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Posts posted by aarn

  1. <<<Followup question, for you who have used U for a while, is there anything you miss from your Win or Mac days. I mean any app or function that cannot be replicated?>>>

    I have an ancient ZTE F852 phone, and a gadget geek digital TV receiver. They work perfectly with XP, less so with Win7 and 10, gave up trying to get them to speak with wine on linux (lubuntu).

    Hence I keep a dozer partition on the computer, but when my antiquated technology finally succumbs , I can see no reason to succour windoze. AA

  2. This will only be of interest to those of use that sometimes help management with IT.

    Maggie's Homestay, Prachuap, was visited by HuaHin Immi. officials yesterday,

    I was out so missed all the action.

    Guest House is now required to (daily) report new arrivals online.

    I can't find the page (at www.immigration.co.th) where the GH initially registers,

    then can report daily. Can any Thai lingo literati please post the direct link.

    Cheers, AA

  3. Methinks those problems you mentioned may have been due to a temporary internet slow-down.

    You might care replace win7 with win10 (free) preview - I have found the builds issued since January this year,

    the best 'dozers in the dual-boot situation. AA

  4. If you want to try zorin, formerly the .iso file had to be downloaded using firefox (not sure now). But that is OK 'coz you can add the downthemall extension to it and watch your downloads sizzle. Making a live usb using unetbootin was easy with zorin, too.

    I would be very careful about removing any package (program) from a linux installation, coz there's a chance the action might also rip out some co-dependencies. I used to think that I would never need those email/bloat packages that came with the ubuntu family, better to just let them there and ignore. They don't take up so much space...

    If you still want to have a play with the dozer, the latest build of windows 10 is out and it's free I found it to be better than 97, 98...7 (never touched 8). There are recent links on thaivisa.com to obtain a legal copy and install. Happy twiddling, AA

  5. Good tip, Lop 3. You can google/youtube instructions how to refill your old cartridge. You can buy ink for some brands of printers/copiers at Tesco-Lotus and advice.co.th outlets, or order even cheaper from China on ebay.

    The only drawback is that your sotware may tell you that the cartridge is empty after you refill it. AA

  6. New terminal is fine. I had a 14hr overnight layover in November, plenty of reasonably-priced food outlets, I even found a stall selling Royal Danish stout cans for RM5.20.

    A few places to lie down and get shut-eye without being hassled by airport security, outside a hamburger stall.

    I didn't bother checking, but assume the budget eating area outside the terminal, near the bus stands for the city, is still open.

    But as Siam 2007, you might be pressed for time if <2hr turnaround between flights. AA

  7. It is possibly a .tar.gz (or similar) archive, rather than an .archive file (whatever that may be, as Gumballl suggests).

    I dunno about red hat, but with debian/ubuntu derivatives, there is a standard tool that deals with archives,

    Also, an archive can be deconstructed using the command line.

    Maybe you could let us know where it came from - the www, or a comp using a different operating system.

    If it is not confidential and not too big, maybe you could email it to one of us and we could play with it.

    Cheers, AA

  8. Gotta say thanks everyone that contributed here, most entertaining thread of 2014/2557 on thaivisa.

    Some of the big hitters - UJoe, Mario (where was Lop3?) made contributions.

    Makes me feel a lot better - gave 43,000B to GF to buy a motorbike and she shot through 555!

    I am sure our friend's situation will be resolved amicably - just don't ask me for 20,000B 555!

    Happy New Year, AA

  9. howto asked:


    got a list for the 10 most used command line stuff?>>

    Have a look at: http://www.tecmint.com/useful-linux-commands-for-newbies/ (20 commands)

    http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/778 (15 Commands)

    http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/common-linux-commands.html (30+ commands)

    If you want something more comprehensive, [The linux command line.pdf] is a free download (google it).

    The best way to familiarize yourself with this stuff is to practice! Cheers, AA

  10. I was sent a message by firststatesuper last year, advising me to make a transaction or ATO would swoop.

    Just transfer, say, $10 electronically from time to time, at least that way ATO shouldn't presume you died intestate.

    As to the problem of not being incountry, ATO can take 34% of any earnings if you've been outside for 2+ years,

    plenty of threads on thaivisa concerning aussie nonresidential status. AA

  11. Some other things worth trying - go to Control Panel then Sound (or whatever), just check that volume not turned off.

    Do you have an mp3 player plugged in (recharging whatever)? Sometimes microsoft will chose it as default sound output.

    Try twiddling the connections from laptop to monitor - maybe a corroded spot on the contacts.

    Try everything (except dousing your equipment in petroleum and lighting, or throwing into the nearest river)

    and be prepared to be effusive with laudatory expletives.

    All such measures will work towards a remedy for your (transient) discombobulation.

    At least, this is my experience. AA

    • Like 1
  12. It looks like BKKDreaming wants to experiment with a 'dual-boot' system. This is what I do, although in the past two years virtualization soft ware (vmware, virtual box) have become much more user friendly.

    I agree with NanLaew, if you want to try dual-booting it is important to 'practice' with linux first. Download a stable linux distribution .iso file of your choice ('shop' [for free!] at distrowatch.com). Download unetbootin for windows from sourceforge.com. Unetbootin is very friendly towards ubuntu-family distributions. I have had good experiences lately with linux-lite and LXLE, the ubuntu mothership is somewhat unweildly.... Insert a 2+ Gb usb stick into your machine and make a bootable system, then play with it. Reboot your machine with the bootable usb in place. During the reboot get into BIOS (which on a Dell machine usually entails continuously tapping the F2 key during startup). Then scan through your options to boot from the usb stick, F10 for save changes to BIOS, and then you should boot into linux.

    So, if you want to dual boot, you first need to boot into windows and create an empty space on your win7 machine (from memory, open Start and type "disk management'). Then select 'shrink drive' or somesuch and free up ~ 20Gb of space. Needless to say, back up all your precious files prior to doing this.

    Then you can reboot from the usb stick, select the 'Install linux/ubuntu' option, and after a few entries concerning language choice and location, you can select the option 'Install linux alongside windows'. Obviously it is a steep (but rewarding) learning curve.

    In my experience:

    keep all your precious files backed-up;

    install linux after installing windows (but there are more sophisticated tolls to alleviate any problems);

    Windows 10 preview is free, works better than win 7, and is available via http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/765146-windows-10-technical-preview-online/.

    You can research 'dual boot' at places such as askubuntu.com and LinuxBSDos.com. Good luck, AA

  13. If you get the run-around trying to activate your expensive product, you can follow this thread


    for a free windows 10 system. You will need an 8Gb usb stick. Apparently MS is supporting it until April next year.

    Some triallers have expressed concerns re. Microsoft tracking their online habits.

    Despite being a linux user, I am mighty impressed by win10. AA

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