it.
  9. There you go, you spoiled it all, by speaking sense and logic????. I imagine that they will continue with all the other failures that they have introduced for the last 25 years and keep the status quo.
  10. I agree. Thainess.... at its worst.
  11. I wonder if they would feel the same way if Cambodia or Myanmar invaded Thailand. I remember a few years ago Thailand was screaming to the UN over a few square metres with Cambodia. I guess they have a short memory.
  12. You really are quite lazy aren't you. That is another trait from prolonged use of the drug. It took less than one minute internet search. I did look at JSTOR as well but you need an account, which i can't share with you and there are thousand upon thousand of articles all showing the adverse effects of Marijuana/Cannabis use. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/pubs/journal-articles.html Weed Weekly!. Those 47 years didn't give you a sense of humour did it. But would you know, here you go. https://www.weedweekly.com/
  13. I know I am banging my head against a wall trying to convince a pot head. As I said before go and read some scientific journals not "Weed Weekly'. Good to know. Not everyone is the same. Who knows what you could have achieved if you were not a regular smoker. Friends who never achieved their potential as they became lazy, moved onto other harder drugs, got into trouble with the law, as it was illegal in many countries. I could go on and on. They became addicted. Just like your 47 years. Again read the research. I was waiting for that. tell you what. Start a thread about alcohol and I will contribute to it. That's my last reply to you ,as clearly you can't and don't want to believe that not everyone like you can function in the world, smoking weed all the time. Many can't.
  14. I would kindly suggest you look at more extensive and scientific evidence, as there is a clear correlation between taking Cannabis and moving onto so called harder drugs. Also the damaging effects it has on a variety of people such as memory loss, heart, lungs and other diseases of the body. I personally don't give a rats *rse about people taking any drug as long as it doesn't effect others. People who want to enjoy themselves, kill themselves go ahead. In fact I would have an island where people can go and do that in peace and not affect others, Saying that cannabis is completely safe like many do are talking nonsense. like drinking alcohol and smoking. There are consequences.
  15. Semantics. It affects peoples mind and body in a negative way. Admittingly it has good, positive effects used for Cancer and other diseases but lets be honest. people are mostly not using it for that. They are smoking it and usually with tobacco.
  16. Look up the research on what the effects of cannabis are, and the path it leads too. Even the mentally challenged can see that. Now that you can't male up.
  17. As the country has opened up the use of cannabis with no real regulation.???? You couldn't make it up!
  18. Long overdue and it isn't the first time police chiefs have asked for a review. I will be surprised if anything really changes but live in hope.
  19. Thailand is not crypto friendly at all. This news article is fake news. As for an ideal environment I hope the internet doesn't go off when it rains.
  20. So now the 'cat is out of the bag'. Lets look like we are doing something. I wonder if they had not been ousted and this had not hit the headlines would they start to holding talks today with the owners. "The bank said this was so because both houses looked similar and neither had number plates attached". ????????
  21. Anyone with half a brain cell knows the state of poor Joe. Those with a full brain cell knew the extent of his cognition, before the election. I am not a supporter of either the Republicans or Democrats. But it is plain to see that those voted to oust Trump, regardless of who they put in, didn't care for an old man who was vulnerable and suffering from memory loss. Those people should be ashamed and be accountable. The poor guy needs help and should be in an old folks home, enjoying his last years. Not being used as a puppet, working long hours and days. It is abuse. I feel for him and if any human who can't see that with a political point of view, is a despicable human.
  22. I tend to watch the media outside of the USA that gives a true account. You should watch it.
  23. He makes them everyday. You should follow the news, he has been doing this even before he was president. Wandering around the stage, talking about dead people, not knowing where he is. These are just this week. It is a shame that a man with severe cognitive issues is supposedly leading the USA.
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