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Posts posted by keith101

  1. Really  , medical personnel need practice to give vaccinations doesn't give me much confidence in their abilities or was it just to be seen on tv etc .

    Some people may say practice makes perfect but just not true for this country otherwise there would not be a road death toll over 20,000 every year .

  2. Thailand has always been the land of fake from clothes , watches , jewelry etc etc that's why so many tourists came here full knowing that a lot of what was being sold in markets and on the streets was fake but was very cheap , i bought a fake Armani belt from a market back in 2007 and still using it today and very happy with it . Fake name brand golf shirts and shorts are another of my favorites and still wear them too .

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, WineOh said:

    I have myself noticed a marked change in my personality since moving here and my attitude has certainly changed towards locals and expats alike.

    I used to be warm and fun to be around.

    Now I'm aloof and a bit miserable.

    People annoy me very easily and I hardly ever smile.

    Not sure if that is a direct result of Living in Thailand or just getting older.

    This is me now after returning here in Sept 2017 after going back home for 3 1/2 years to qualify for age pension . I stay indoors only going out to the supermarket or pharmacy , cant stand being around in laws only the step daughter and grand kids when they come visit and the wife and i well its pretty much over just waiting to be told to get out which i would do now but nowhere to go .

    Such is life and i don't mind being alone its been a part of my life since i was in primary school (very short) and subject to bullies which changed as i got older and 188 cm tall in high school . These days i wont take s**t from anyone .

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  4. On 2/14/2021 at 7:01 PM, CharlieH said:

    The short answer is ZERO - Whatever the family feels they can get away with.

    Personally I didnt and wouldnt pay a penny.


    Each to their own and their individual relationship.

    When my now wife came back here after staying in Aus with me for 3 months she told her mother that we go married there and will be no wedding in Thailand hence NO SIN SOD back luck i would never pay anyway she had already been married and divorced at least once .

    • Haha 2
  5. Is this going to be like the so called Super Polls and maybe just have a few hundred test subjects or will they do a proper testing with thousands of people . They will probably never tell the public anything a bit like not knowing how many were being tested daily for the virus because the Worldometers site were not given any numbers for a very long time to put on their site .

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