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Posts posted by aarn

  1. Can only send $10k/day via SWIFT/IMT and charge is $22/transfer (CBA) so five days of transferring will set you back $110

    and you'll have peaceof mind re. no need to declare taking cash out-of-country, or robbery and disposal of your body down a mine shaft.

    Remember, always transfer $AUD ie. DON'T convert to ThB before transferring (look carefully at the final page of the transfer on the www.). AA

  2. <<Only Intel and Samsung ssd's have trim enabled by default. If your ssd is not of that brands and you are sure that your ssd support trim you can edit /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim adding this line at the end:

    'exec fstrim-all --no-model-check'>>

    Using Lubuntu 14.04 and a Kingston 120Gb ssd, I was interested to follow suppaman's on-the-ball advice.

    Firstly, here is a brief but comprehensive guide to checking if TRIM is activated: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/trim-working-linux-29092.html

    On my machine, it appeared to be working by default

    No harm in adding '--no-model-check' anyway... AA

  3. I should add, any bank branch of your banking company will issue (for fee of 100B***) the all-important statement attesting to your bank balance.

    This needs to be created the same day (some lattitude here - some Immi offices apparently accept the previous day) as you apply for visa extension,

    along with photocopies (double-sided) of every page of your bank book that has an entry. The statement must be the exact amount that your updated passbook displays.

    [*** There was a post a couple of years back where someone claimed to have been charged 300B for this statement]

  4. Thai bank branches operate like franchises. If you open an account in one province, you can withdraw/deposit money in another province for 30B flat fee.

    You need to season your money for 60 days (as response above says) for first application for extension of visa on the basis of retirement.

    However, DON'T put money in one account for 30 days, then shift to another account for the next 30 days - that will not be viewed as a continuous 60 day deposit.

    If you are bringing money from Australia, the best thing is to come over here and set up a bank account (cost is now ~ 1,000B with Kasikorn Bank, which

    includes ATM card) then (assuming you use internet banking) start international money transfers (IMTs) of $AUD 10,000 each day for three* or more days

    to your Thai bank. You will need to know the SWIFT code of the Thai bank which is easy to look up online.

    From Commbank in Austr, fee is AUD$22 per IMT. Maximum transfer per day is AUD$10k. Transfer as $AUD, NOT Thai B (as previously noted in this forum)

    'coz the aussie banks are a mongrel bunch of cheats that offer ridiculously low conversion rates.

    Good luck, AA

    [*maximum permissable IMT out of Australia is $10K/day. 3 x $10K converts to ~ 900,000B at present]

  5. So many linux systems to try out, how can one really give an authoritative answer to 'What is your favourite?'.

    Well, try multisystem. It is available via synaptic package manager, or you can google. Installation on a usb is straight forward.

    Multisystem enables you to load the .iso files of as many linux distributions as your usb can accomodate, and try (or install) them.

    Go to distrowatch.com to check out what is available... it is like being in a toy shop with an unlimited credit card.

    As for me, I put a 60Gb ssd in an external hard drive enclosure. Loaded MultiS. Then snaffled ~ two dozen linux .iso files.

    OpenSuse derivatives and Gobolinux don't appear to work with MultiS.

    Some of the lighter distros - wattOS, linuxlite... wow! AA

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  6. Talk about bringing a printer back from the dead... I have an HP deskjet 2050 copy/print/scan machine, puchased ~ 18m ago for just <2000B. Hadn't used it for a year.

    Firing it up, finally got linux and windoze updates for the drivers etc. The tri-colour cartridge was still functional but the black one dead as a door nail.

    But no need to buy overpriced replacement ink cartridges, just google/youtube 'how to revive printer'.

    Then to ebay, refill ink from Honkers (with instructions) only 60B, including ordinary postage to LoS.

    Of course, you'll never better the corner photocopy shop, 1B/copy. AA

  7. You might recover from this problem by deleting cookies and browser history. Not sure which browser(s) you use, but if you click an icon or two towards the top right of your screen, will eventually come to a 'tools' facility that will enable you to undertake both of these actions. AA

  8. 3BB one-year contracts: pay monthly or pay 6 months up front for a ~ 10% discount (last year, anyway).

    Accounts/hardware are totally removable, my exGF transferred 'her account' in the first instance from house to rental apartment,

    and just this week transferred again to her flyblown open-air roadside restaurant (well, the food is fine).

    Each transfer required 1-2 days notice to 3BB office, and approx. cost 200B for new line and installation.

    If you go for 2 month holiday you pay for two months of unlimited data you won't be around to use:

    two years ago, one-year contracts could only be terminated by paying a three-month 'penalty'. AA

  9. I have had similar problems re. some passwords not being accepted (actually, i type the password and all seems OK but the browser doesn't input the password) using chromium (with linux). I suspect this happens after updates that aren't 100% effective.

    Other things to do, as suggested by contributors above; clear the browser cache; and use at least two browsers (which are not such big files/packages) then synchronise favourites. AA

  10. There's a big MTB presence in HHin, and lotsa trails in that development sprawl to the southwest of the centre of HHin.

    Those bike shops on the main drag could tell you more + have contacts - the owners spoke good English

    when a friend bought a bike there ~ 10y ago, and they do lots of business with farangs. AA

  11. Ebay was asking everyone to change their Pword a few weeks back 'coz their database was hacked [with implications for linked paypal accounts].

    Just open up ebay (www.ebay.com or www.ebay.com.au) and logon (hope you can remember your user name),

    there'll be a set of instructions re. changing pword, then you can resave to faves. Hope this helps, AA

  12. If the authorities want to get to the bottom of this, they will need complete autopsies on as-fresh-as-possible cadavres. Someone who knows what to look for in wildlife/large animal organs, what samples to take, where to send them, and how to apply basic epidemiological investgative principles.

    There is an increasingly sophisticated understanding of 'emerging diseases', including SARS and Hendra virus. It is possible that environmental stresses can promote such disease events. Improved detection techniques can identify such diseases, that perhaps have not been recognised.

    This retired vet pathologist offers his services for free. AA

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