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Posts posted by keith101

  1. 5 minutes ago, webfact said:

    "I think the authorities are looking at the game through such a tiny little lens, that what they're trying to do is change something that pertains to 0.1% of the golfing community," four-times major champion McIlroy said.

    Totally agree , to punish everyone for what 0.1% of golfers can do with a driver is just ridiculous and as he said a complete waste of money . I don't play anymore but have hit drives of 300 to 320 yards at times and that's using a standard 46" shaft but was struggling  to hit 240 yards as i got older , the corona virus put an end to my playing but might start again later this year .

  2. My granddaughter turns 7 in May but unless they get her an id card by April 31 they can be fined , why is there a deadline in the first place ? 

    The Government must have the ability to make id cards as people apply rather than tell them they must do it by a certain day or possibly have to pay a fine .

    40 minutes ago, webfact said:

    the deadline for making or renewing identification cards will be extended to April 30 in a bid to curb Covid-19 from spreading further.

    How can forcing people to renew by a certain date curb the spread when pushing them to do at once could increase the possibility of spreading the virus . This is Thai illogical thinking but then they can never be said to be a logic thinking people .

  3. Immigration don't know the rules either they recently tried to charge for overstay during the amnesty for which i flatly refused and this was this December when trying to do a 90 day report in person , the young female officer kept trying and i kept rufusing telling her it was amnesty and no overstay eventually she just pushed my passport and form back at me not giving me 90 days so off to my agent and fixed no problem .

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