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Laughing Gravy

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Everything posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. Oh dear. This epitomizes everything that is wrong with the once lovely Thai tradition, bastardized by Foreigners into an absolute sham and disgusting spectacle. I could say good luck but I really don't mean it.
  2. They are, with less people getting caught and when they do they pretend and lie that it didn't happen, hence the many recent police stories.
  3. Nothing surprises me in Thailand from eating ginger and smoking to preventing Covid 19, to the doctor who told Teenagers to skip 10,000 times a day, as it made them taller. There are countless more I could quote that I have heard in Thailand. The best though was slapping the breast 100 times, to make them grow.
  4. How unlucky for you. So I guess the number is 99.999% Thais doing this and you happened to get the 0.0001% farang. Apologist of the worse kind.
  5. No way! 80 immigration police officers. I can't believe it.???? I guess add another 0 and its believable.
  6. The TAT have a lot of editing to do on their website.????
  7. You speak a lot of sense but when it goes to the very, very top, and the idea is to protect him/them, there is little chance of change. If the common person actually took notice and realised that collectively they could make real change, if they took notice. My instinct says that nothing different will happen. the normal status quo.
  8. Yes i agree with you. I have to say when it comes to money blood is definitely thicker than water. I have never known such an obsessed nation so obsessed with money. From the taxi driver asking how much your salary is to the middle classes never satisfied with what they have. I won a million baht, why wasn't it 10 million. For a Buddhist country which is not supposedly meant to be obsessed with money, the reality is very different . My faith in Buddhism was shattered when I saw a monk with 3 iPhone's. I have seen countless other incidents which shows that it is quite a farce. No doubt the apologists will be here to defend this but from my opinion of 20 years within Thailand, when it comes to money many people have little morals. This story just highlights this and confirms what I have seen and know.
  9. Thanks for splitting my sides. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion.
  10. I thought Thailand didn't rely on tourism or need it. With the constant, often daily articles on how tourism is so important like this one, I guess it is rollocks. So Thailand is quite happy to 'get in bed with the devil'. Good luck.
  11. You are so right and then you get those trying to justify it calling it 'Thai democracy'. It is nothing of the sort and the word democracy should not be used.
  12. You have to give them credit for the comedy factor. I guess they continually use this method.
  13. Yep indeed. This is what happens when you have people who lack creativity, inquiry based approaches, higher order thinking skills and generally just copy what others do elsewhere. That about sums up the TAT and many other organisations in Thailand.
  14. Well anyone one with half a brain cell knows this Muppet is on his way out. The big question is which Muppet will be replacing him, providing he who cant be name agrees. What a great thing if someone gets in who is not appointed but then again that will never happen.
  15. It has confirmed what I already knew and others too. You can't cure stupid it would seem. Most learn from experience but these lot are beyond belief. The thread on the origin of the use of the word buffalo needs redefining.????
  16. "She also noted that Thailand “appeals to those who have a keen sense of adventure and an eye for natural and cultural beauty,” adding that the kingdom retains a unique way of life as the only nation in Southeast Asia to avoid colonization". This still spout this nonsense. Tiresome and untrue.
  17. No, I mean the estate industries were saying how marvelous the industry has been the last few years. Now it is battered. Of course it is battered, it means that they have been telling 'porkie pies' for the last few years then.
  18. It was only recently the estate industries were saying how well the market was and property keeps going up. So now they are saying it is a battered market. They are like the Chinese, they lie and lie even more.????
  19. The community where I am in here in China have had an infection rate over the last few weeks of over 80%. How do I know, well we surveyed everyone. From children to adults, of all ages. Some were hospitalised. Most had strong symptoms, like myself for 7 to 10 days. One thing you can rely on China is they lie, tell more lies and lie on top of the lies and then 'throw the rattle out of the pram' if anyone questions them. We know that Thailand bends over and touches its toes and spreads them for what China wants. My advice is don't trust them. People have short memories. Remember in the Chinese mindset Covid 19 didn't happen in Wuhan and across China, and they denied it for months and are still denying it. That should be a reminder.
  20. Three ministries to meet Thursday. Larry, Curly and Moe.????
  21. Are you Chinese by the way? If you know anything about the Chinese government they lie, cheat, bully, intimidate and harass in the name of making everything Chinese look good. They have convinced many here that Covid 19 is a foreign made virus that foreigners brought into China. They have also convinced many until recently with the disastrous zero Covid policy that China was safe and the only country in the world, that could control it.????????. In the city i live in they published figures off over 500,000 cases of Covid a day and retracted it and put down 31. The government are an embarrassment and a joke. Here are some links that say the Chinese vaccines are pants. I could go on. https://www.businessinsider.in/science/health/news/chinese-vaccines-proven-ineffective-becoming-problem-for-world-the-singapore-post/articleshow/96056855.cms https://www.deseret.com/coronavirus/2021/6/23/22547032/china-coronavirus-vaccines-under-scrutiny https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221014/Chinese-study-determines-the-real-world-effectiveness-of-COVID-19-vaccines.aspx https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/12/23/chinas-widely-used-vaccine-ineffective-against-omicron/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/11/chinese-vaccines-effectiveness-low-official-admits https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/china-manufactured-vaccines-turn-out-ineffective-amid-rising-covid-19-cases/articleshow/92454999.cms
  22. You are obviously either a Chinese bot or so out of touch with reality. Have you had the Chinese vaccine. I have, it is shi%$e. To try an support the fact that it is down to insufficient vaccines is a travesty and not just a lack of intelligence, but a disgrace. And as for the Chinese government, having lived here for 5 years dealing with them on a daily basis, they are the worse, incompetent, lying, controlling people on the planet. If you are supporting them then you should be hounded out of the world for being a sheeple and someone with less understanding, although I am sure you think you are quite smart, if a Chinese bot can..
  23. You bet. The three years has been very challenging and many left China with poor mental health because of the draconian restrictions. The fact that not being allowed out the country, then having to undergo 28 days state quarantine which i never ever would do, so I stayed here. Everyone who did do that struggled with it. Plus China then tightened travel within China and controlled the people even more. Yes that is one benefit. I am hoping by the summer when I can visit Thailand (home) that all this nonsense will be a distant bad dream.
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