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Laughing Gravy

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Everything posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. If there is one thing about the TAT they do give my sides the best workout for the day with laughter. They are also consistently out of touch with reality. Does anyone in the Thai media ever take these clowns to task on the numbers they sprout out (each month) that are always wrong. They have more chance of getting the lottery numbers correct. As with any business, does anybody ever check the statistics and say, "the last figures that were quoted were way off". I guess not. The usual nonsense from the most ridiculous department in Thailand.
  2. If anyone follows the TAT and their continuous tourist numbers that are always incorrect, which shows they really do not understand what marketing is or what a true plan is. Like all the other ideas and schemes they have come up with over the years, the track record of the TAT is abysmal. Any government worth its salt would get rid of the idiots in charge, as their performance is consistently poor. But this is Thailand and no doubt we will continue to get sensational numbers of tourists with questionable statistics, so they can continue to pat themselves on the back, telling everyone what a great job they have done. Marketing plan. Please
  3. Yes that's true, plus the pressing of the bell (bing bong) so to order alcohol. Hypocrisy of the highest order.
  4. Another nonsense, unsubstantiated poll. Worthless rhetoric.
  5. Thai Democracy. An embarrassment to the modern world.
  6. If you have lived and worked in Thailand then this answer is easily explained.
  7. The reason for the obsession with hubs is that Thailand lacks creativity, planning, ingenuity and critical thinking. They are pretty good at copying another idea but fail to grasp the micro and macro economics related to the business. Basically they have the delusional idea thinking that 'they can do that , so can we'. Hence the constant need to call for a hub. It is a shame really, as Thailand has great potential with its abundance of resources, great weather and strategic location in the world. But with this mindset and also one where the elite see the 'minions' to be treated as dirt and dispensable, I doubt anything will ever change.
  8. No s**t Sherlock. Even the most challenged can see that. Sadly, the clowns in charge seem destined to ruin tourism, one way or another.
  9. Here is an idea. Sack every single one of them, especially those that have made stupid and ridiculous predictions and were totally wrong. Bring a new, fresh team in who can see past their own nose and see that Thailand has great potential but not the centre of the universe. The possibility of success would be much better that with the current clowns in charge.
  10. Thailand should be very careful, as the Chinese do not do anything for nothing. It will come at a steep price.
  11. I agree with you but in the eyes of many Muslims and I know having lived in KSA they blame women for enticing men to rape and have their way with them. That is why they need to be covered up like a 'Guinness bottle'. I kid you not. This came from many, many Muslims living there. From the Immans to the Mutawa (Religious) Police. When you have that mentality, just saying no isn't in their mindset and use it as a excuse/reason for their behaviour.
  12. Yes you are correct. It will be like.... but you don't understand us blah bl;ah. Like Thai democracy. We do understand you and know what dual pricing is. We disagree and see it as a complete injustice. You can see why many joke and call it 'Lieland'. The sad thing it is often so true.
  13. Again another pipe dream. How many football stadiums are there in Thailand that match FIFA's standards. Yes they can build some more but that will take a lot of investment. Maybe the TAT can get involved and give us some more of their amazing 'hopium' with predicted numbers and revenue earned.
  14. This 'Kermit' sure knows how to create unrest and make foreigners feel less welcome. I hope the foreign press get onto this and I can't wait for the flip flop or explanation how this is justified.
  15. More delusional grandeur and belief that Thailand is the centre of the universe. I call it home but I am in no way do I take Thailand for what it is. Firstly the infrastructure needs to be updated. Get rid of electricity above the ground. That will take 40 years at least. Have a functionally political system that is a true democracy and not one that really is another name for dictatorship. That will take at least 2 generations or even more. I could go on and on but I have made my point. Keep Thailand for what it is and what it has always been.
  16. But are you not a Thai citizen as you have claimed here a few times? You are being disingenuous with your answer.
  17. Please take the rest of the year off. You will not be missed.
  18. These fortune tellers can be relied upon to come up with any numbers they pull out of a hat. Consistently incorrect with their forecasts I always wonder why the media do not challenge them on this every time they don't reach their target, which seems to be always. You can rely on this for one thing. Laughing medicine.
  19. Yes extremely amusing but also very predictable. As use as a chocolate fireguard. Always have been and seems in the future will still be useless.
  20. Well the TAT are notorious for coming up with the most outlandish rubbish you can ever here. I guess this is another gem. 6 million Japanese tourists coming next month for sure.
  21. I get your point. I am not a tourist. Thailand is the place I call home. Once my contract is up I will be back home. Is it good for Thailand? I am unsure. With the current mindset of the clowns in charge, as they seem they would rather see the place in the gutter than admit they are wrong or make any improvements. So the tourism industry will continue to decline and the TOT/Government will continue to give me my daily/weekly laughter medicine with their constant ridiculous forecasts and statements.
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