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Laughing Gravy

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Everything posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. More smacks of the desperation from the TAT. I wonder what next. Free holidays!
  2. Here we go again. Let me give you a tip! pssssst check out those with brown shirts. Then those in other uniforms. I reckon you would sweep up.
  3. I am sure the TAT will come up with some excuse as they always do. The only thing they are good for is their comedy value.
  4. I am coming from China in two weeks for a brief visit. I wonder if I will be classed as one of those 4 million.????
  5. Yes agree. But they will use any excuse for their own continued incompetence.
  6. Typical Thai authourity response. Lets give them some money. Shows we care! But it doesn't. It shows how shallow and insensitive they are. Also they never understand life outside their own universe, Thailand.
  7. Actually, I agree with the first two but the latter no. I know/knew of a few 'teachers' with PhD's there who do not have a teachng license from their home country. Having a PhD, as I am sure you know does not make you a teacher.
  8. He is probably sat in his smoking jacket and slippers, eating truffels and drinking dubonnet. He isn't worried in the least.
  9. What about the Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre (UK). Whilst here, it is Manoeuvre, Mirror, Signal (Thailand)
  10. Does that mean we won't be getting anymore wild, mad and unrealistic predictions on tourists coming to Thailand anymore? I sort of missed this
  11. Taxis in Thailand, especially Bangkok/Pattaya are scurge and a disgrace on the country. The wife who is Thai always comments on the disgraceful service they give, constant complaining about why you don't go further or take a toll way. The lack of manners and general politness seems to be the norm. I know you may get a good one but most are awful. And before the 'you must be new here brigade' start spouting, thats 23 years experience. Taxis in China are much better, cheaper and more relaible. Taxis in the UK are better, more reliable but more expensive. The TAT should look at the Taxis as this is the first impression and mostly the impression is disgraceful. Out with the taxi mafia! We haven't had a story about a taxi driver finding 3 million baht on the back seat of his car and handing it in. I am sure we will soon.
  12. The word potentially the operative word here. Also it looks like the magic crystal ball has been used again.
  13. You sound like you think the banks are there to help people and are independent from politics. Anyway as I said what friends said. Take it or leave, I don't care
  14. Obviously you struggle with reading. I said I left the UK 25 years ago. I did not say I bought property then. Was that a result of Brexit. There are a few other things that you can get capital gains tax on. Maybe get your accountant to tell you I am not going to go into all the ins and outs of things fella . I just gave you a what was said to me. Take it or leave it and jog on.
  15. I have a UK account with the bank for 56 years. It use to be a decent bank and it got raped by the big black horse and now is an awful bank. I have been overseas for 25 years and still have a UK address. I pay my national insurance via the bank DD. I recently tried to get another account from another bank/building society. As soon as I said i work outside the country they told me to Foxtrot Oscar. Santander actually gave me w card and once I gave my Chinese tax number, retracted it and closed the account without any reason. I managed to get two online banks with Monzo and Revolut. Both fine, set up no problem told them i worked in China. Actually and much better service than the black horse by far. Speaking with friends in banking/finance it has to do with a few things. One is the fact that the governments can't get you on capital gains tax. Secondly with CBDC's on the agenda, it will be easier to run this out with everyone who are residents. I have also heard that this is happening in many other countries and seems to be the MO in the UK. I am still bewildered that people still use the excuse of Brexit for everything.
  16. Maybe call him out on that one and see what happens. He has a sense of humour but talking about a travellers manhood might be pushing it too far.????
  17. The government trying to 'polish a curd' that makes it look like the Chinese tourists are back. Unfortunately, all smoke and mirrors.
  18. So there will be no 40% capital gains tax then, as there isn't any on gambling. Yeah! You sound like a spokesman for the banking cartel. My awful bank have tried over the last 5 years to prevent me investing in a public traded company (Crypto exchange) for my own good of course (sic). They have told me blatantly they do not want me investing in the crypto. When i tell them i get anywhere between 5 and 16% yield on some coins and the banks don't even pass on their interests rates to customers, they do get upset. The state of fractional banking and the ponzi scheme called banking, which sadly most people just don't realise. The banks created a system that you can't do without them. Trying booking a plane ticket or hotel without a debit/credit card. Now they have even told people they can only have 250 pounds a time each day of their own money, because people are getting scammed. Aren't the banks so caring and wonderful!???? If it wasn't for national insurance payments I would ditch my awful bank of 56 years that I have been with but I can't do the many things without them. I do hope people wake up and reliase the banks are worse than the mafia and are the most powerful, political force around influencing policy that suits them.
  19. Not to worry, the TAT will have a new set of numbers (fudged) next month so its all okay. Seriously though, I am trying to get a flight for next month to Thailand and there are far fewer flights than 2019. Plus, the flights are still expensive, far more expensive than the cheap package tour price before. I still genuinely believe that the CCP still would rather keep the money in China than see it go overseas. Locals are still struggling to get new passports. Either way there will be less tours in Pattaya than 2019 until a number of things change.
  20. It is called the elimination of progress. They like to keep it the way it is with the snouts in the trough.
  21. Whilst you jest and yes you are right, they won't listen. At least them 'falangs' as you grossly put it have the gonads to point it out. I know wonder will Thais who this affects will grow a pair and finally do something about it. My thoughts are that they won't.
  22. This clearly represents what many of us have always known "Thai Democracy" is a joke. The amount of times people have said 'You don't understand Thai Politics'. Yes we do. We just don't agree with the farce and this clearly is shown here.
  23. Well it came across that way. As you have clarified this lets move on.
  24. I don't remember it ever been rolled ot in the last 5 elections. Strange that. Are you an apologists trying to justify this! Yes Australia, you pay a 100$ fine (if I remember) if you don't vote but it does not equate to this nonsense. According to the law, failure to participate in an election is not a legal offense, but it revokes their rights to oppose election results in two years, to hold a political position, and to hold a local administrative position.
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